Put down the remote, quit watching so much Mens Singles Figure skating...
Damn straight, Skippy!
And every hardcore wanna-be gang banger coming into people's homes to steal or have fun with any females found inside, etc... you are absolutely given an instant sentence of the Death Penalty.
Any man or woman who won't defend their home and family to the death isn't worthy of having same...
Firearms make it easier for the average citizen to carry out this home defense...those with the will to do so.
The next day they're alive and the bad guys aren't...that's a good thing.:thumbsup:
Entire families have been MURDERED by people who broke into their home. Think of all the people raped and killed in their own homes. I personally hope I never need to defend myself, property or loved ones with deadly force, but I cannot grasp the mentality that finds it unjust to use deadly force on somebody who is breaking into your home with unknown motives.
On that ArmedCitizen Youtube link, there's a middle-aged women who was forced to use deadly force on a guy who was breaking into her home a second time to rape her, days after he had already done so. I guess people think she should have just laid back and tried to enjoy.