Hey, how's this:
How about promises that can't be kept stop being made? A statement was posted on this board about how "by the 20th" there would be a hardcore video on the site, yet it's now the 22nd and there's not even a full hardcore picture set on there, nevermind a full video. Hey, I'm not exactly aching and bleeding my soul out to see this new content, God knows Natalia/Sophia has done tons of hardcore shit already, but it's still annoying for promises to be made that are simply not kept when there's a paid membership involved. Yes, I paid for one, because I'm curious to see how it turns out, and as such I don't expect to be jerked around (no pun intended). If this is how all the new videos will be released, I recommend that no one subscribes to the site until perhaps 6 months to a year from now, to get some actual value out of it for your money.