Michael Moore

Brino said:
I didnt say you were a racist I said it was borderline racist. And yes I have been agressed by blacks and whites. I'm no more afraid of blacks than I am of whites because I know that being afraid of one race over the other is stupid and makes no sense even if you have been agressed by one race and not the other! Everyone has the capability to be violent no matter what there skin color or social status!

Yes everyone can be violent.But the most violent people here in France are the one who generally live in difficult quarters generally the bullies or the scum. Social status as well as education has an importance the scum and bullies are violent and dangerous. They never had an education or are very bad pupils at school.They are vulgar and disruptive.It happened once to me and it never happened again. As i told you i have blacks, asian and arab friends. I agree that there are bad white people too as well as other bad people in every race i don't discuss that.Simply i was just telling you what happened to me and maybe i am wrong to be afraid but i was just telling you thaughts in all honesty and frankness.
Brino said:
Didn't I read in another thread that you were from Canada? If you are from Canada then explain to me how your life is an episode of cops. I grew up in Sacramento California my life really was an episode of cops!

I thought I made that obvious. Slow down, and re-read the post. Now, use some common sense, and see why my life is an episode of Cops.

Yeah I know what white collar crimes are. That was my point you acted like all or the majority of crimes committed by whites are white collar crimes but if you have ever seen cops you'd know that's not true. Plenty of whites are arrested on that show and their obviously not being arrested for white collar crimes since that show doesnt show people being arrested for those crimes!

Again, you are using a half hour television show to prove your point. Tell me, how interesting would it be if they followed a few detectives into an accountant's office and arrested him for tax fraud or money laundering? If that show was in my city, then yes, the majority of the people they showed would be white, because the majority of the population is white. But, when you break down the numbers, the ratio of the white population that has committed a crime, is lower then that of other races.

Where's your proof it works? And where's your proof that 99.9% of the time it works? Do you even know what your saying when you say that it works 99.9% of the time? Essentially your saying that 99 out of 100 people they profile are guilty of a crime! If that's not what you meant then you should have phrased it differently!

Look at my first line in this post, when you figure that out, then you've answered your own questions. (BTW, profiling is a awful word that has been put into play by politicians and tree huggers. In reality, its called instinct or intuition)

Dont you live in Canada!? Drug crimes are no where near as severe in Canada as they are in he U.S. There are tons of people in jail in the United States for possesion that's why our prisons are so crowded!

I said simple POT possession (a natural drug that has seen the laws against it being lowered). Possession of other drugs such as heroin, X, crack, coke, etc do warrant jail time. But like I said earlier, the spin off effect of the drug world is huge. Its not just the drugs. Its murders, robberies, and other violent crimes that go hand in hand with drug crimes.
Dirty Sanchez said:
I thought I made that obvious. Slow down, and re-read the post. Now, use some common sense, and see why my life is an episode of Cops.
Again, you are using a half hour television show to prove your point. Tell me, how interesting would it be if they followed a few detectives into an accountant's office and arrested him for tax fraud or money laundering? If that show was in my city, then yes, the majority of the people they showed would be white, because the majority of the population is white. But, when you break down the numbers, the ratio of the white population that has committed a crime, is lower then that of other races.
Look at my first line in this post, when you figure that out, then you've answered your own questions. (BTW, profiling is a awful word that has been put into play by politicians and tree huggers. In reality, its called instinct or intuition)
I said simple POT possession (a natural drug that has seen the laws against it being lowered). Possession of other drugs such as heroin, X, crack, coke, etc do warrant jail time. But like I said earlier, the spin off effect of the drug world is huge. Its not just the drugs. Its murders, robberies, and other violent crimes that go hand in hand with drug crimes.

good reply dirty sanchez :hatsoff: :thumbsup:




Dirty Sanchez said:
I thought I made that obvious. Slow down, and re-read the post. Now, use some common sense, and see why my life is an episode of Cops.

Ok I'll use some common sense. Common sense says that since you live in Canada a country that isnt even close to being as violent as America then your life cant be like an episode of Cops.

Again, you are using a half hour television show to prove your point. Tell me, how interesting would it be if they followed a few detectives into an accountant's office and arrested him for tax fraud or money laundering? If that show was in my city, then yes, the majority of the people they showed would be white, because the majority of the population is white. But, when you break down the numbers, the ratio of the white population that has committed a crime, is lower then that of other races.

Your still missing my point so lets see if I can explain it to you this time. You said that most crimes commited by whites are white collar crimes. I used the show cops as just a general example that what you said wasnt entirely correct because the whites arrested on that show arent arrested for white collar crimes.

