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Poll: Obama 'worst president' since World War II


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman


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Fascinating to see how deep into ths Trump Syndrome some peeps are.

Guys who used to be smart, well-balanced now borderline brownshirts.


Staff member
Fascinating to see how deep into ths Trump Syndrome some peeps are.

Guys who used to be smart, well-balanced now borderline brownshirts.

Fascinating to see how brainwashed are the Obama muppets with their cheap love of socialism, unpatriotism, radical islamists,illegals and criminals. The brown shirts were socialists and from the left, so revise your history mein Freund.

Obama Suggests Trump Is An Angry Racist With ‘Mommy Issues’

And Obama is worst radical islam apologist that has ever been as a president in the USA, so fuck that :douchebag::thefinger:

that pesky Constitution and those "negative liberties" (what the government can't do to you) that Obama lamented over.

and those pesky originalist supreme court justices.


Staff member
Omg please PLEASE tell me you're NOT actually buying this complete horseshit? :rofl:

But you are buying overtly naively the horseshit that he is a christian when he isn't and that he hasn't ties to islam when he clearly has. :yesyes::thefinger:
If a person is a friend of Louis Farrakhan then he can't be a christian

What's the nation of Islam ? Barack Obama photo with group's leader emerges 13 years later

Hidden photo of Obama and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan surfaces after 13 years

A testimony from Bryan Dean Wright who is a former CIA and ops officer and member of the Democratic Party:

Mosque chosen by Obama for visit has links to extremist groups

'DHS ordered me to scrub records of Muslims with terror ties' a testimonial from a former DHS employee under the Obama Notrauma administration
That video you posted is such a joke. The first four clips (that's as much time as I wasted) that supposedly PROVE he's a MUSLIM all indicate nothing other than at some point in time he lived in a muslim nation :1orglaugh

I almost can't believe that at this late date anyone is still posting these incredibly dumb "Obama is a secret Muslim!" productions lol

But you are buying overtly naively the horseshit that he is a christian when he isn't and that he hasn't ties to islam when he clearly has. :yesyes::thefinger:
If a person is a friend of Louis Farrakhan then he can't be a christian

Oh please. Islam believes there was a Jesus, just like Judaism. Neither believes he was the son of God, but that doesn't prevent either of them from having good relations with Christians.

Do you have no acquaintances or associates of other faiths? If you do, am I supposed to judge you by what THEY do, or what you do?


Staff member
That video you posted is such a joke. The first four clips (that's as much time as I wasted) that supposedly PROVE he's a MUSLIM all indicate nothing other than at some point in time he lived in a muslim nation :1orglaugh

I almost can't believe that at this late date anyone is still posting these incredibly dumb "Obama is a secret Muslim!" productions lol

Oh please. Islam believes there was a Jesus, just like Judaism. Neither believes he was the son of God, but that doesn't prevent either of them from having good relations with Christians.

Do you have no acquaintances or associates of other faiths? If you do, am I supposed to judge you by what THEY do, or what you do?

Don't change the subject please, we are speaking about your dear leader not about me.

President Obama at the Islamic Society of Baltimore

To whom are linked most of the terrorists attacks in the past 30 years? To radical islam

We have seen how Obama traded five sobs who were held in Gitmo in exchange of Bowe Bergdahl.
Taliban: 5 freed from US military prison now in Qatar office

Trump would have these bastards put to the death penalty but Obama chose the laxist way and now these 5 scumbags are back to their activities. You perhaps support laxism when it comes to fight against terrorism, I support the deadly force against it.

You will never see nor never even hear problems with Buddhists, Christians, Shintos, Confusians, Baha'is, Jews, Atheists and Sikhs.

Don't forget that the Handschar 13th Waffen SS Moutain division was a Muslim combat formation created by the Germans during WWII to restore order in Yugoslavia. It was given the title Handschar after a local fighting knife or sword carried by Turkish policemen during the centuries that the region was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Some people have a tendancy to forget the past but I don't.

I have acquaintances of several faiths. They never imposed me or to anyone else their religious beliefs, they keep their religious beliefs for themselves. I go celebrate the orthodox New Year every 8th january at the orthodox temple.
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Hey Georges, do you have any idea how many prisoners your buddy George Bush released from Gitmo?

Here's a clue - it was considerably more than Obama.

But of course dumbfuck Trump either doesn't know this or lies about it. And his sheeple eat it up.

And again, for the hundredth time, I don't know how the military in France conducts their business, but here we always try to save out own captives/hostages if at all possible. It matters not if there are rumors they may have been insubordinate. As with civilians, until they have their day in court before a military tribunal they are innocent until proven guilty.


Staff member
:1orglaugh What in the fuck is that supposed to prove?

Here you go: George Bush visits and speaks at the Islamic Center Of Washington...


Does that prove he's a muslim? :wtf:

GWB was a proud christian and we are talking about your favorite dear community organizer not about GWB.

Obama Is Headed To Washington With His Eyes On Freshman House Democrats

OBAMA Takes SHOT at Ocasio-Cortez and Freshmen DEMS!