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Project/Operation Paperclip, MK-Ultra Mind Control and Chemical & Biological Human Testing


Army Ordered to Keep Cold War Drug-Test Subjects Up to Date

A federal judge has ordered the Army to track down soldiers who were subjected to secret medical experiments during the Cold War and warn them of any newly discovered health hazards they could face.
In a ruling (PDF) entered Thursday in U.S. District Court in Oakland, Calif., Judge Claudia Wilken lifted a stay she had briefly imposed on her earlier ruling that the Army must keep soldiers who took part in the tests up to date. The government wanted the ruling to remain shelved while it pursued appeals.

The experiments, many of them conducted as part of a program called Operation Paperclip, tested hundreds of chemical and biological agents — including LSD, the nerve gas sarin, mustard gas and amphetamines — on soldiers beginning in the early 1950s...

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.[10] The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.[11] As the Supreme Court later noted, MKULTRA was:

"…concerned with "the research and development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior." The program consisted of some 149 subprojects which the Agency contracted out to various universities, research foundations, and similar institutions. At least 80 institutions and 185 private researchers participated. Because the Agency funded MKULTRA indirectly, many of the participating individuals were unaware that they were dealing with the Agency…"



Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

Yes, there's an E on the end of the word potato. It stands for "Extra stupid."
Eric, just to point out you still havent answered any of the questions put to you by HappyHappyJoyJoy.

You wouldnt want people to think you are rude or, even worse, clueless would you?

Hey Commander Potato, did you just cite a wiki? Because, uh...

Notwithstanding the fact that your are erroneously referring to wikipedia like it is suddenly the gospel of all knowledge...

... as a rule, you probably don't want to go citing sources that you've already rejected as inadequate and inaccurate. Never a good idea to reference something that doesn't meet your own standards of evidence. See, that kind of backs up my whole stance that you don't really care about (or check) your sources and just post whatever nonsense you find that backs up whatever harebrained diatribe you happen to be pushing, now doesn't? Confirmation bias? Confirmed.

Kinda gives your posts the, uh, presumption of something but I can't quite put my finger on what... maybe Ace can help me out with this one... :dunno:
Eric, how about you prove your god by telling me my middle name? If your god exists, "he" should know my middle name. Don't give me any "thou shalt not temp..." bullshit. If that's too much to ask because you're a liar, jump off a cliff with nothing but your faith attached and let me know what happens. You've already failed at proving that certain people are Satanists and that them being Satanists, makes them less talented and less harmful than the Christian majority that's faith is suppose to make things all better.


We need to leave them alone on the thread for a while...they have so much to do together.
FR has found someone who can endlessly repeat unsubstantiated theories as "fact" and never sees how truly weak their logic is, just like him...!
How fucking perfect.


And sweet, somehow...like Oscar and Felix.
Explain what theories I've made that are wrong. Actually be an adult for once and elaborate, you pussy.


Explain what theories I've made that are wrong. Actually be an adult for once and elaborate, you pussy.


Tell ya what, Big Boy...shoot yourself and I'll meet you in Heaven and tell you your middle name...I promise I'll be there!
God tells me anything I want to know, but it's not allowed to tell simple minded people such devastating news.

Please hurry, we're going out partying in a few hours...


Adult!?! Philbert?? Do not hold your breath.

See? you're not alone...zeeblowschickens has serious inferiority problems as well...he can't seem to find a logical thread to follow.
Study his posts and you can rise to the level of a fifth grader before you know it. :chickendance:
See? you're not alone...zeeblowschickens has serious inferiority problems as well...he can't seem to find a logical thread to follow.
Study his posts and you can rise to the level of a fifth grader before you know it. :chickendance:

Yup and join Philmyass' class in how to use fairy tales like heaven in pathetic responses to smarter people. How quickly you turn into a hypocrite. Still waiting for you to debunk whatever theories you say I have. Don't a be a coward.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
California existed in European literature way before Europeans settled the Western U.S. It wasn't a state filled with vineyards and movie stars, but an island in the West Indies filled with gold and women. The fictional paradise, first mentioned in the early 1500s by Spanish author Garci Ordóñez de Montalvo in his novel Las Sergas de Esplandián, is ruled by Queen Califia and “inhabited by black women, without a single man among them, [living in] the manner of Amazons.” The island is said to be “one of the wildest in the world on account of the bold and craggy rocks... everywhere abounds with gold and precious stones” and is home to griffins and other mythical beasts.

While there is some consensus that the area was named for the fictional island, scholars have also suggested that the name comes from the Catalan words calor (“hot”) and forn (“oven”) or from a Native America phrase, kali forno (“high hill”).


Nothing in there suggests Indian or satanic influence, Commander Potato.
eric, is it possible for Satan to do something or force someone to do something without your imaginary sky daddy's permission?
I've done my own research on this subject and conclude that all deaf people are Satanists. Notice the sign below.


It is the #9 in American Sign Language. We all know that 9 is sacred because it is the first cube of an odd number (3). Three represents the Pagan Trinity. It is represented geo-metrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two's and threes, because they believe in the principle of "intensification", i.e., that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. 333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event. Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added. Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666.

Thank your for your time. Anyone want Quiznos?

I find this personally very insulting and racist, but I suppose this makes me only a half-satanist... I used to spend time with a deaf guy and room had those scary cursed and devilish blinking lights attached to the doorbell. Maybe I'll get one of those cool wings where other half is black and another white or whatever rainbow colored butterfly wings together with a pretty little shining halo and hoofs, once the scary little skeleton man with a scythe comes to a visit... or maybe they don't want me to either hell or heaven from a such uniqueness and let me live forever, so I can continue to be the pain in the ass for other people and see the world burn to the dust one day... Also I think this is image is related to homosexual mating calls in a common sign language...

Tell ya what, Big Boy...shoot yourself and I'll meet you in Heaven and tell you your middle name...I promise I'll be there!
God tells me anything I want to know, but it's not allowed to tell simple minded people such devastating news.

Please hurry, we're going out partying in a few hours...

So god tells you to post almost 5,000 times on a porn forum, have pictures of weed as your avatar and encourage other human beings to kill themselves...

are you sure you are speaking to the correct god? better check he is red with horns and a tail next time you guys chat
eric, is it possible for Satan to do something or force someone to do something without your imaginary sky daddy's permission?
I think the topic of free-will has already been discussed. However, feel free to try and make your point, if you have one.
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