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Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Slept like butt? Me too. It takes me over an hour to fall asleep nowadays, even with my sleep aids. I'm blaming the air conditioner. For some reason at night, it makes this clicking sound as if there's droplets of water dripping on it. It drives me insane. It's worse than the ticking of a clock. I've been taking two pillows and piling them on top of my head to cover my ears to drown out the noise, but even that doesn't completely work. Ugh.
Slept like butt? Me too. It takes me over an hour to fall asleep nowadays, even with my sleep aids. I'm blaming the air conditioner. For some reason at night, it makes this clicking sound as if there's droplets of water dripping on it. It drives me insane. It's worse than the ticking of a clock. I've been taking two pillows and piling them on top of my head to cover my ears to drown out the noise, but even that doesn't completely work. Ugh.

Personally I like some noise when I sleep. Silence bugs me, but then that clicking would probably drive me insane too. I usually have one of those relaxation tracks going, waves usually, or a thunderstorm. They're pretty relaxing, and cover unpleasant ambient noises (like ticking clocks, which I just cannot abide when trying to sleep).

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Personally I like some noise when I sleep. Silence bugs me, but then that clicking would probably drive me insane too. I usually have one of those relaxation tracks going, waves usually, or a thunderstorm. They're pretty relaxing, and cover unpleasant ambient noises (like ticking clocks, which I just cannot abide when trying to sleep).

Right, I'm the same way. I don't like a lot of noise, but I like to keep a fan running at the very least. It's all the little random annoying sounds that I can't handle, like the ticking, dripping, people talking in the street, fire trucks, cop cars, someone typing on a keyboard, the neighbor's kids running around stomping on the floor, dogs barking, etc. When I was a kid I used to sleep with my radio on.

A few weeks ago there was a group of people basically partying in the street outside my apartment at 2 in the morning. They were screaming, shouting, laughing, hootin and hollerin, riding bicycles up and down the street, and had 3 cars pulled up to the curb that they left on and were blasting their radios. They were out there doing that for over an hour. God damn it pissed me off. I called the cops on them, which I've never done to someone before because I understand what it's like to be out at night having fun, but seriously, 2 in the morning in the middle of the street? Seriously?! Ridiculous.
Right, I'm the same way. I don't like a lot of noise, but I like to keep a fan running at the very least. It's all the little random annoying sounds that I can't handle, like the ticking, dripping, people talking in the street, fire trucks, cop cars, someone typing on a keyboard, the neighbor's kids running around stomping on the floor, dogs barking, etc. When I was a kid I used to sleep with my radio on.

Yeah, a fan is good too. I tend to use that when it's warmer. Not the best idea in the colder months though.

On the bright side this is usually a quiet town, with the exception of...

A few weeks ago there was a group of people basically partying in the street outside my apartment at 2 in the morning. They were screaming, shouting, laughing, hootin and hollerin, riding bicycles up and down the street, and had 3 cars pulled up to the curb that they left on and were blasting their radios. They were out there doing that for over an hour. God damn it pissed me off. I called the cops on them, which I've never done to someone before because I understand what it's like to be out at night having fun, but seriously, 2 in the morning in the middle of the street? Seriously?! Ridiculous.

Ugh, that was my last set of neighbors pretty much every weekend. Luckily they're gone now. :)

Not sure how well I'd deal with NYC. It always seems so noisy regardless of the time of day or night when you see news footage and the like.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Yeah, a fan is good too. I tend to use that when it's warmer. Not the best idea in the colder months though.

On the bright side this is usually a quiet town, with the exception of...

Ugh, that was my last set of neighbors pretty much every weekend. Luckily they're gone now. :)

Not sure how well I'd deal with NYC. It always seems so noisy regardless of the time of day or night when you see news footage and the like.

It is pretty noisy but suppose it's different for the housing areas. I mean it's not like people have apartments right in Times Square or any of the other popular areas like Columbus Circle and stuff. By me, most of the noise is sirens on cop cars, ambulances, and fire trucks, random screams in the alley (those random screams are fuckin weird) and car honking. Ooooh my god I want to go on a murderous rampage when they start their damn honking! The other day I was shooting a video for my website, I think it was around 4pm, and suddenly I hear like 18 cars honking repeatedly for like 5 fucking minutes.

My bf told me a funny story about cars honking. He said that once when he was trying to sleep, this car was out on the street, just sitting there honking endlessly, so he got up, went to the kitchen, grabbed this chocolate chunk, opened the window, and threw it at the car, and it landed on the windshield. I love it!
That's exactly what I feel like doing every time a damn honking session starts. The fucking honking accomplishes nothing! If there's a traffic jam or whatever the fuck, your honking isn't going to make the problem go away. Fucking insane. Nowhere else in the world is there as much fucking honking as NYC. :mad:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Right, I'm the same way. I don't like a lot of noise, but I like to keep a fan running at the very least. It's all the little random annoying sounds that I can't handle, like the ticking, dripping, people talking in the street, fire trucks, cop cars, someone typing on a keyboard, the neighbor's kids running around stomping on the floor, dogs barking, etc. When I was a kid I used to sleep with my radio on.

i use a fan, too, but it has to be on high for me to hear it. you might want to try some louder white noise if its the A/C thats keeping you awake, maybe even a white noise machine
Miss Harley, I don't post in your thread very often as you know, because I feel a bit like I'd be butting in, but I just felt like saying as somebody that took up the sale option for your site, it's excellent! I can't imagine anything more comprehensive for guys that want to learn about what you're like and also stare at lots of content thinking "she so pretty!"

So... yeah. Splendid work! :hatsoff:

- - - Updated - - -

Miss Harley, I don't post in your thread very often as you know, because I feel a bit like I'd be butting in, but I just felt like saying as somebody that took up the sale option for your site, it's excellent! I can't imagine anything more comprehensive for guys that want to learn about what you're like and also stare at lots of content thinking "she so pretty!"

So... yeah. Splendid work! :hatsoff:


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Well I have the AC on plus a fan in another window, which is always on high.

What's a white noise machine? What's it sound like?

there are many different ones. most of them probably provide various sounds. i believe the most common is the "babbling brook"

this is the first thing that popped up in google http://simplynoise.com/ . you can hear a couple sounds there. the only questionable thing about it i see is that one of the sounds is called "the brown noise" which brings to mind the south park episode with the brown note. though it does sound pretty peaceful
What's a white noise machine? What's it sound like?

Depends. Often sounds like rain, static or running water, sometimes rumbling.


Miss Harley, I don't post in your thread very often as you know, because I feel a bit like I'd be butting in...

Butting in? This isn't an exclusive club you know.

Is it? If so no one told me the secret handshake. What kind of self-respecting exclusive club doesn't have a secret handshake?

By the way, always listen to a white noise machine before buying it. I bought one a few years back that had two settings. One sounded like a human heartbeat, the other sounded like being in the subway with a train approaching. Really, neither of those is exactly what most people would consider "comforting". It was a little like I'd bought my own little personal nightmare factory...


I'm watching some specialist videos
Slept like butt? Me too. It takes me over an hour to fall asleep nowadays, even with my sleep aids. I'm blaming the air conditioner. For some reason at night, it makes this clicking sound as if there's droplets of water dripping on it. It drives me insane. It's worse than the ticking of a clock. I've been taking two pillows and piling them on top of my head to cover my ears to drown out the noise, but even that doesn't completely work. Ugh.

I read.
Unless I am really tired, I just can't sleep without it. Usually I will drop off after a couple of pages, rarely more than 15 minutes.
I read.
Unless I am really tired, I just can't sleep without it. Usually I will drop off after a couple of pages, rarely more than 15 minutes.

Are you reading particularly boring books? If I start reading I tend to get invested (unless the book is really terrible) and up flipping pages until my eyes feel like they might burn holes through my skull. :(

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Miss Harley, I don't post in your thread very often as you know, because I feel a bit like I'd be butting in, but I just felt like saying as somebody that took up the sale option for your site, it's excellent! I can't imagine anything more comprehensive for guys that want to learn about what you're like and also stare at lots of content thinking "she so pretty!"

So... yeah. Splendid work! :hatsoff:

Oh no, please do come in more often! The more the merrier :)

I'm really glad you like my website, and it's interesting that you should mention getting to know more about me. A long while ago, there was another girl with an adult website, I can't remember what her name was, who said that when she looked at my site, she got the impression that I'm not personal enough. I was shocked, because in my opinion, I'm one of the most personal girls out there, and if anything, I might be sharing too much about my life. Then I went to check out her site and found that hers only had like 2 lines written on it. Talk about hypocritical.

there are many different ones. most of them probably provide various sounds. i believe the most common is the "babbling brook"

this is the first thing that popped up in google http://simplynoise.com/ . you can hear a couple sounds there. the only questionable thing about it i see is that one of the sounds is called "the brown noise" which brings to mind the south park episode with the brown note. though it does sound pretty peaceful

Wow, that's a really neat website. I might use it tonight. I'm thinking the pink one is my favorite.

