Relax. Our firearms are still safe from being seized.

No, the law allows shooting a cop during the arrest, so long as it's a false arrest. As I remember, it was an old law dating back from the cattle era and was never amended due to its obscurity. I'm guessing it was originally enacted to counter abuse from law enforcement back then.

I'm trying to find the law's exact language, but google isn't helping much.

Has it ever dawned how many criminals there are behind bars right now who believe they were "victims" of "false arrest"????

That is just an absurd notion in a civilized society. Like I said, that's what we have a court system determine if arrests are lawful or not. Why have a court system if we are to decide on the one hand...cops can summarily kick the shit out of or even kill suspects without their day in court of suspects to shoot cops trying to execute duly authorized warrants or arrest upon probably cause???

What idiot believes it's a good idea to have shootouts with cops because some goober believes (who likely has no clue about the standards for arrest) his arrest is unlawful??
Actually it is a delusion.Even as an american who supports the 2nd amendment the idea that a lot of guns makes us safer on a day to day basis just does not hold up to any scrutiny.Most shootings in the US are not done by criminals during a crime or by people defending themselves from the same.They are done by so-called up till then law abiding citizens in heat of the moment arguements who have access to a handy gun.And over 1/2 of all suicides are with a gun.Yes most law abiding citizens who own and use guns do so responsibly but their will always be those who lose control as I mentioned during arguments (many times alcohol is involved) and use them to kill people they know or family members or to commit suicide.Guns make such things easier to do and IMO their is no denying that.

And you think that to be killed/injured or robbed by some punk ass shitty thief or gangsta piece of shit is better than shoot him so that he can't harm or rob you??:confused::dunno:I would rather defend my property beak and claws till the last breath than letting criminals rob my house or harm my friends or my family members. The break ins or robberies are done by worthless lowlives or scumbags who have served formerly in jail and who truely don't deserve a second chance. Why do you pity them???
Not every gun owner is depressive to kill himself with a gun.
Sure the firearms are going to be fine. It's the bullets I'm worried about now. Commie-fornia has passed a bill. AB-962. A ammo restriction law. Goes into effect next Feburary.
No more ordering ammo off the internet, limits on how much you can buy in stores, and big brother watching you when you do buy them.

That Nazi idiot bastard Schwarzenegger signed off on it. And he's a traitor. Thankfully he's getting fired soon, but the damage is done unless it gets repealed.

this is what happens when people adopt the michael the "fat pig" moore anti firearm attitude.

Liberals just need to relax and deal with it. :tongue:

Ahh this takes me back. Anybody else here used to drink in the Lisbon or have a membership to Jodies circa 1982? Failing that, was anybody else at Arthur Black's 30th birthday party when these guys played? Back when they still had a coule of strippers in the group. What a night.
Has it ever dawned how many criminals there are behind bars right now who believe they were "victims" of "false arrest"????

That is just an absurd notion in a civilized society. Like I said, that's what we have a court system determine if arrests are lawful or not. Why have a court system if we are to decide on the one hand...cops can summarily kick the shit out of or even kill suspects without their day in court of suspects to shoot cops trying to execute duly authorized warrants or arrest upon probably cause???

What idiot believes it's a good idea to have shootouts with cops because some goober believes (who likely has no clue about the standards for arrest) his arrest is unlawful??

Well, again, it dates back to the old cattle/cowboy era, just as the law clearing Horn of murder charges does. It was on the books as of 2007, but I've never heard of a case where it was used as defense. I'm not a big Texas history buff so I have no idea of there was a time when Texas law enforcement had a reputation of abusing its power or targeting innocent people for whatever reason. All I know is that there was legislation enacted to correct the problem by giving civilians the authority to engage in martial actions in regards to false arrest.


The collective republican and democratic parties ruling America today are more fearful of the naturalized citizens than they are about the millions of roaming wandering illegal aliens ... illegal aliens that roam about our nation worry free, illegal aliens that milk our social services, many of those services of which are intended to help make returning veterans' lives more pleasant, btw:mad:, illegal aliens that don't know the first thing about insuring a vehicle, yet they drive their polluting smokey junkers everywhere and the cops won't pull em over 'cause they know ya can't blood out of a stone..... illegal aliens that are bankrupting our hospitals and schools shall I go on ? ! :hammer: And the democrats say nothing because they want the votes.

out of my cold dead hands, you subversives !
Meh, I don't want guns, and I don't feel great about any jackass being able to buy one. However, I also don't feel great about any jackass being allowed to procreate, and that's not going to change anytime soon, so whatever.

Maybe I'll start collecting guns just because I can. Wouldn't it be totally fun to create an unbelievable arsenal for yourself? You know, the kind that would totally enable you to knock off an armoured car? Yeah, some pretty hefty ammo, heavy gauge guns, maybe a bazooka! All that's left then is planning.

I've gotta go. I've got.....something... to do.


soupadupa said:
Practising on police-shooting ranges. Simple as that. There you got the safe environment and gun and ammo control needed.

Police-shooting ranges? I'm sure they'd love that. 100 million armed Americans waiting in line to shoot at "police-shooting ranges."

