Morgan Freeman Seriously Injured In Car Crash

I was gonna post this yesterday then decided against it. Once again. car accidents happen every fuckin day, hundreds are fatal and only when its an injured celebrity does it become national news instead of just local.

So just like I said in the christina breast cancer thread...who gives a fuck? :dunno:

You make an excellent point. Cancer happens everyday. I've worked with cancer people and have had family members die from it, but that shitface Lance Armstrong gets it, yet continues to ride his bike and he suddenly has the courage of 100 men and the news is centered around him.


what the fuck you lookin at?
^^^actually that was the point I shared with Dave in the other thread. He just beat me to the punch. I had to reemphasize that point here to prove my point about car wrecks.

It all boils down to celebrity status and it makes me fuckin sick that average people like you and me could die tomorrow and no one at all outside of our family and closest friends would know, nor give a fuck.

This is why I don't give a fuck when bad shit happens to famous people. Regardless of what it is. What makes them so fuckin special?
^^^actually that was the point I shared with Dave in the other thread. He just beat me to the punch. I had to reemphasize that point here to prove my point about car wrecks.

It all boils down to celebrity status and it makes me fuckin sick that average people like you and me could die tomorrow and no one at all outside of our family and closest friends would know, nor give a fuck.

This is why I don't give a fuck when bad shit happens to famous people. Regardless of what it is. What makes them so fuckin special?

To me, it's all relative.

Morgan Freeman, Heath Ledger, Saddam Hussein, they are globally famous because of their careers, or positions they may simply stumble into. Nonetheless, they are well known by the global community, so when something happens to them, the world press inform the world.

Now scale that down to say me. I am not famous, but people in my town know me. If I died tomorrow, the world press would not inform the planet because the planet doesn't know me, but there would be an article about me in my town's local paper, informing people in my area about my death.

That's how I see it. :dunno:
This is why I don't give a fuck when bad shit happens to famous people. Regardless of what it is. What makes them so fuckin special?

In the case of Morgan Freeman, all I can say is that his performances have made me laugh, made me cry, uplifted my spirits and made me believe in the intrinsic goodness of humanity. For that I will always be grateful to him.


what the fuck you lookin at?
^^^agreed. He's a damn good actor. But beyond that he's just a guy like you and me.
^^Of course he is. So was everyone else who has changed the world for the better in their own way and inspired us to rise above our limitations.
^^Of course he is. So was everyone else who has changed the world for the better in their own way and inspired us to rise above our limitations.

Everyone else won't get put into the paper like he will. Outside of my immediate family, no one will give two shits when I die. I read the obituaries almost every day. No one cares about these people. Small blurb: "Amy-teacher-died October 16, 2008." WTF, and many more don't even make it into the paper.

True story: did you know a woman got moved out of her fucking room into a waiting room (already admited and set up and hooked up in her room mind you) and give the room to Michael Jackson. How is God's Holy Name does jackson get priority over another person, especially if she was already there?!
Almost had a heart attack when I first heard (He's one of my favourite actors). Luckily he got away with a few broken bones. Hear he was even joking around with the guys that tore him from the wreckage.

He should be back playing God in no time.

Not only is he a great actor but in every interview I have seen him in he seems like a great person too. Like PBS "America Beyond the Color Line" his family had the most recent/documented slavery past of anyone and his comments were very wise.

His joke at the hospital was pretty good too... Arm broken clean through he says "At least my golf game will improve." Quick thinking for a banged up old dude.

As for other people's comments about famous people getting special attention when sick/hurt, I agree. No flowers lining the street for so-called ordinary people. So if they don't want to care they don't have to. In this case I do. Instead I am more prone to the flip side - Famous people can get all the positive attention - but they better not complain if they get the negative attention for doing something messed up.