Relax. Our firearms are still safe from being seized.

Put down the remote, quit watching so much Mens Singles Figure skating...

Damn straight, Skippy!
And every hardcore wanna-be gang banger coming into people's homes to steal or have fun with any females found inside, etc... you are absolutely given an instant sentence of the Death Penalty.

Any man or woman who won't defend their home and family to the death isn't worthy of having same...
Firearms make it easier for the average citizen to carry out this home defense...those with the will to do so.
The next day they're alive and the bad guys aren't...that's a good thing.:thumbsup:

Entire families have been MURDERED by people who broke into their home. Think of all the people raped and killed in their own homes. I personally hope I never need to defend myself, property or loved ones with deadly force, but I cannot grasp the mentality that finds it unjust to use deadly force on somebody who is breaking into your home with unknown motives.

On that ArmedCitizen Youtube link, there's a middle-aged women who was forced to use deadly force on a guy who was breaking into her home a second time to rape her, days after he had already done so. I guess people think she should have just laid back and tried to enjoy.


What I found disturbing about the thread is the sense of anxiety so many posters seem to have about their own safety.If you live in a land where gun ownership is common you are at risk from them just as living in a land full of cars places you at risk from traffic.As with cars of course, however careful you might be you still have to account for the other drivers.You want to keep guns for self defence.Against what?Are your lives so blighted that this is really an issue?
We have very strict control here , some but not most of the criminal community have guns and occasionally they use them on each other.But we're talking about fewer than 60 gun deaths a year in the whole country compared with 30 000 in the US.We aren't as law abiding as we were but our police force chooses to go about its business unarmed and only where absolutely necessary are a select few issued arms.In other words most criminals can be dealt with without the threat or use of deadly force.The Second Amendment in the US has created a set of conditions quite unlike in the rest of the civilised world and yet there are those who see it as a good thing.

10,000 gun related homicides annually...
The statistic is taken from FBI reports on crime in 2005 at FBI Web site. According to the FBI, 10,100 murders in 2005 were committed with firearms.
Tobacco 435,000
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000
Alcohol 85,000
Microbial Agents 75,000
Toxic Agents 55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000
Suicide 30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms, including suicides 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behaviors 20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600
Marijuana 0

We have 350,000,000 people here, and we are to date relatively unrestricted in personal freedoms...we got hundreds of millions of firearms. It is so LAME to claim that firearms proliferation is a cause of many deaths...or we'd have hundreds of thousands of gun deaths like in Third World countries...Somalia and Iraq, Afghanistan and Mexico are good examples of firearms numbers and many deaths...not in the USA.
More Liberal feelgood BS...
10,000 gun related homicides annually...
The statistic is taken from FBI reports on crime in 2005 at FBI Web site. According to the FBI, 10,100 murders in 2005 were committed with firearms.
Tobacco 435,000
Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity 365,000
Alcohol 85,000
Microbial Agents 75,000
Toxic Agents 55,000
Motor Vehicle Crashes 26,347
Adverse Reactions to Prescription Drugs 32,000
Suicide 30,622
Incidents Involving Firearms, including suicides 29,000
Homicide 20,308
Sexual Behaviors 20,000
All Illicit Drug Use, Direct and Indirect 17,000
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Such As Aspirin 7,600
Marijuana 0

We have 350,000,000 people here, and we are to date relatively unrestricted in personal freedoms...we got hundreds of millions of firearms. It is so LAME to claim that firearms proliferation is a cause of many deaths...or we'd have hundreds of thousands of gun deaths like in Third World countries...Somalia and Iraq, Afghanistan and Mexico are good examples of firearms numbers and many deaths...not in the USA.
More Liberal feelgood BS...

According to this, we need to ban alcohol and motor vehicles as well as guns

And police can collect the 200 million privately owned guns through collection drives seeing as even criminals will surely turn them in along with us law abiding folk. Look at Chicago and DC, they banned handguns and violent crime completely stopped.

Here's to a cleaner, safer, sober and healthier America! :glugglug: (don't worry, it's apple juice in those glasses)


According to this, we need to ban alcohol and motor vehicles as well as guns

And police can collect the 200 million privately owned guns through collection drives seeing as even criminals will surely turn them in along with us law abiding folk. Look at Chicago and DC, they banned handguns and violent crime completely stopped.

Here's to a cleaner, safer, sober and healthier America! :glugglug: (don't worry, it's apple juice in those glasses)

If we're going to ban all guns then we have to ban all swimming pools.

