The Official 2008/2009 NCAA Football Thread

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yea.. that is funny.... Pac-10 gets alot of shit. USC is about all they have that competes year in and year out.
Before we move on to week three we really should place a wreath on the casket of the Michgan football program which, after a lingering illness, died on the field at Notre Dame last Saturday...

(bows head in prayer)

yea.. that is funny.... Pac-10 gets alot of shit. USC is about all they have that competes year in and year out.

How do you figure? Oregon, Cal and Arizona State have fielded consistently good teams for several years. If Dennis Dixon doesn't go down with an injury late last season the Ducks would have been in the BCS title game.
Before we move on to week three we really should place a wreath on the casket of the Michgan football program which, after a lingering illness, died on the field at Notre Dame last Saturday...

Poor Michigan :1orglaugh

It's a sad time for not only the winningest football program in colligate history, but maybe even the best all around college for athletics in general during that time. What do they have now? At least their hockey team might not be that bad...maybe.
Poor Michigan :1orglaugh

It's a sad time for not only the winningest football program in colligate history, but maybe even the best all around college for athletics in general during that time.

Indeed it is :crying:

And the worst part is, Michigan State will probably beat the crap out of Notre Dame this coming weekend :D

What do they have now?

West Virginia's coach :1orglaugh

At least their hockey team might not be that bad...maybe.

If they're going to rebuild they've got to start somewhere lol!

Then again they surprised the hell out me by beating Florida last year in the last game for Carr and a handful of talented seniors. An inspired swan song before the onset of total darkness lol

But after watching the Florida/Miami game last week it looks to me like the Gators are eminently beatable again this year.
Well being a OSU fan, they got stomped.... No question, Wells or not. They have 2 very good receivers that could not be thrown the ball and there 2 future NFL corners got burned often...

USC outplayed them! The got ripped on 1 TD call, twice.... That is end of story! 35-10 is still a beating...

The Bucks deserve a middle level bowl game, if they win out, not the National Championship shot.

People need to lay off the Bucks a bit. They are a good team this year, not at all great. Every College team, except a few would love to live at the level they have been at the past 8 years.


If they win out, in all likelihood they go to the Rose Bowl. (Unless Iowa or Indiana wins out then the tie breaker would be non-conference record)
Poor Michigan :1orglaugh

It's a sad time for not only the winningest football program in colligate history, but maybe even the best all around college for athletics in general during that time. What do they have now? At least their hockey team might not be that bad...maybe.

Best college for athletes in general?? I don't see that. Let's see in Basketball they have always sucked except when they had the fab 5. So I don't know how they are one of the best all around colleges for athletics?
If they win out, in all likelihood they go to the Rose Bowl. (Unless Iowa or Indiana wins out then the tie breaker would be non-conference record)

No.... If they win out they go to Miami for the Natl' championship.
Oh I see man.. My bad I thought you were talking about USC. I didn't even check to see who you were talking about. Yea I agree if Ohio State wins out they will probally play in the rose bowl.


Postal Paranoiac
The Nuthouse--News from the Buckeye Locker Room:

--Just when OSU finished brushing the turf from their battered uniforms following Saturday's pasting by the USC Trojans, Tressell and Co. find they must yet again face a group of hungry Trojans in next week-end's match-up with powerhouse Troy. Like their California counterparts, Troy is coming off the destruction of a foe of their own in Alcorn State, who they hammered 65-0. Said Troy coach Larry Blakeney: "Wouldn't it be a hoot if my Trojans could pull off what them California boys did?" Larry, my friend, nothing is impossible!
--Word from Bucks camp is that QB Todd Boeckman's playing time will be reduced in favor of freshman phenom Terrelle Pryor. To fill in the extra time, Boeckman will be attending special college courses on "How To Survive Mediocrity."
--RB Chris "Beanie" Wells will reportedly undergo experimental bionic appendage replacement on his ouchie-ouchie toe booboo Wednesday at OSU's Sports Medicine complex. The new toe will be an "impressive and far-reaching advance" in bionic robotics. SMC head surgeon Dr. Richard Greene said, "The new toe will improve Wells' quickness and make him virtually impervious to stumping, turf-toe, and stepped-ons." Further research at the complex hopes to improve "Shoddy OL Play Syndrome" as well as "Offensive Emasculation Disorder."
--Finally, OSU athletic director Gene Smith has decided to make next Saturday's game vs. Troy the official "Revenge Against A Much Weaker Opponent" game. Fans arriving early will receive a commemorative Buckeye hankie, and any fans who dress up as ICU patients will receive $20 in Wendy's gift certificates.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The Nuthouse--News from the Buckeye Locker Room:

--RB Chris "Beanie" Wells will reportedly undergo experimental bionic appendage replacement on his ouchie-ouchie toe booboo Wednesday at OSU's Sports Medicine complex. The new toe will be an "impressive and far-reaching advance" in bionic robotics. SMC head surgeon Dr. Richard Greene said, "The new toe will improve Wells' quickness and make him virtually impervious to stumping, turf-toe, and stepped-ons." Further research at the complex hopes to improve "Shoddy OL Play Syndrome" as well as "Offensive Emasculation Disorder."

I'm sorry, but that is one of the funniest things I've ever read in my entire life.
Best college for athletes in general?? I don't see that. Let's see in Basketball they have always sucked except when they had the fab 5. So I don't know how they are one of the best all around colleges for athletics?

Few colleges have long stretches where they are dominate in two sports. It's usually either one of the other with football or basketball. The fact they did have the Fab 5, even if they cheated to recruit them (And the only real difference in that is they got caught eventually unlike most everybody else who doesn't), is more than most other programs have had. Add in hockey where they are always up there and the other less prestigious sports and they have a legitimate claim. About the only other places I can think of that might make a claim being the best all around historically are some of the schools out in California that are good with track and baseball along with the other bigger sports, an maybe some of the Florida colleges. I could also point out that unlike them Michigan also doesn't have as large a local population to draw from and doesn't have the climate to bring people in like those places, especially the people who go just to play a non-football/basketball sport and not the education. Nobody has ever been dominate in everything all the time so it's not like the competition is tough in that regard, or Michigan needs to be a powerhouse to be close to the top. I should also note I'm not a Michigan fan by any means and dislike them for a variety of reasons. This isn’t a homer point of view.
About the only other places I can think of that might make a claim being the best all around historically are some of the schools out in California

You're right, D.

UCLA leads all other colleges and universities with 103 NCAA team championships and 124 total national championships.

A bit more: Michigan ranks 10th on that list behind UCLA, Stanford, USC, Oklahoma State, Arkansas, LSU, Texas, Penn State, and UNC.
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If they win out, in all likelihood they go to the Rose Bowl. (Unless Iowa or Indiana wins out then the tie breaker would be non-conference record)

Yeah, I think the Rose Bowl is the best they can hope for. I do see them playing in a January bowl game though
Few colleges have long stretches where they are dominate in two sports. It's usually either one of the other with football or basketball. The fact they did have the Fab 5, even if they cheated to recruit them (And the only real difference in that is they got caught eventually unlike most everybody else who doesn't), is more than most other programs have had. Add in hockey where they are always up there and the other less prestigious sports and they have a legitimate claim. About the only other places I can think of that might make a claim being the best all around historically are some of the schools out in California that are good with track and baseball along with the other bigger sports, an maybe some of the Florida colleges. I could also point out that unlike them Michigan also doesn't have as large a local population to draw from and doesn't have the climate to bring people in like those places, especially the people who go just to play a non-football/basketball sport and not the education. Nobody has ever been dominate in everything all the time so it's not like the competition is tough in that regard, or Michigan needs to be a powerhouse to be close to the top. I should also note I'm not a Michigan fan by any means and dislike them for a variety of reasons. This isn’t a homer point of view.

IMO The University Of Florida has the best claim for that. First team to when Natl' Championships in the same calender year in football and basketball. Plus have been good in the past in baseball too. Don't really see how you count hockey when most of the schools don't even have a hockey team. You said that alot of people come down to warm wheather area to go to college ,but there are still plenty of players who stay up north. Although I must say down here in the south we have double the speed of athletes from the north.
College football trivia: What schools have had both a President of the US and a Quarterback who won a Super Bowl?

I heard this question recently, I thought it was a great one.
oh.. Yea that's right I thought he went to ND cuz he was catholic. The only Catholic president America has ever had.
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