Slavery was during a time when the country was essentially two countries, and as for me, my ancestors weren't even here. And...I live in the north, in a state that never once partook in slavery. Not once - other than sending their boys to die to free the slaves. And yet we have one of the best states in the Union. Ironic, isn't it. Slavery...yeah it created America...Another load of bollocks the lemmings have lapped up.
And, my friend, I'll choose to not have to wonder if some scumbag does or does not have a lethal weapon. As a law-abiding citizen, it is my right, and moreover the duty of me in a neighborhood which was once good, to see to it that my family, friends and neighbors are free from any would-be perps.
And the last part of you paragraph is a bit of a ramble. :dunno: In fact yes, the criminal element do use the taxpayers dollars to work the system in the US, just like yours. That is correct. I just do not have any clue how backward the men in your country have become (NOT ALL, of course) - brainwashed, no less- to actually have had your cranium so diluted that you actually would find a man at fault for popping two scum - career criminals, no less - to the point you actually think he is the devil himself.
There was a similar case here in the states where two fuckers got popped for trying to rob folks. The media had a field day with that one, and even had the audacity to label the guy "racist," figure that. And who showed up to help the career crooks? The Reverend himself, Al Sharpton. Yeah, what a class act that is!
I'm trying to remain civil here, so apologies if my post sounds heated. :wave2:
The Founding Fathers included a lot of slave owners including George Washington.Actually there has never been legal slavery in England , only in the colonies (see the Mansfield case 1772)
As to being brainwashed, I see the signs of this in the arguments of the gun lobby.This though isn't surprising as it's the culture people grow up in that shapes their outlook.What you see as backward I see as civilised.We don't value posessions here more highly than life and if you kill anyone you will be thoroughly scrutinised as to whether it was justified ,avoidable or excessive.Of course being legal doesn't make something right and an illegal act isn't always wrong.Juries are on the whole just ordinary people who weigh up the facts and decide for themselves.I was surprised by the "guilty" verdict in the Martin case , in fact I was surprised that the act was considered to be murder because there was no premeditation.Obviously the police and jury knew something I don't.
We come from different places and with different experiences.I am happy to live in an unarmed state, you like your guns.So be it.