Also cool that it mentioned tinnitus. I've had many times when I could hear that ringing in my ears when it's really quiet or while I'm trying to sleep, and I thought I was imagining things. I didn't know it was an actual condition! It's great to know that I'm not the only one in the world that goes through that.

I read.
Unless I am really tired, I just can't sleep without it. Usually I will drop off after a couple of pages, rarely more than 15 minutes.

I would try that, but much like Happy's case below, when I read I tend to get so interested in the book that I don't want to put it down. There have only been maybe 2 or 3 times in my life that I've fallen asleep while reading, and it was only because I was really tired. I used to stay up for entire nights reading books, especially the Harry Potter books when I was a teen. I'd read those things day and night, not going to sleep at all because I was so invested in them.

Perhaps a boring book would help. Something about... economics or something.

Are you reading particularly boring books? If I start reading I tend to get invested (unless the book is really terrible) and up flipping pages until my eyes feel like they might burn holes through my skull. :(
Perhaps a boring book would help. Something about... economics or something.

You're not wrong there. I studied Economics for five years and the only bit I remember that's really lodged home is the benefits of trade. Here's the simplest example I can think of :

Two farmers, Farmer A and Farmer B. Farmer A has a much larger farm than Farmer B and because of economies of scale is more cost-efficient at producing pretty much anything than Farmer B. They both primarily deal in two goods, let's say meat and potatoes.

Farmer A is more efficient at producing meat than potatoes, although he is still more efficient at producing potatoes than Farmer B.
Farmer B is more efficient at producing potatoes than meat, although his is still less efficient at producing potatoes than Farmer A.

You would think that there is no benefit to Farmer A in trading with Farmer B since he can produce potatoes more efficiently than Farmer B himself. But by spending all his time producing meat and then trading the meat that Farmer B needs for the potatoes that he needs, both will end up with more total produce than if they just produced themselves, because they are both focusing on what gets the most out of their own resources. Multiply this exponentially and it's basically how a global marketplace works, except with buying goods/services from each other rather than just trading.

OK, it seems self-explanatory now, but at 18 it blew my mind. Oh, and the lecturer didn't take kindly to my answer to his question :

"As a nation, would you rather we have butter or guns?"
"I would trade my butter for guns, then shoot the other party, and take back my butter."

Obviously not a Simpsons fan.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
You're not wrong there. I studied Economics for five years and the only bit I remember that's really lodged home is the benefits of trade. Here's the simplest example I can think of :

Two farmers, Farmer A and Farmer B. Farmer A has a much larger farm than Farmer B and because of economies of scale is more cost-efficient at producing pretty much anything than Farmer B. They both primarily deal in two goods, let's say meat and potatoes.

Farmer A is more efficient at producing meat than potatoes, although he is still more efficient at producing potatoes than Farmer B.
Farmer B is more efficient at producing potatoes than meat, although his is still less efficient at producing potatoes than Farmer A.

You would think that there is no benefit to Farmer A in trading with Farmer B since he can produce potatoes more efficiently than Farmer B himself. But by spending all his time producing meat and then trading the meat that Farmer B needs for the potatoes that he needs, both will end up with more total produce than if they just produced themselves, because they are both focusing on what gets the most out of their own resources. Multiply this exponentially and it's basically how a global marketplace works, except with buying goods/services from each other rather than just trading.

OK, it seems self-explanatory now, but at 18 it blew my mind. Oh, and the lecturer didn't take kindly to my answer to his question :

"As a nation, would you rather we have butter or guns?"
"I would trade my butter for guns, then shoot the other party, and take back my butter."

Obviously not a Simpsons fan.

I don't understand that potato and meat trading thing. It doesn't make any sense to me. How could Farmer A be profitable if all he's doing is trading equal amounts of product with the other farmer? They'd still have equal amounts. I don't get it. Am I missing something?

I've always understood the idea of spending money on goods in order to help the economy. The more money you spend, the more others can produce, which means more for you to buy, and the more they spend, they're giving other businesses the opportunity to spend as well. It's a very simple concept, but it seems that many people take it for granted, constantly complaining that things are too expensive. We all get paid, we all spend, we all need stuff. If no one spends, there's no money going around, which would in turn effect the amount of money you get paid, so all of our businesses would suffer.

