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President Obama - Profiles in Leadership


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I did some reading in Google News overview of US media - but it looks like the GOP hasn't really put up any definite candidate as of now, do they?

Plus what I read about the whole candidate's race, it looks rather like "Who buys into the candidate's slots".

Can someone please provide some overview who is on?

I would sure appreciate that!


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It wasn't the point of the thread

No, it wasn't the point of the thread, the point of the thread was addressed in the rest of my post, which you failed to respond to because you've missed the point of all of my replies in this thread. I'll clarify. When you and other "conservatives" go on the offensive against President Obama about stupid, erroneous, and outright fabricated shit you make moderate democrats get defensive about that stupid shit and then, as I predicted, you get butthurt when it's thrown back at you. Stop posting these stupid fucking Fox News inspired troll threads and I'll stop pointing out the inherent hypocrisy, stupidity, errors, and lies. If you want to have cordial, civilized, and respectful dialog then don't throw out flame bait when you post a fucking thread.
No, it wasn't the point of the thread, the point of the thread was addressed in the rest of my post, which you failed to respond to because you've missed the point of all of my replies in this thread. I'll clarify. When you and other "conservatives" go on the offensive against President Obama about stupid, erroneous, and outright fabricated shit

What exactly was erroneous in the article in the original post? And I get your replies. When it comes to any criticism of Obama your predictable reply is "yeah but" deflection to President Bush or dismissing it outright as a Fox News smear. Can Obama do anything wrong worthy of criticism on it's own? Or does there always have to be a caveat? Is it possible that Obama and Bush both fucked up at some point?

Stop posting these stupid fucking Fox News inspired troll threads and I'll stop pointing out the inherent hypocrisy, stupidity, errors, and lies. If you want to have cordial, civilized, and respectful dialog then don't throw out flame bait when you post a fucking thread.

Trolling wasn't my intention, but if it were, I certainly got the reaction I'd be hoping for. And cordial and civilized is nice but I really don't care either way. We're all a bunch of anonymous yabos on a porn forum. I don't take shit personal on here.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What exactly was erroneous in the article in the original post? And I get your replies. When it comes to any criticism of Obama your predictable reply is "yeah but" deflection to President Bush or dismissing it outright as a Fox News smear. Can Obama do anything wrong worthy of criticism on it's own? Or does there always have to be a caveat? Is it possible that Obama and Bush both fucked up at some point?

Your commentary on the article was a bile filled hatchet job, from the title of the thread to the last sentence of the original post. If you don't want reaction and feedback, don't post that kind of inflammatory garbage. If you don't care if you get a reaction, don't whine about it when it is forthcoming. There's plenty of legitimate criticism you could level at Obama, but you and the rest of the far right like to focus on the dumb, erroneous, and fabricated. If it doesn't fall into one of those three categories, the far right is content to remain silent and obstruct. Obama has done plenty of shit worthy of scrutiny, I'm not shy about criticizing this administration, but the constant hum of shit slinging from the other side grows old. Don't like what the democrats are doing, try working to fix the republican party and put out some candidates that appeal to the center instead of these far right religiously insane motherfuckers that dominate at the state level and make the national primaries look like an episode of the fucking Twilight Zone. I have voted and will continue to vote for moderate republicans, but you can't claim to be moderate when you crucify everything about your opposition.
You've been missing your sleep again haven't you ?? You know how you get when your tired.

Matter of fact there are street gangs everywhere. Flint, MI has the highest murder per 100,000 and not Chicago.

What a loser leading a boring life and using internet forums for his angst.
Try making a kid, it will bring joy in your life. :)

But I get it, "I hope you burst into flames soon" :yesyes:
There's plenty of legitimate criticism you could level at Obama, but you and the rest of the far right like to focus on the dumb, erroneous, and fabricated.

So the President and the Commander-in-Chief throwing a subordinate under the bus on national tv and blaming him for his administration being surprised by the rise of ISIS is not a legitimate criticism? And that criticism didn't just come from the far right. That's fucking amateur hour stuff (which is a theme with this president) hence the community organizer dig.

I have voted and will continue to vote for moderate republicans, but you can't claim to be moderate when you crucify everything about your opposition.

For the sake of accuracy, I haven't opposed everything President Obama has done, even on here. I've praised him for his drone strike policy and when thousands of religious minorities were facing imminent slaughter on that mountain in Iraq I was thankful for the actions he took (see ISIS thread). And no, I don't oppose Obama because "he's a black man in the white house" like many idiots on your side claim.


Closed Account
I get really peeved when the Obama haters tease about his past job as a community organizer...Like who the fuck cares? The President back then was doing something positive in his community and now he is the Commander in Chief!