Lets stop using this ratio crap! The fact of the matter is there are more whites in our respective countries than blacks thus it makes sense that youre more likely to encounter a white violent criminal than a black. It's because of this that it is illogical to be more afraid of blacks than whites. And about social class there are just as many poor white people in this country as there are poor blacks. So if Social class has something to do with violent crimes then there would be an equal number of poor blacks as poor whites arrested for violent crimes.

This inturn brings me back to profiling if indeed social class has something to do with violent criminals then there should be an equal number of poor blacks as poor whites in prison but there isnt. Why? Because profiling mainly only applies to people of a different skin color other than white. So if all the poor blacks in prison who have been profiled are guilty of a violent crime,and there are more blacks in prison than whites,then that means that there is an equal if not greater number of poor whites who have commited a crime who are free because they havnt been profiled because their skin is white! This partially proves that profiling doesnt work and that it's not instinct or intuition because both those apply to everybody not just blacks!

Look at my first line in this post, when you figure that out, then you've answered your own questions. (BTW, profiling is a awful word that has been put into play by politicians and tree huggers. In reality, its called instinct or intuition)

No it's not! Profiling is picking somebody out of a crowd because their skin is a certain color! That's closer to racism than instinct or intuition!

I said simple POT possession (a natural drug that has seen the laws against it being lowered). Possession of other drugs such as heroin, X, crack, coke, etc do warrant jail time. But like I said earlier, the spin off effect of the drug world is huge. Its not just the drugs. Its murders, robberies, and other violent crimes that go hand in hand with drug crimes.

When I originally said that a lot of blacks were arrested for drug crimes I wasnt just refering to marijuana. Your the one that was talking about possesion of pot. When I was talking about drug crimes I mainly meant possesion of an illegal substance which doesnt apply to just pot! There are a lot of people, blacks included, who are in jail for just possesion of an illegal substance not any other drug crime.
Wow, you still can't figure it out!

Please, refrain from lecturing me about who and what people are getting arrested for. Pot possession is a MINOR offence that has resulted in a very few amount of clicks.

I'd like to go on, but its clear you are not following the way you should be, and it is useless for me to continue.

I KNOW more then you ever will.

Its not "profiling". Its knowing the "hood", and the environment. That is 100% different from profiling. And that is what results in criminals ending up where they should be.


Dirty Sanchez said:
Wow, you still can't figure it out!

Yeah I'm the one that can't figure it out! Keep telling yourself that it'll make you feel better!

Please, refrain from lecturing me about who and what people are getting arrested for. Pot possession is a MINOR offence that has resulted in a very few amount of clicks.

How many times do I need to explain to you that I'm not just talking about pot possesion. I'm talking about possesion of any illegal substance. What about that dont you understand?

I'd like to go on, but its clear you are not following the way you should be, and it is useless for me to continue.

Whatever! It's not me that's not following it's you!

I KNOW more then you ever will.

Don't make me bring up the Canadian thing again!

Its not "profiling". Its knowing the "hood", and the environment. That is 100% different from profiling. And that is what results in criminals ending up where they should be.

Ok you made me bring up the Canadian thing! Dont talk to me about the hood. I grew up in the ghetto in Sacramento California and as far as I know you grew up in Canada so how the fuck do you think you know more about the hood than I do! Profiling happens everywhere it happens in airports and freeways and everywhere else not just the hood. Profiling has little to nothing to do with enviroment and everything to do with skin color and look!

You're just like those scared white people in Bowling for Columbine with all you're little misconceptions about the hood when you don't even live there!
Brino said:
I really liked the link and you can guess why! Thanks bigdan! :hatsoff:

The different way of thinking between us made that you liked this link.
bigdan1110 said:
I thought you hated Micheal Moore... isn't because the same guys who done it also blast Bush ?? :confused:

i always hated mr moore. not only because he pissed off bush but also because he criticized the NRA and the 2nd amendment.
michael moore dished the RNC the day before it started then is attending it as an independent journalist the whole week:rofl:


Yeah hows that for a guy who supposedly has no balls!

BTW The second amendment is a load of crap excuse! :2 cents:
Originally posted by websurfer
michael moore dished the RNC the day before it started then is attending it as an independent journalist the whole week :rofl:
That's ingenious! ;)

Ever heard of "get to know your enemy"? The more you know, the easier you can learn how to turn their arguments against them. :rolleyes:


Yeah I saw it! It was kinda funny when the audience started to boo him and then they all started to chant 4 more years, 4 more years and then Moore started to chant 2 more months, 2 more months! :rofl: