I think most hockey fans should just know right off the bat that there are 6 divisions, with five teams in each division, and three divisions in each conference. 30 total teams, 15 in each conference. That's why Detroit is in the West, because they're further West than any team in the East, so they automatically have to be put in the West to keep the number of teams in each conference equal. Expansion isn't happening any time soon, and they'll probably add two teams when it does, and at least one city further East of Detroit will probably be one of them(Hamilton), so they're staying in the West. The extra travel time didn't seem to stop them from being a league above the rest of the NHL last season, and probably this season too.
I forgot to mention that Las Vegas has been on the radar for a team!! I think they could support a team!!
to tell you the honest truth to address your quote above.
Ever since the league opened up the flood gates for expansion teams and diluted the talent, ruined and disrupted the intensity of play in the NHL with all the cheesy penalties and the instigator rule, which in itself has drastically intensified cheap hits, stick infractions, kneeing, boarding, if a guy doesn't have to worry about getting hammered in the face by the opposing enforcer, players don't and won't respect each other!! also the shitty refereeing always good for calling terrible penalties, the salary cap to support the weaker market teams, the new watered down NHL bettman has been molding to get more AMERICANS to embrace the NHL is stealing, robbing, and sincerely altering the NHL that true fans love to watch and see is now a memory!!
I have stopped counting the teams and I honestly have stopped KNOWING everything because I don't care for the way the game is being presented and played in the last 5 to 10 years and the current direction of the league right now!!! I don't pay attention to all the teams, divisions, conferences, number of teams in each division/conference!!
its unfortunately the bettman hockey league!! thats right the BHL!!! as long as Detroit is winning cups I am happy but as far as caring about EVERY SINGLE DETAIL about each team and the whole league is not important to me right now since I don't like the BHL!!! give me back the NHL and I will be able to tell you every teams roster!! all the rules, every teams record, all the top goal scorers, the best D men, + - leaders, every little mi-nute detail and I would know the answer without having to look it up!!
I love the NHL!!! I certainly hope nobody questions my knowledge and passion for the NHL!! because I used to watch the DEAD WINGS with my pops (god rest his soul) when I was a youngin before STEVIE Y saved and returned our beloved RED WINGS back to Detroit!! I used to watch old redwings like Dale McCourt, Reed Larson, Dennis Polonich, Dave (the tiger) Williams etc..etc..
I have been a PUCKHEAD since I was just a young pup!! its very disappointing but I can't say I like the NHL right now!! of course I am a fan!!! but the game is so watered down its just shameful to watch and follow!! sorry for the long message but I am so angered, frustrated, passionate and upset @ what bettman has done to the game!!! :hatsoff: