Obama is a shit stain in the history of this country.
Boy do I hear that. Here are just a few things I hated about that shit stain...
1) I hated having a thoughtful, classy, mature adult as president. Much better to have an emotion-driven infant.
2) I hated having a well read intellectual as president. Give me a comic book reader with the attention span of a 4 year old any day.
3) I hated that he talked so much. If you can't say it in 140 characters or less don't say it at all, asshole!
4) I hated that he was a good husband and father. How the hell am I supposed to measure up to that? Give me a slime ball who's fucking a porn star and a playboy bunny while his wife is pregnant. Now there's a guy I can relate to! :thumbsup:
5) I hated that the value of my stock portfolio increased 100% under Obama.
6) I hated that my property values increased anywhere from 20 to 25%
7) I hated that we were admired and respected by our allies again. If Euro trash likes you you must be doing something wrong.
8) I hated that Bin Laden died. That guy was just so cool.
9) I hated that thousands of people didn't die due to terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.
10) I hated that I never once went to bed worried about who possessed the nuclear football.
11) I hated that people with pre-existing conditions finally caught break. Fuck those losers. Survival of the fittest, baby.
12) I hated that same sex couples were marrying more often. Those people are mentally ill and should be treated as such.
13) I hated that unemployment dropped from a recession peak of 10% to 4.7%
14) I hated that he nominated Merrick Garland to the supreme court. The guy had no qualifications for the job whatsoever.
15) I hated that he severely degraded ISIS while minimizing collateral damage. He should have just bombed the shit out of everything that moved.
16) I hated that he was dogged about punishing Putin. Why should we care if he invades and annexes other countries? Bring Russia back into the g8, I say.
17) I hated that we had oversight over Iran's nuclear program. Instead we may end up with none. How awesome is that?
I could go on and on....but yeah, a shit stain for sure.