It'll be interesting where historians place Obama in the great/worst US Presidents sections...
Your commentary on the article was a bile filled hatchet job, from the title of the thread to the last sentence of the original post. If you don't want reaction and feedback, don't post that kind of inflammatory garbage. If you don't care if you get a reaction, don't whine about it when it is forthcoming. There's plenty of legitimate criticism you could level at Obama, but you and the rest of the far right like to focus on the dumb, erroneous, and fabricated. If it doesn't fall into one of those three categories, the far right is content to remain silent and obstruct. Obama has done plenty of shit worthy of scrutiny, I'm not shy about criticizing this administration, but the constant hum of shit slinging from the other side grows old. Don't like what the democrats are doing, try working to fix the republican party and put out some candidates that appeal to the center instead of these far right religiously insane motherfuckers that dominate at the state level and make the national primaries look like an episode of the fucking Twilight Zone. I have voted and will continue to vote for moderate republicans, but you can't claim to be moderate when you crucify everything about your opposition.

Those still exist?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So the President and the Commander-in-Chief throwing a subordinate under the bus on national tv and blaming him for his administration being surprised by the rise of ISIS is not a legitimate criticism? And that criticism didn't just come from the far right. That's fucking amateur hour stuff (which is a theme with this president) hence the community organizer dig.

For the sake of accuracy, I haven't opposed everything President Obama has done, even on here. I've praised him for his drone strike policy and when thousands of religious minorities were facing imminent slaughter on that mountain in Iraq I was thankful for the actions he took (see ISIS thread). And no, I don't oppose Obama because "he's a black man in the white house" like many idiots on your side claim.

Do you really expect any president to be able to predict the future? I don't join the chorus of some from the far left who criticize President Bush for not preventing 9/11, the largest attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor, but you should if you really believe that partisan blame-Obama-for-everything bullshit. Criticizing everything a president does only hurts your credibility when something worth criticizing actually comes along. This sort of shit was covered in Kindergarten, btw, too bad those of you on the far right didn't learn the lesson about crying Wolf. No one's paying attention anymore, and if you do get people's attention it's just to dismiss the bullshit for exactly what it is, which is all I've done in this thread. Don't like it, quit posting stupid criticisms. The "oppose Obama because he's black" card is just a fringe benefit for racists, not their main reason for opposing him, they would oppose any Democrat because Republican partisan assholes can't see past their religion/party. I'm sure you're not like that, though.
Do you really expect any president to be able to predict the future?

Except, President Obama had been getting daily intelligence briefings on the threat ISIS posed for over a year before they began taking over large parts of northern Iraq this past summer. But even so, ISIS was merely a "JV team" according to Obama earlier this year. When confronted with that statement, he blamed his intelligence community.

And that was a secondary point to the original post. Presidents, Governors, Mayors and other chief executives are supposed to take responsibility for failures even if they've occurred further down the chain-of-command. It's The Buck Stops Here. With this President it's The Buck Stops anywhere BUT Here, whether it's his intelligence director or some "rogue IRS agents" in Cincinnati.

Criticizing everything a president does only hurts your credibility when something worth criticizing actually comes along.

Not to sound like your broken record but I haven't criticized everything this president has done.

This sort of shit was covered in Kindergarten, btw, too bad those of you on the far right didn't learn the lesson about crying Wolf. No one's paying attention anymore

With a 41% job approval rating, maybe someone's paying attention.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Except, President Obama had been getting daily intelligence briefings on the threat ISIS posed for over a year before they began taking over large parts of northern Iraq this past summer. But even so, ISIS was merely a "JV team" according to Obama earlier this year. When confronted with that statement, he blamed his intelligence community. And that was a secondary point to the original post. Presidents, Governors, Mayors and other chief executives are supposed to take responsibility for failures even if they've occurred further down the chain-of-command. It's The Buck Stops Here. With this President it's The Buck Stops anywhere BUT Here, whether it's his intelligence director or some "rogue IRS agents" in Cincinnati. Not to sound like your broken record but I haven't criticized everything this president has done. With a 41% job approval rating, maybe someone's paying attention.

Except nothing, you expect this president to predict the future, it's almost as dumb as accusing Obama of trying to cover anything up in the Benghazi attack, and seriously, who cares about your "blame game" attack, everyone knows who the President is and whether he likes it or not he knows everyone blames him whether it was actually his fault or not, it's a moot point and just another point of attack from the far right. I'm not concerned about Obama's approval rating, he's not eligible to run for a third term, so maybe Democrats lose the Senate, no big fucking deal there, either, Republicans have effectively used their Senate minority to obstruct everything they've wanted to obstruct, anyway, nothing's going to change. And then there's 2016 where Republicans have no candidate with any kind of chance of winning. Get used to gridlocked government, we're going to have it for the foreseeable future. We're all in this shit together, you can blame Obama all you like and I can blame the do nothing teatards in the do nothing congress, doesn't really matter, the rich will keep getting richer and the poor and pissed upon will continue to be poor and pissed upon.

