Michael Moore

Starman said:
Hey Georges, you're forgetting about the Hitler, Goerring and Goebbels of the Republicans. Bush, Cheney and take your pick. Condaleesa Rice maybe? (Not really sure how to spell her name, just how to pronounce it.) ;) *LOL*

no the bush party hasn't got someone like mr moore so you can't compare.that is just my opinion
Originally posted by georges
no the bush party hasn't got someone like mr moore so you can't compare.that is just my opinion
Yes, they have. You just do not care to search and compare. ;) :tongue:


georges said:
hi brino

more i am looking for the thread and more i see people following jk, je,moore without any valid reasons.I will say something that will probably strong concerning these people but i need to say because it gets on my nerves to hear the same moore bs every time to be honest: At the Democratic convention were the three most powerful men JK, JE and Michael Moore. Mr. Propaganda. Amazing how it looks like the theme (similarity i would say) of another political party, the Nazis. They had Hitler, Goerring and Goebbels. Again, the information/propaganda minster up with the top two powers. I am sorry but to do this comparisons but the way wthe way democratic convention was close to that for me
If you really think that Mr Moore is so honest and 100% respectful towards then that is fuckin bullshit:bs:
The democrats before clinton are not as good as they were under roosevelt and kennedy.In many other boards where i am a member kerry is qualified as the worst democrat candidate ever, doesn't that mean something.

I don't mean to offense you or anyone but i am just telling you as well as to others my honest and frank opinion

regards and no offense taken


For the last time I will say that I agree I dont believe that Michael Moore is completely honest. The point I keep on trying to make is that not everything in his film is a lie there are a lot of truths. I've posted some of those truths earlier in this thread so I wont bother to post them again.

Quite frankly the Bush administration and conservatives are more like Hitler than the democrats. I mean the liberals and specifically the democrats are a lot more ethnically diverse than the conservatives and republicans. It was democrats that helped the blacks in this countries history going all the way back to the civil war and what did conservatives do? They tried to keep our society segregated. Conservatives are just the remnants of the South that lost during the civil war. Now I know thats not fair to say and not completely honest but it is kinda weird that all the traditionally republican states are in the south.

As for a republican in the Bush administration that's like Moore well take your pick Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Tom Ridge, even Condelezza Rice all of them have spouted republican bullshit and propaganda as well as a dozen or so republican senators and news reporters.

The Bush administration is more like Hitler's Germany than the democrats. After all Homeland Security is awfully reminiscent of Fatherland dont you think.
Brino said:
For the last time I will say that I agree I dont believe that Michael Moore is completely honest. The point I keep on trying to make is that not everything in his film is a lie there are a lot of truths. I've posted some of those truths earlier in this thread so I wont bother to post them again.

Quite frankly the Bush administration and conservatives are more like Hitler than the democrats. I mean the liberals and specifically the democrats are a lot more ethnically diverse than the conservatives and republicans. It was democrats that helped the blacks in this countries history going all the way back to the civil war and what did conservatives do? They tried to keep our society segregated. Conservatives are just the remnants of the South that lost during the civil war. Now I know thats not fair to so where is the problem?say and not completely honest but it is kinda weird that all the traditionally republican states are in the south.

As for a republican in the Bush administration that's like Moore well take your pick Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Tom Ridge, even Condelezza Rice all of them have spouted republican bullshit and propaganda as well as a dozen or so republican senators and news reporters.

The Bush administration is more like Hitler's Germany than the democrats. After all Homeland Security is awfully reminiscent of Fatherland dont you think.