In a given year there is one drowning of a child for every 11,000 swimming pools in the US. That is 550 children under the age of 10 dead every year. Meanwhile, there is one child killed by a gun for every 1 million guns. In a country with an estimated 200 million guns, this means that roughly 175 children under the age of 10 die every year from guns, while 550 die in swimming pools.*

The likelihood of a death by pool (1 in 11,000) vs. death by gun (1 in 1,000,000+) isn't even close. Your child is 100 times more likely to die in a swimming accident than as a result of gunplay.*

Most Americans, and everybody else, are terrible risk assessors. The basic reality is that the risks that scare people and the risks that kill people are very different.*

You can have my swimming pool when you pry it out of my cold, dead backyard.

*Source: "Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything:thumbsup:
Put down the remote, quit watching so much Mens Singles Figure skating...

Damn straight, Skippy!
And every hardcore wanna-be gang banger coming into people's homes to steal or have fun with any females found inside, etc... you are absolutely given an instant sentence of the Death Penalty.

Any man or woman who won't defend their home and family to the death isn't worthy of having same...
Firearms make it easier for the average citizen to carry out this home defense...those with the will to do so.
The next day they're alive and the bad guys aren't...that's a good thing.:thumbsup:

I'm sorry you just can't grasp the simple concept that taking a life to protect things is a totally warped sense of values.Just who are these people you are so frightened of? Is the world you inhabit really so dreadful that you have to think in those terms?
Firearms just raise the stakes, easier perhaps for the householder to protect his property, easier though for the criminal to stop him doing so.
Just give relative values a thought.People (even criminals) are more important than things.


I'm sorry you just can't grasp the simple concept that taking a life to protect things is a totally warped sense of values.Just who are these people you are so frightened of? Is the world you inhabit really so dreadful that you have to think in those terms?
Firearms just raise the stakes, easier perhaps for the householder to protect his property, easier though for the criminal to stop him doing so.
Just give relative values a thought.People (even criminals) are more important than things.

Obviously, you think you are an intellectual giant...I read the babblings of an intellectual hamster.
The things that I have...BTW, my things...are eventually worn out, broken, and thrown out with other trash, by and large.
However, Americans and other folks here and there are known to kill and die in defense of their that so far?
So, if, say, YOU come to my house and decide which things you will allow me to have, and which things you will just take from me 'cause you've decided YOU want them and I'm not allowed to keep said things, then my freedom to A] have a free life with personal choice B] keep my family's and my freedom to live without pain, or just to LIVE, which would be at your discretion to allow us same or not and C] just live my life without YOUR permission, would be canceled by YOU due to some doctrine of "might makes right" or "possession is 9 tenths of the Law", or "property is theft" BS YOU may be currently spouting...YOU are going to either lose the Lottery of Life {I will kill you) or you're gonna hurt for a long time.
Either way, it's not your call to tell me just what I may have in my life, or how my life will be ruled by your wants and desires.

Got that?

Objects have a finite life (and freedom)does not.
If we're going to ban all guns then we have to ban all swimming pools.

In a given year there is one drowning of a child for every 11,000 swimming pools in the US. That is 550 children under the age of 10 dead every year. Meanwhile, there is one child killed by a gun for every 1 million guns. In a country with an estimated 200 million guns, this means that roughly 175 children under the age of 10 die every year from guns, while 550 die in swimming pools.*

The likelihood of a death by pool (1 in 11,000) vs. death by gun (1 in 1,000,000+) isn't even close. Your child is 100 times more likely to die in a swimming accident than as a result of gunplay.*

Most Americans, and everybody else, are terrible risk assessors. The basic reality is that the risks that scare people and the risks that kill people are very different.*

You can have my swimming pool when you pry it out of my cold, dead backyard.

*Source: "Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything:thumbsup:

Well gun grabbers tend to use the, "you can't kill somebody with a _____" argument. You can kill somebody with a pool, but it's very impractical so it's not the best analog. So, using that argument, cars + booze kill more than guns and should be banned.

Some will say, "Yeah, but there's laws against drinking and driving." And that's when you remind them that there are laws against shooting people.
I'm sorry you just can't grasp the simple concept that taking a life to protect things is a totally warped sense of values.Just who are these people you are so frightened of? Is the world you inhabit really so dreadful that you have to think in those terms?
Firearms just raise the stakes, easier perhaps for the householder to protect his property, easier though for the criminal to stop him doing so.
Just give relative values a thought.People (even criminals) are more important than things.

How many examples would you like?
Can you honestly see nothing wrong with this appalling set of relative values?Can you really in your wildest dreams imagine that shooting someone in this way is somehow OK?You claim to live in a civilised country and you applaud this disgusting act as somehow justified?

Except at that point the thing the homeowner believed he/she was protecting was their life.