Here's a fair warning, though, if you're comfortable with your life and think it's on auto-pilot and that all you have to do is keep getting up and going to work, looking down on people who aren't as fortunate as yourself, and that you're safe from the misery of being one of the poor and pissed upon, just remember destiny turns on a dime and you could find yourself among the ranks of those you think you're better than quicker than you could ever imagine, then after some personal misfortune you just might find your lofty ideals are really the horseshit you've always heard. Don't think it could happen to you? Good, it'll hurt that much worse if it ever does. As for myself, I grew up dirt poor in East Texas in unforgiving heat and humidity you can't begin to imagine, worked my way through college and have a fairly secure and comfortable life, but I haven't forgotten where I came from and I could just as easily go back to the home forty, a mere five mile drive from the townhouse I currently occupy and dig in the dirt, just like I did when I was a kid. Government has to be balanced between the extremes of the left and the right, Obama is fairly moderate, and don't try to argue that he's not, if he was as "socialist" as the fucking liars on Fox News like to claim they would all be hung upside down from a tree with a fork up their ass.
Wow, you're making some assumptions there along with some fairly stupid points. After reading through that rant, I'm done with this nonsense. It's like arguing with a petulent child. Yeah, Obama is really a moderate and conservatives are lucky that he is or else they'd really get what they deserve. Hopefully if Bernie Sanders ever gets elected that will happen. Let it all out dude. You would've been great during the French Revolution.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Wow, you're making some assumptions there along with some fairly stupid points. After reading through that rant, I'm done with this nonsense. It's like arguing with a petulent child. Yeah, Obama is really a moderate and conservatives are lucky that he is or else they'd really get what they deserve. Hopefully if Bernie Sanders ever gets elected that will happen. Let it all out dude. You would've been great during the French Revolution.

Well, touche on assumptions, my friend and if you want to run away without addressing what I was "ranting" about, that's fine and expected. If you ever lose it all and need a place to crash I'll be more than happy to loan you five acres in the middle of nowhere to throw up a squatters shanty and live off the land for a while, it's pretty hard living, but more than doable. Got all the forest you could you hunt, squirrels, rabbit, deer, a crick with a natural spring for fresh water year round, enough hardwood to keep you warm all winter long, rich dirt that you can grow just about anything in during the spring, but as of late the rains aren't nearly as good as they used to be and I'd suggest you have some alternatives planned for summer, it gets powerful hot and humid, but if you build your shanty right you'll be fine, You Might even like it, not a bad way to build some character. Got to be wary of the big cat that roams the bottoms during the winter, though, a scream like that in the middle of a pitch black night is enough to stop your heart, even if you have heard it countless times before, as long as you keep your fire smoldering all night you'll be fine and the tradeoff of the night sky is priceless. At least give it some thought if you ever find yourself in a bind.
Well, touche on assumptions, my friend and if you want to run away without addressing what I was "ranting" about, that's fine and expected. If you ever lose it all and need a place to crash I'll be more than happy to loan you five acres in the middle of nowhere to throw up a squatters shanty and live off the land for a while, it's pretty hard living, but more than doable. Got all the forest you could you hunt, squirrels, rabbit, deer, a crick with a natural spring for fresh water year round, enough hardwood to keep you warm all winter long, rich dirt that you can grow just about anything in during the spring, but as of late the rains aren't nearly as good as they used to be and I'd suggest you have some alternatives planned for summer, it gets powerful hot and humid, but if you build your shanty right you'll be fine, You Might even like it, not a bad way to build some character. Got to be wary of the big cat that roams the bottoms during the winter, though, a scream like that in the middle of a pitch black night is enough to stop your heart, even if you have heard it countless times before, as long as you keep your fire smoldering all night you'll be fine and the tradeoff of the night sky is priceless. At least give it some thought if you ever find yourself in a bind.

Thanks for the offer. I've always liked Texas.

What this has to do with the original post, who cares? I certainly didn't grow up rich but I didn't grow up dirt poor either. And I'm not rich now. Both the wife and I work, we have no kids and we do ok. But at no point growing up until now have I ever looked at rich people or people who have more than I and was envious or wish they were knocked down a peg or two. Which is what's in play with this class warfare bullshit pushed by the democrats. My attitude towards the more affluent is 'good for them', just as long as I'm not prevented from having the same opportunity.

And I definitely don't look down on people less fortunate than me, quite the opposite. But that's private.