Wait ! You didn't hear about the open house that all law enforcement offices from sea to shining are having ? Yea, it's two full days of shooting fun ! ammo will be reduced to wholesale prices (no carryout ammo tho :crying:)
Yea, just show up Saturday & Sunday :party: all the action begins at 8AM sharp. Bring your holsters !
I thought that there was a mention that all revolvers must have open and empty cylinders and all auto loaders must be locked open and all magazines must be unloaded and kept well away from the firearm(s) .... I guess they don't want anything gettin out of hand in the long line that is sure to form.

''Hey ! He cut in line !!''

''Did not !!''

''DID TOO !"


''DID TOO !!!!!''''

Wow. My first thread that reached over 100 posts! What a monumental day this is!!! :D
Wow. My first thread that reached over 100 posts! What a monumental day this is!!! :D

Hey, there's three things that get people worked up around here: God, guns, and girls - the "three G's."

Then again, anal, drugs, politics, sports, news, and, well... yeah...quite a few things get people worked up. I think none like Guns and pussy though. :tongue:

"Obama's not accepting money back from the banks" - (ummm.....yes he is, you silly savage)

[size=+2]"We have communist radicals running this country!"[/size]

"Does it not frighten you? If it doesn't you don't deserve a nation, you don't deserve a country, and you don't deserve a vote!"

[size=+5]"You're in Danger!"

Good Lord somebody give this guy a thorazine drip, already.
Sure the firearms are going to be fine. It's the bullets I'm worried about now. Commie-fornia has passed a bill. AB-962. A ammo restriction law. Goes into effect next Feburary.
No more ordering ammo off the internet, limits on how much you can buy in stores, and big brother watching you when you do buy them.

That Nazi idiot bastard Schwarzenegger signed off on it. And he's a traitor. Thankfully he's getting fired soon, but the damage is done unless it gets repealed.

Too bad you guys are hampered by ridiculous rules that target law abiding owners. I always get a kick out the "California Legal" firearms. For example you can purchase a rifle with a 10 round magazine instead of the "illegal immoral" 20 round one. :rolleyes:
the mayor of Toronto shut down a shooting range in toe bacement of the Univercity of Toronto because he sayd that it was promoting violence in the school
i think the only violence that was promoted was the people that would now like to use the Mayor for a target
Couldn't it just be Obama believes as he says that the 2nd Amendent confers an individual right to ownership of firearms?

If you just listen to the man instead of airheads who haven't heard two words he's said in proper wouldn't be a surprise that firearms ownership will be in no way banned under Obama.

Please don't tell me you're actually believing that liars claims. Oh hell yeah he's putting on a damn good show of being friendly to gun owners.

But just wait and see what happens in the 2010 midterm elections. If the democrats maintain control of the house & senate. Then you'll see more gun control laws being proposed, cause Obama and his fellow democrats will feel empowered.

All gun owners can never/should never let down their guard, when they do that's when the shit hits the fan
Please don't tell me you're actually believing that liars claims. Oh hell yeah he's putting on a damn good show of being friendly to gun owners.

But just wait and see what happens in the 2010 midterm elections. If the democrats maintain control of the house & senate. Then you'll see more gun control laws being proposed, cause Obama and his fellow democrats will feel empowered.

All gun owners can never/should never let down their guard, when they do that's when the shit hits the fan

Sorry. I voted for the man based on what he's said and done on the issue. That's all I can go by..what else do you go by?

But keep being paranoid. I'm sure there's enough business to go around for you suckers being herded by lies and deceptions.:glugglug:


Second stupidest thing I've heard. The country was founded on the basis of liberal ideals and principles. It is liberalism in the true sense of the ideology that is at the heart of the concept of the right to defend one's self with force.

"classical liberal'' ideals

"classical liberal'' ideals

Liberalism is what it is if you keep the grubby little dick skinners of the likes of the progressives, Limbaughs and Gingrich's off of it.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Too bad you guys are hampered by ridiculous rules that target law abiding owners. I always get a kick out the "California Legal" firearms. For example you can purchase a rifle with a 10 round magazine instead of the "illegal immoral" 20 round one. :rolleyes:

You can thank Pelosi for a lot of that silly crap. Remember, she's #2 alternate for Obama, if he can't fulfill his duties.

Hot Mega said:
Sorry. I voted for the man based on what he's said and done on the issue. That's all I can go by..what else do you go by?

But keep being paranoid. I'm sure there's enough business to go around for you suckers being herded by lies and deceptions.

Obviously you didn't pay to close of attention to his previous Senatorial voting record on guns, and the rights of law abiding home owners.

One mans paranoia, is another mans vigilance.

You constantly puff out your chest, proud of how smart you are, to not buy into the unsubstantiated rhetoric of the "paranoid gun nuts", all the while, belittling us for being to stupid to see the big picture, and telling us how foolish we are for buying into the whole gun grabbing agenda....but what if we're right? Then what? What if you're the sucker? I don't need to tell you the story of the man who did nothing, do I?

I've had people laugh at me, and call me a whack job, 15 years ago, when I started buying certain they tell me, "I know where I'm going when shit hits the fan". I tell them, you're going to the gun store, because I'm not babysitting your dumb ass, you laughed at me 15 years ago, called me a nut, now you see I'm right. Go fuck yourself, you're on your own.