No one believes (however it certainly may have been the case) these people where killed simply for trying to steal a drawer full of tube socks. It is once they entered the home of the person..said person could have very easily become a victim of unknown unfortunate circumstance. Being armed most likely prevented that.
What I found disturbing about the thread is the sense of anxiety so many posters seem to have about their own safety.If you live in a land where gun ownership is common you are at risk from them just as living in a land full of cars places you at risk from traffic.As with cars of course, however careful You Might be you still have to account for the other drivers.You want to keep guns for self defence.Against what?Are your lives so blighted that this is really an issue?
We have very strict control here , some but not most of the criminal community have guns and occasionally they use them on each other.But we're talking about fewer than 60 gun deaths a year in the whole country compared with 30 000 in the US.We aren't as law abiding as we were but our police force chooses to go about its business unarmed and only where absolutely necessary are a select few issued arms.In other words most criminals can be dealt with without the threat or use of deadly force.The Second Amendment in the US has created a set of conditions quite unlike in the rest of the civilised world and yet there are those who see it as a good thing.

You're comparing apples to oranges. America is HUGE country with 300mill population.

Can you honestly see nothing wrong with this appalling set of relative values?Can you really in your wildest dreams imagine that shooting someone in this way is somehow OK?You claim to live in a civilised country and you applaud this disgusting act as somehow justified?

Where do you live, lala land? If you've ever been violated (i.e., robbed/home invaded) you would understand the grave violation it is, and I can assure you it isn't fun, especially when you are a little kid. Get with the real world. You need to get out of your gated community and maybe take a few history courses while you're at it. You'll find a long and endless history of violence has followed mankind that has and never will end. Just a part of life, ya know? Get your head out of the sand. :wave2:

Also, if you're going to opine on a subject as important as this as it is to so many, at least have a third graders knowledge on the subject, not just your feelings.
MA isn't all that bad.

Yes, there is a lot of red tape to go through (by design, in order to weed out criminals, terrorists and others) but there is no ban on anything related to firearms in MA.

It is just a question of qualifying for the correct license.

Any state that allows for open carry (albeit with a license) can't be all that bad.

You can't even open carry in TX.
MA isn't all that bad.

Yes, there is a lot of red tape to go through (by design, in order to weed out criminals, terrorists and others) but there is no state ban on anything related to firearms in MA.

It is just a question of qualifying for the correct license.

Any state that allows for open carry (albeit with a license) can't be all that bad.

You can't even open carry in TX.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner

If you don't like firearms stay away from them. Have nothing to do with them. It's been said over and over and over. I don't see why people want to take something away from someone else all because they don't like it. I hate a lot of things but I am not pushing for a ban and strip it away from the people who like it.

I agree 100%. The problem is that people who support that point of view with guns tend to have the exact opposite opinion in regards to porn and adult material. Ever since Reagan, every time we've had a Republican president in office, the Attorney General and Justice Department of that President has basically declared war on the adult industry and done everything in it's power to shut it down.

Whether it was Edwin Meese with his "Meese Commission" on pornography or John Ashcroft / Alberto Gonzalez more recently unilaterally re-writing the 2257 laws to make them so difficult to comply with that the adult business would effectively have to be shut down, they've been inventing ways to circumvent the 1st Amendment and harass the industry for decades.

This from the same group of hypocrites that boasts about how it supports "strict constructionism" of the Constitution and fights to the death for its Second Amendment rights but then tries to shit all over the 1st Amendment because it doesn't coincide with their religious values.
I agree 100%. The problem is that people who support that point of view with guns tend to have the exact opposite opinion in regards to porn and adult material. Ever since Reagan, every time we've had a Republican president in office, the Attorney General and Justice Department of that President has basically declared war on the adult industry and done everything in it's power to shut it down.

Whether it was Edwin Meese with his "Meese Commission" on pornography or John Ashcroft / Alberto Gonzalez more recently unilaterally re-writing the 2257 laws to make them so difficult to comply with that the adult business would effectively have to be shut down, they've been inventing ways to circumvent the 1st Amendment and harass the industry for decades.

This from the same group of hypocrites that boasts about how it supports "strict constructionism" of the Constitution and fights to the death for its Second Amendment rights but then tries to shit all over the 1st Amendment because it doesn't coincide with their religious values.

Good post. Not a tit guy per se but visited you site based on avatar girl and :eek: fuck Score!!! Your site is the place to be for gorgeous tits!!!

:You all may now resume:fight: over something that hasn't happened nor will happen:


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Also, one other note about this thread -- the Obama administration has no intention of doing any gun control at all and they have gone on record and said so repeatedly.

The only people who kick and scream about this as some kind of problem are idiot hard-core right wingers who hate Obama so much that they will literally make up and spread any bullshit lie about him in hopes that the gullible out there will believe it, i.e. the "birthers" who say he was born in Africa, and those who say he's a socialist trying to spread "Marxism" in the U.S.

It's all complete and utter lies and this whole gun thing is a perfect case in point about that.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Your site is the place to be for gorgeous tits!!!

Thank you! We appreciate that. :)

:You all may now resume:fight: over something that hasn't happened nor will happen:

Brilliantly stated. I'm going to borrow that from time to time, if you don't mind. ;)
You're comparing apples to oranges. America is HUGE country with 300mill population.

Where do you live, lala land? If you've ever been violated (i.e., robbed/home invaded) you would understand the grave violation it is, and I can assure you it isn't fun, especially when you are a little kid. Get with the real world. You need to get out of your gated community and maybe take a few history courses while you're at it. You'll find a long and endless history of violence has followed mankind that has and never will end. Just a part of life, ya know? Get your head out of the sand. :wave2:

Also, if you're going to opine on a subject as important as this as it is to so many, at least have a third graders knowledge on the subject, not just your feelings.

The UK has 60 million people and 60 gun deaths a year.The US has 300 million and 30 000 gun deaths a year.That's some discrepancy.
The society I live in just doesn't accept the use of deadly force to protect property.Shoot a burglar dead other than in a case of genuine self defence (your life must be in great and imminent actual danger) and you are going to be charged with murder or at least manslaughter.That's how it should be , the jury and judge can look at the circumstances in detail and arrive at a decision.Usually it's jail.

The Martin case was one in which a large proportion of the public felt he had been badly treated but the jury had gone through everything and still found him guilty.

There are of course terrible cases of criminals entering homes and doing great harm to people but this isn't the general expectation of the public.

I've already mentioned that our police prefer not to be armed on duty.They do not consider or find t necessary in the overwhelming majority of cases even though they are dealing with criminals on a daily basis.If they don't need arms neither do I.They meet a lot more bad guys than I do.
The UK has 60 million people and 60 gun deaths a year.The US has 300 million and 30 000 gun deaths a year.That's some discrepancy.
The society I live in just doesn't accept the use of deadly force to protect property.

I remember seeing a video some time ago interviewing Brits (English, I think) about firearms they had had in their families for generations and the government taking them and cutting them up into pieces. I can't pinpoint the source right now on the Net, but I know for a fact there is video of this.

Shoot a burglar dead other than in a case of genuine self defence (your life must be in great and imminent actual danger) and you are going to be charged with murder or at least manslaughter.That's how it should be , the jury and judge can look at the circumstances in detail and arrive at a decision.Usually it's jail.

Christ, man, they have taken your scrotum from you guys. Are you guys really that afraid of pistols and the like? Sheesh. Come on man, talk about irrationale fear. I've been in friends' houses full of guns, and I was never once afraid. In fact I felt safer with all the criminals there are in America. Another apples and oranges issue - the crime thing - that you can't compare, nation to nation.

I've already mentioned that our police prefer not to be armed on duty.They do not consider or find t necessary in the overwhelming majority of cases even though they are dealing with criminals on a daily basis.If they don't need arms neither do I.They meet a lot more bad guys than I do.

Oh Holy God. You guys are being infiltrated by more and more muzzies everyday, and you've already had deadly attacks on your soil, so they do have a stockpile of arms somewhere, because I saw the police in the subway after that attack and they did in fact have firearms. Just a question, do the politicians and celebrities pack arms?
The UK has 60 million people and 60 gun deaths a year.The US has 300 million and 30 000 gun deaths a year.That's some discrepancy.
The society I live in just doesn't accept the use of deadly force to protect property.Shoot a burglar dead other than in a case of genuine self defence (your life must be in great and imminent actual danger) and you are going to be charged with murder or at least manslaughter.That's how it should be , the jury and judge can look at the circumstances in detail and arrive at a decision.Usually it's jail.

The Martin case was one in which a large proportion of the public felt he had been badly treated but the jury had gone through everything and still found him guilty.

There are of course terrible cases of criminals entering homes and doing great harm to people but this isn't the general expectation of the public.

I've already mentioned that our police prefer not to be armed on duty.They do not consider or find t necessary in the overwhelming majority of cases even though they are dealing with criminals on a daily basis.If they don't need arms neither do I.They meet a lot more bad guys than I do.

Well at least some of your brothers and sisters are still of sound stock:

This is exactly what we don't want in America. And yet, you self-righteously criticize us as crazies.

I wonder what statistics there are about gun crimes in England prior to bans and after. That would be interesting.
Since the price of freedom is eternal vigilance....I don't think I'll relax that much, maybe just enough to have one of these :glugglug: and then go back to eternal vigilance. :D Good discussion by the way.