Nazis were nationalist first of all and socialist. Democrats are a lot poorer than republicans and not all of them don't come from high universities or school and what?Personnally i don't care of ethnicity in party what i do care is the ability to have a concrete and well argumented presidential campaign and program. Conservatives remnants? where did you get that from a Michael Moore book again?There has always been conservatives in every century don't deny that. What is the problem of being traditional?Donald Rumsfled is not a reporter he is at the defence and he was a former b1b lancer pilot for the other i know who they are (all politicians)and they are definitely not mr moore (a fat disruptive shit stirring film maker).Republican Bullshit?With democrats the army will be more shittier than before and the clinton high capacity magazine for guns ban was very idiotic because clinton himself was fan of guns. The best democrats are fdr and jfk the others democrat candidates or president are shit compared to them.
Kerry is the worst democrat candidate ever.


georges said:
Nazis were nationalist first of all and socialist. Democrats are a lot poorer than republicans and not all of them don't come from high universities or school and what?Personnally i don't care of ethnicity in party what i do care is the ability to have a concrete and well argumented presidential campaign and program. Conservatives remnants? where did you get that from a Michael Moore book again?There has always been conservatives in every century don't deny that. What is the problem of being traditional?Donald Rumsfled is not a reporter he is at the defence and he was a former b1b lancer pilot for the other i know who they are (all politicians)and they are definitely not mr moore (a fat disruptive shit stirring film maker).Republican Bullshit?With democrats the army will be more shittier than before and the clinton high capacity magazine for guns ban was very idiotic because clinton himself was fan of guns. The best democrats are fdr and jfk the others democrat candidates or president are shit compared to them.
Kerry is the worst democrat candidate ever.

What does democrats being poor have to do with this discussion? Oh I know it means they'll fight for the little man. Besides Democrats arent poor Kerry is richer than Bush and I dont know where you got your information about democrats not being as well educated as republicans that's way off mark. I didnt say Rumsfeld was a reporter I said he touts republican propaganda along with everybody else I named just like Moore touts liberal propaganda so yes they are alike.

Yes there have been conservatives for awhile infact I'm willing to bet the Confederacy was conservatives, as well as being traitors. I was just pointing out that the republicans are conservative and the Confederacy was conservative and the republican base is the south and the confederacy was from the south and it's kinda weird that the confederacy and the conservatives have so many things in common. So maybe the republicans arent like Nazi's but more like the confederacy who were a bunch of traitors. Funny that the Bush administration tried to say that everybody that disagreed with them are traitors when their base is the south the one part of the country that actually tried to succed from the nation.

BTW it's obsurd to think that somebody that actually served in the military (John Kerry) could screw up the military. Especially since he has Twelve count em twelve retired generals and admirals supporting him. Where are the generals and admirals supporting Bush?
QUOTE]Originally posted by Brino
What does democrats being poor have to do with this discussion? Oh I know it means they'll fight for the little man. Besides Democrats arent poor Kerry is richer than Bush and I dont know where you got your information about democrats not being as well educated as republicans that's way off mark. I didnt say Rumsfeld was a reporter I said he touts republican propaganda along with everybody else I named just like Moore touts liberal propaganda so yes they are alike.

Yes there have been conservatives for awhile infact I'm willing to bet the Confederacy was conservatives, as well as being traitors. I was just pointing out that the republicans are conservative and the Confederacy was conservative and the republican base is the south and the confederacy was from the south and it's kinda weird that the confederacy and the conservatives have so many things in common. So maybe the republicans arent like Nazi's but more like the confederacy who were a bunch of traitors. Funny that the Bush administration tried to say that everybody that disagreed with them are traitors when their base is the south the one part of the country that actually tried to succed from the nation.

BTW it's obsurd to think that somebody that actually served in the military (John Kerry) could screw up the military. Especially since he has Twelve count em twelve retired generals and admirals supporting him. Where are the generals and admirals supporting Bush?

where did you get information about generals and admirals supporting kerry?
there are people in usaf, usmc and us navy supporting Bush.
the confederacy belongs to the past. we are not in the secession war anymore

where did you have read that kerry is richer than bush?
democrats being poor no you didn't undrestand i meant that all democrats are not that high educated.

kerry will fuck up the military i am not the one who thinks it just ask some pilots or us marine corps soldiers or other people who live near your neighbourhood .
Originally posted by georges
Nazis were nationalist first of all and socialist.

