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President Obama - Profiles in Leadership

class warfare bullshit pushed by the democrats

Wow, shocking. We have unsustainable income inequality in this country. That's not democrat bullshit, it's economic fact. Democrats have been trying to level the field, but republicans want to protect the rich at all costs and keep blaming all our problems on the poor people, for the crime of being poor. FYI fox, here in the real world, republican economic policies are proven failures.

There really isn't much hope of reconciling the 2 very different realities people are living in this country.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You're such a dumbass. Equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome. It's socialist rhetoric at its wrongest.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You're such a dumbass. Equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome. It's socialist rhetoric at its wrongest.

Being born into wealth and being born into poverty aren't equal opportunities, and oftentimes that's all that separates the rich from the poor. Another example of a fool that thinks they're immune to falling victim of hard times. Do you even comprehend the massive income gap in this country? It's worse than you can even imagine. Watch the following video and then explain why those at the top should sit on that kind of wealth.

Thanks for the offer. I've always liked Texas.

What this has to do with the original post, who cares? I certainly didn't grow up rich but I didn't grow up dirt poor either. And I'm not rich now. Both the wife and I work, we have no kids and we do ok. But at no point growing up until now have I ever looked at rich people or people who have more than I and was envious or wish they were knocked down a peg or two. Which is what's in play with this class warfare bullshit pushed by the democrats. My attitude towards the more affluent is 'good for them', just as long as I'm not prevented from having the same opportunity.

And I definitely don't look down on people less fortunate than me, quite the opposite. But that's private.
You miss the point A great deal of the rich folks in this country, most notably the Koch fucks, are doing everything in their power to skew the system dramatically in their favor.
This is supposed to about We the People not we the wealthy.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Someone brings out the Koch Bros are the boogeyman again. What's hilarious is the hypocrisy when you post bullshit like that. When you consider Tom Steyer, and other notable prog/leftist billionaires and their influence peddling dwarfs the Koch Bros by comparison. When you look at all the major contributors the Kochs don't even crack the top 30. And the really fuckin' funny thing is that they have donated money to political campaigns on both ends of the spectrum. You people who swallowed Harry Ried's bullshit hook, line and sinker are laughable.
Speaking of hook, line and sinker, you do realize that only a fraction of the koch's donations are reported, right? That legitimate contributions to democrats is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of "dark money" going to republicans?

But let's just pretend you're right for a minute(haha). Are you aware that a few weeks ago there was a vote in the senate on citizens united? And that in that vote, democrats voted unanimously to overturn the decision, while republicans voted unanimously to leave it alone? Pretty much everyone is in agreement that the CU decision was a disaster for this politics in this country, so given the voting record, one of 2 things must be true. Either:
1 - Democrats really do get more big money campaign donations than republicans, and democratic senators were just being altruistic in trying to overturn this ridiculous ruling.
2 - Your claim is full of shit, and it could be argued they really were only interested in self preservation in trying to stop the flow of money to republicans.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I often erroneously assume that the people with whom I disagree are at least as informed as I am about the topic being discussed, a debilitating flaw in logic that I seriously need to overcome. Take the evil Cock (Koch) brothers for instance, if these two and their countless mindless minions got their way the wealthy would be doing great while the rest of the country burned to the ground. Anyone that supports the Koch agenda is either stupid or evil, and if you follow the money that would be the entire GOP, teafags especially. Don't like Obama and his leadership, great, but anyone that would embrace the Koch's and their sinister agenda, well that's just truly disturbing.
I often erroneously assume that the people with whom I disagree are at least as informed as I am about the topic being discussed, a debilitating flaw in logic that I seriously need to overcome. Take the evil Cock (Koch) brothers for instance, if these two and their countless mindless minions got their way the wealthy would be doing great while the rest of the country burned to the ground. Anyone that supports the Koch agenda is either stupid or evil, and if you follow the money that would be the entire GOP, teafags especially. Don't like Obama and his leadership, great, but anyone that would embrace the Koch's and their sinister agenda, well that's just truly disturbing.

Well said on the Koch Bros.
I often erroneously assume that the people with whom I disagree are at least as informed as I am about the topic being discussed, a debilitating flaw in logic that I seriously need to overcome. Take the evil Cock (Koch) brothers for instance, if these two and their countless mindless minions got their way the wealthy would be doing great while the rest of the country burned to the ground. Anyone that supports the Koch agenda is either stupid or evil, and if you follow the money that would be the entire GOP, teafags especially. Don't like Obama and his leadership, great, but anyone that would embrace the Koch's and their sinister agenda, well that's just truly disturbing.

Can't rep ya but well said.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
“Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions of equality, ladies and gentlemen. Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.”
— Barry Goldwater
“Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed. Their mistaken course stems from false notions of equality, ladies and gentlemen. Equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. Wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.”
— Barry Goldwater

Yes. Louis XIV, Peter the Great, The Great Elector, through Stalin and Hitler. I agree.

I view some of Obama's tactics as lazy and short sighted. Is he evil? Probably not. I don't think he should short cut the process and that should be stopped. I could give you other presidents who shortcut the process too, but I'm not trying to justify it.

Define evil as you want, but there are people in the world who have done incredible harm to many for their own interests. That is the Koch Brother's. They do donate an incredible amount of money to charities. It is pretty clear that they try to control through the use of their money and power as well for their own gain. They fit my definition of evil.

I'm optimistic, but I think we're at a very dangerous time. I think we're witnessing greed and power by corporations and Wall Street like we haven't seen in a century and a string of weak leaders. Take your pick of what leadership the US has had in a while and I'll call it weak. We do not have anyone with the ability to look out for the people's interest. Hopefully a character like Teddy Roosevelt will emerge who believes that no person, business, or union should have more power than the US government. I haven't seen that blend of ego and altruism emerge yet.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
We do not have anyone with the ability to look out for the people's interest. Hopefully a character like Teddy Roosevelt will emerge who believes that no person, business, or union should have more power than the US government. I haven't seen that blend of ego and altruism emerge yet.

And you won't, until we start demanding them at the only place that actually matters - the voting booth. Democrats and Republicans have a pretty good racket going on and the best thing they've got going for them is that 95+% of voters explicitly approve of their racket every election. Those that stay home are as good as implicitly approving the situation. This is why I argue so often for the third-party vote - the only way we'll see a change in our politicians is if we make a change in our vote.

The thing is, a third-party candidate doesn't need to win (and we can all be honest to say that in most races they won't), but with just enough support - enough disapproval of the R/D machine - to, say, join in debates, they'll force the other candidates around some. They can move the debate a little. And who knows? When we show enough demand (again, at the only place it matters), we may see the sort of individuals with the qualities you mention emerge even from the party machine.

But at the moment we show very little demand, so there is naturally very little supply.
No! It's all Obama's fault! Some people need to wake up and see what's really going on.

Obama created the religion that government solves all problems. Promoting the amnesty , and all the welfare for illegals, will doom this country> I can't wait until Jeb Bush runs this country and cleans up Obama's fuckin mess!!!!