I also understand the idea of trading different goods, like say I gave you chicken and you gave me strawberries. That makes sense. But trading what you each already have? I don't get it.
It's about saving on the cost of production and choosing to trade even if you could produce something yourself. Here's a lame example.

Farmer A
Costs him $1 to make 1 lot of meat
Costs him $3 to make 1 lot of potatoes

Farmer B
Costs him $6 to make 1 lot of meat
Costs him $4 to make 1 lot of potatoes

They could produce both themselves and be self-sufficient. If both want one lot of meat and potatoes and neither trade :

Farmer A produces both for himself, and he has one lot of meat and one lot of pototates, which he has spent $4 to produce.
Farmer B produces both for himself, and he has one lot of meat and one lot of pototates, which he has spent $10 to produce.

BUT if each produces two lots of what they are most efficient at and then trade -

Farmer A has one lot of meat which cost him $1 to produce, and a lot of potatoes which he received in trade for a second lot of meat, so he has one of each but only spent $2.
Farmer B has one lot of potatoes which cost him $4 to produce, and a lot of meat which he received in trade for a second lot of potatoes, so he has one of each but only spent $8.

So, even though Farmer A can produce potatoes cheaper than Farmer B, he's still better off spending all his resources on producing meat and trading for potatoes.


I've always understood the idea of spending money on goods in order to help the economy. The more money you spend, the more others can produce, which means more for you to buy, and the more they spend, they're giving other businesses the opportunity to spend as well. It's a very simple concept, but it seems that many people take it for granted, constantly complaining that things are too expensive. We all get paid, we all spend, we all need stuff. If no one spends, there's no money going around, which would in turn effect the amount of money you get paid, so all of our businesses would suffer.

Yeah. In my previous life in retail finance, I got so fed up of people saying "Oooh look at those low interest rates. In tough times like these, it makes you think they don't want you to save." Ummm...... yeah, precisely. The Bank of England (for instance) doesn't want you to save. You spend your way out of recession, for precisely the reasons you just explained. There are people who have walked the Earth working and consuming for double, triple the length of time you have, and still don't understand how things work nearly half as well. Or, they just like to complain. Or a bit of both.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
It's about saving on the cost of production and choosing to trade even if you could produce something yourself. Here's a lame example.

Farmer A
Costs him $1 to make 1 lot of meat
Costs him $3 to make 1 lot of potatoes

Farmer B
Costs him $6 to make 1 lot of meat
Costs him $4 to make 1 lot of potatoes

They could produce both themselves and be self-sufficient. If both want one lot of meat and potatoes and neither trade :

Farmer A produces both for himself, and he has one lot of meat and one lot of pototates, which he has spent $4 to produce.
Farmer B produces both for himself, and he has one lot of meat and one lot of pototates, which he has spent $10 to produce.

BUT if each produces two lots of what they are most efficient at and then trade -

Farmer A has one lot of meat which cost him $1 to produce, and a lot of potatoes which he received in trade for a second lot of meat, so he has one of each but only spent $2.
Farmer B has one lot of potatoes which cost him $4 to produce, and a lot of meat which he received in trade for a second lot of potatoes, so he has one of each but only spent $8.

So, even though Farmer A can produce potatoes cheaper than Farmer B, he's still better off spending all his resources on producing meat and trading for potatoes.


Yeah. In my previous life in retail finance, I got so fed up of people saying "Oooh look at those low interest rates. In tough times like these, it makes you think they don't want you to save." Ummm...... yeah, precisely. The Bank of England (for instance) doesn't want you to save. You spend your way out of recession, for precisely the reasons you just explained. There are people who have walked the Earth working and consuming for double, triple the length of time you have, and still don't understand how things work nearly half as well. Or, they just like to complain. Or a bit of both.

lol see, this economic stuff could put me to sleep.

When/ do we see ever BBW Harley Spencer?

You do realize that BBW means "Big Beautiful Woman"? I'm not big. Unless I get fat, it's not gonna happen. You get Little Beautiful Woman.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
\Wow, that's a really neat website. I might use it tonight. I'm thinking the pink one is my favorite.

Also cool that it mentioned tinnitus. I've had many times when I could hear that ringing in my ears when it's really quiet or while I'm trying to sleep, and I thought I was imagining things. I didn't know it was an actual condition! It's great to know that I'm not the only one in the world that goes through that.

youll find that you there are rarely things that other people arent also going through. i hope it proves to be helpful. if not, we'll just find something else that will