There is no fuckin devil anyway!!
You better hope not ! LOL
There is no fuckin devil anyway!!
Remind me... what percentage of Spaniards were Hindu in in the 1780s? You'll notice there are several unsubstantiated theories as to where the name came from. You'll notice yours isn't even a theory,
Nothing worse than a person who is so adamant in their stupidity…. seem to get that alot around here…
Notwithstanding the fact that your are erroneously referring to wikipedia like it is suddenly the gospel of all knowledge, I'll throw you a bone this once just to show that I'm not totally prejudiced against the remedial.
I normally wouldn't even bother trying to correct someone on your level, so next time try doing some research a little more thorough than just googling a wikipedia article, before you open your mouth LOL!
"...Spaniards called her Califia, whose territory was rich in gold, silver, and gems. Spanish explorers later gave her name to the newly discovered paradise on the Pacific shore of North America, which is how the state of California came to be named after Kali…"
No, wiki info isn't gospel, but then nothing you post is either but it doesn't seem to stop you trying to pass it off as fact. The difference being that the wiki information is generally properly sourced and is reliable information not put forward solely by people who think tinfoil is fashionable.
And see, there's the problem: Your link is bullshit. It's not even just a little bullshit it's total bullshit. And it's obvious bullshit. The page you cite stole, wholesale, from the book "Kali: The Black Goddess of Dakshineswar" by Elizabeth U. Harding (go plagiarism!). The problem of course is that Harding was talking out her ass and making baseless claims. And they're obviously wrong too. If you spend five minutes fact checking you'll see that.
Harding is trying to draw a link between Kali, a Hindu goddess, and Califia (also spelled Calafia), which is a fictional amazonian queen from a novel by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo (and mentioned in the wiki by the way). Calafia is in no way related to Kali, is not a god, is not related to Hinduism, and has nothing to do with anything. Hell, Califia is freaking Muslism, not Hindu. Those are totally not the same you know. So yeah what you posted? It's bullshit.
See, this is what you do... you barf back baseless information you've found elsewhere. You don't actually fact check anything because you don't care to. You just accept whatever confirms your delusions and dismiss out of hand anything that doesn't. You've gone past confirmation bias well into the territory of willful ignorance.
You are the Glenn Bleck of this board.
I mean, sure, both Kali and Califia have black skin, but that's about it. Not sure how you'd mistake the two. Guess you think all black people look alike, huh eric?
So now your qualified to judge the merits of different sources ?
califorina comes from, but all theories are wrong, and everybody is wrong except for you, huh... yeah right, GTOH…despite your pseudo-intellectual bullshit tirade, you have listed exactly TWO sources, and one source which you clearly misquoted.
I haven't actually even put forth a theory as to the naming of California because I don't know
Yeah I think this about sums up your contributions…A know nothing hater who came into this thread stupidly alledging that a well-recognized fact...
...that is part of established documented literature didn't even exist !
I haven't actually even put forth a theory as to the naming of California because I don't know
Yeah, I think this about sums up your contributions… Beat it :troll2: !!!
And if you could actually read what I wrote (but of course you can't because of your confirmation bias) you'd notice that I haven't actually even put forth a theory as to the naming of California because I don't know.
See, here's the thing... you don't either. No one does. You pretended to though, and the theory you put forward is demonstrably wrong. Despite this you decided to spout your nonsense as though fact when it isn't even based in reality, and tries to equate a fictional Muslim Amazon, developed for a novel (again, a work of fiction) with a mythological deity worshiped by the Hindus. Sorry, but no... those two just don't equate.
And if you could actually read what I wrote (but of course you can't because of your confirmation bias) you'd notice that I haven't actually even put forth a theory as to the naming of California because I don't know.
Ehhhh nobody gives a fuck what you think about any particular published author. You're in no position to challenge Hardings findings. Based solely on your google internet wikipedia rants. You haven't written a book, and you never will.
The term California comes from Kali just like I said, all your desperate pathetic ramblings are inconclusive, at best, and unpersuasive….You're through boy, get lost. LOL
You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.
And you base that on what? Other than assumptions?
The fact is, I am in EVERY position to challenge Harding. Actually, everyone is. That's kind of how this stuff works. Keep in mind that in another thread that you're disputing claims by the Mayo Clinic, the CDC and innumerable other well regarded sources and experts. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too. You can't say that you have the right to challenge experts (and then just dismiss them instead of addressing them) and suggest that others do not (especially when I have addressed Harding's claims and shown exactly why they're bullshit).
To be frank, it's obvious that you didn't even know she exists, that what you quoted came from her book, or even that she has no background in the subject matter and that it's just a hobby for her which, in fact, it even says on the back of her own book. Didn't know that, did you? I did. Odd that I know so much more about your "evidence" than you do... wait, not it's not. It's actually expected because you don't fact check. Nor do you know what you're talking about. You probably don't care either, because you seem to just be trolling.
You mean when I provided you the source for your own inane ramblings? Cited that they in fact disagree with your conclusions that Kali is some evil demon? Corrected that source by showing the easily referenced actual Califia including a link to a place where you can purchase the source material...? That was inconclusive and unpersuasive but your link to a plagiarized passage out of context from the work... that's totally fucking awesome, right!?
Sorry dude, but you can't refute the fact that Califia =/= Kali. One is human, one is a goddess. One is Muslim, the other is Hindu. One comes from a novel written in the 16th century, while the other comes from age old scripture and Hindu belief. One is a black woman, the other is black (as in, midnight black not the brown you find from those of African descent). One is a virgin queen, while the other is a consort of Shiva and factors into Tantric beliefs and practices. One is conquered and converted to Christianity while the other is one of the prime beings in the universe and beyond death. They're both arguable feminist icons... I'll give you that. The same person? The suggestion is laughable.
Actually, you're laughable. Or you would be if this were at all funny. So you're not really laughable, just kinda sad and misguided.
I have to wonder, do you get off on putting yourself into positions where others can easily make you look like a joke? Because you seem to be doing a bang up job of that in a couple of topics.
Care to continue to deny the obvious without directly addressing or refuting anything? Of course you will... you can't do anything else.
I agree with everything you've written in that post except this. What the bloody fuck are you supposed to do with cake if not eat it? I mean, I know what me and Dirl do with cake after a pudding rasslin' Thursday, but that's neither here nor there.
I agree with everything you've written in that post except this. What the bloody fuck are you supposed to do with cake if not eat it? I mean, I know what me and Dirl do with cake after a pudding rasslin' Thursday, but that's neither here nor there.
Said the Duke of Norfolk to Cromwell, "a man can not have his cake and eate his cake." I would say ask him what he meant, but you can't, because he's dead. Very very dead. It's supposed to mean "you can't have it both ways because you've once you've eaten the cake you can't still have it." But that's retarded because the whole point of having the cake was to eat it. So you wouldn't want to have it again once you've eaten it. Unless it was another cake, which you could then also eat. But my theory is.... the Duke of Norfolk was a dribbling spastic.
LOLOL...Like I said...nobody gives a fuck what you think about any particular published author. You're in no position to challenge Hardings findings.
You haven't written a book, and you never will.
The term California comes from Kali just like I said, all your desperate pathetic ramblings are inconclusive, at best, and unpersuasive….You're through boy, get lost. LOL
By the way, here's the background on her she provides from the back of her own book...
... note where it says "personal interest" and not "field of study". Note where it says that she wasn't even really interested in Kali until just before she decided to write the book. Note how, while acknowledging that she's not an expert, she fully admits that she should couldn't find books with adequate information on the subject matter. Note how the book was "verified" by people whose field of study obviously does not include Las Californias, or 16th century Spanish literature.
Yeah, might want to note all that. Just sayin'...
Nobody gives a fuck what you think about any particular published author.
You're in no position to challenge Hardings findings.