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Poll: GOP gets the blame in shutdown


Official Checked Star Member
it is absolutely extortion by definition. if we dont get our way we ruin everything for everyone. call it hostage taking extortion whatever you like. they are only hurting the american people and themselves. there are many things in obamacare they demanded be included and now are bitching about it? come on dude.

they do have a LOT to lose. a lot of seats. this is the least favorite house and congress in history according to their 10% approval rating and Id love to meet those 10% and see who they are. how much shit did the GWB white house ram through when they had the majority? PLENTY.
You have no grasp of the legal definition of extortion or what constitutes it. Even doesn't even meet the criteria of blackmail. It is simply being used as a term that most uninformed Americans will believe is an illegal tactic when in fact is perfectly legal but not necessarily pretty.


I'm watching some specialist videos
The way I see this mess, from the outside, is that the Republicans are not trying to get a 1 year delay at all. They are starting with a 1 year delay so that they can continue to work on removing ACA from the statue books altogether.

ACA is law. To decide not to agree a budget because you do not agree with a law is petty and helps no one.

If the ACA is so terrible, then let it play out. If it turns out to be as bad as the Republicans seem to think, then letting it go "relcutantly" and then running the next election on its repeal would surely give them the Whitehouse.

The law passed with a majority voting for it. The budget is being help up because a minority disagree with a law that has already been passed. How is that democracy.

USA the greatest democracy in the world?
Don't make me laugh.


Official Checked Star Member
I dont think it's illegal, I just think its selfish and regardless of the greater good of the people they represent. obama won 2 terms running on health care as a major platform, both times by enormous margins. the republicans who get every penny of welfare and food stamps and any other benefit available who need the health care the most will still be agaisnt it and let's face it, there are a lot of those. so quoting that the last group was voted out over health care is bullshit. people want the health care, they just dont wanna admit it or say it out loud.
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ex·tor·tion *(k-stôrshn)
1. The act or an instance of extorting.
2. Illegal use of one's official position or powers to obtain property, funds, or patronage.
3. An excessive or exorbitant charge.
4. Something extorted.
ex·tortion·ary (-sh-nr) adj.
ex·tortion·ist, ex·tortion·er n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

extortion [ɪkˈstɔːʃən]
the act of securing money, favours, etc. by intimidation or violence; blackmail
extortioner*, extortionist n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

ex•tor•tion (ɪkˈstɔr ʃən)

1. an act or instance of extorting.
2. the crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of one's office or authority.
3. anything extorted.

#2 seems to fir the bill counselor
First Webster is not a legal definition. And you shot yourself in the foot from the get go by including illegal. When I negotiate a separation agreement or divorce settlement one party usually has taken a hit in standard of living that they are accustomed to. The person controlling the purse strings usually makes the demands and it is up to the other party to either accept it or not. It is called leverage not extortion. I suggest you go back to whatever it is that you do for a living and leave matters of the law up to those of us that actually know what we are talking about. Ok Webster?


Official Checked Star Member
yeah its true. lawyers have their own definitions that the rest of us arent privy to :) they get to twist shit around and make it work to their benefit. kinda like the bible.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Ultimately they have nothing to lose. The 80 or so will keep their seats. It's the other 2/3 that will lose. I would rather them fight for this and be defeated than to roll over and let it go forward if the end result will still be the same.

80 House Tea Party Republicans, you realize that would give the Democrats a 352-80 majority in 2014. That would be pretty hilarious, I can only imagine there would be some Senate seats picked up by the Democrats, too, if they pick up 7 of the 14 republican seats being contested and hold all of theirs they would effectively have a 61-39 majority there, too. Republicans are doing this to themselves and they deserve to reap the consequences.
If extortion met such a low bar most lawyers would be doing time. I know that would make a lot of you happy. I prefer leverage. It is a much nicer sounding word :)


Official Checked Star Member
wait, you'd rather them do this and fuck the american people knowing it wont work? you'd rather them do this which will cause more problems for your party that they cannot afford to have? wow is all I can say.
Xman That won't happen either. it is over a year until the mid terms. an eternity.They may take a hit in the house but not by much. As for congressional poll numbers, everybody hates the congressman they don't vote for but loves theirs. Obama is for all intents and purposes a lame duck. And historically second term president doesn't make huge gains for his party. Obama has bucked a few trends but it is not going to be the asskicking in .14 that they say it will be. if Obama gets his poll numbers back in the 50's then maybe. He is in the 30's which is typical with 2nd term presidents.


Official Checked Star Member
if there were 3 million more votes for democrats in ALL elections last time around, how do you think it wont be the same ass kicking it has been in recent elections? yes the shit kicker states will keep their shit kicker representation, but the country is becoming more progressive as a whole. the numbers prove it. young people dont care about gay marriage, the older people do. the younger people dont see weed as an equal to cocaine and heroine, only the old people do. young people want more social programs and more regulations on businesses. young people are much more in favor of abortion and women's rights to choose. young people want more environmental regulations and more energy alternatives. the baby boomers are more progressive and this generation is even more so.

So counselor, how do you figure your party can grow when your ideas are so outdated and you have such stubborn refusal to evolve with the changing times? you and your buddies need to wake the fuck up. that last election landslide you didnt see coming is nothing compared to what's coming.
Mariah we are talking mid terms now. A whole different animal. 2010 is an example of that. There are polls recently that show Americans consider themself more conservative than at any time in the past 50 years.


Official Checked Star Member
polls by whom? fox news? the heritage foundation? wherever you read that poll that is in stark contrast to the polls that I saw and the number of votes in ALL elections in 2012 including state federal and local elections, democrats got 3 million MORE votes than republicans.
when I got married it was by a judge and on the marriage certificate it saif the legal joining of two consenting adults, so the legal definition of marriage doesn't say man and woman so the gays should be able to marry, its legal definition after all


Official Checked Star Member
remember you're talking to someone who said that in the bible where it says "a rich man has less chance to get into heaven as a camel passing through the eye of a needle" really means that rich people are loved in heaven and even though it seems like jesus didnt like rich people it means that he loved them. and when asked where it clarifies that he says "it doesn't but it's very clear in the interpretation"

That's actually a good argument there wd. Michiganders that want to divorce and later marry someone of the same sex will be saving a few unnecessary clerk fees and rycycling in the process. Win/Win