Nazis came NOT from the socialists. There are many parties that have "democrat" or "socialist" in the name, but are nothing of those things... :mad:

Nationalism/Facism/Nazism are all derrived from the Conservatism. I'm not saying that all Conservatives are these things, but they're not so flattering sub-branches to Conservatism. They're of the extreme right-wing. Of the extreme left-wing are Communism and Anarchism, also bad things.


georges said:
where did you get information about generals and admirals supporting kerry?

The Democratic National Convention. I dont know if you can see it in france but I've watched it everyday. Last night twelve generals and admirals supported Kerry.

there are people in usaf, usmc and us navy supporting Bush. the confederacy belongs to the past. we are not in the secession war anymore

True but neither are we living in the time of World War II and you brought that up.

where did you have read that kerry is richer than bush? democrats being poor no you didn't undrestand i meant that all democrats are not that high educated.

Everybody knows that Kerry is richer than Bush it's been posted in every newspaper in the states and broadcast all over the news. He's married to a billionaire. Democrats not that high educated? Again I dont know what gave you that idea but the democrats went to the same schools and colleges as the republicans and dont honestly tell me you think Bush is smarter than Kerry because that would be a joke.

kerry will fuck up the military i am not the one who thinks it just ask some pilots or us marine corps soldiers or other people who live near your neighbourhood .

Of course there are soldiers that support Bush but there are also soldiers that support Kerry. Just because some soldiers out of thousands of soldiers say Kerry is going to fuck up the military doesnt mean it's true because there's the same amount of soldiers saying the exact opposite. They dont know anything for sure they're just like us with their own opinions and beliefs just because they say something doesnt mean it's true it's just they're opinion.
Starman said:
Nazis came NOT from the socialists. There are many parties that have "democrat" or "socialist" in the name, but are nothing of those things... :mad:

Nationalism/Facism/Nazism are all derrived from the Conservatism. I'm not saying that all Conservatives are these things, but they're not so flattering sub-branches to Conservatism. They're of the extreme right-wing. Of the extreme left-wing are Communism and Anarchism, also bad things.

I have read an old german book which described that the nazi system has a part of socialism (same planned economy as it was in ussr under stalin) guess it was maybe false.It was a german book of 1963.
Being democrat is not being socialist. Here are two definition of socialism and communism that are kinda true for the us
Socialist: Takes everything you own through taxes and then takes your guns..
Communist: Uses their guns to take your guns, then everything else, and you have nothing left to tax.

Being democrat is accepting every people and respecting their rights.In europe socialist is a different case not the same thing as in the us. You can be a conservative and respecting everyone too.

I got the faith in the 'hawks, it just a long time coming.

If I was going to ship some manure to MM, it certainly wouldn't be cow manure;) .

In regards to the dems and the south, you might want to do some research. The dems always dragged their feet when it came to civil rights(flag in SC for example, Strom Thurman, Byrd in Virginia, Al Gore's dad).)

I'm not saying that the repubs are angels, they just don't get credit in that area.

I not sure who the bozos on CNN were, I normally don't watch it. Once in while, I'll try to catch Obermann.


:glugglug: "everybody's working for the weekend"
Originally posted by georges
I have read an old german book which described that the nazi system has a part of socialism (same planned economy as it was in ussr under stalin) guess it was maybe false.It was a german book of 1963.
Being democrat is not being socialist. Here are two definition of socialism and communism that are kinda true for the us
Socialist: Takes everything you own through taxes and then takes your guns..
Communist: Uses their guns to take your guns, then everything else, and you have nothing left to tax.

Being democrat is accepting every people and respecting their rights.In europe socialist is a different case not the same thing as in the us. You can be a conservative and respecting everyone too.
I did not say that all Socialists are democrats, I said that there are many parties that have "democracy" or "socialist" in the name, but not really are that.
For example China's full name is "The People's Republic of China", but it's not a Republic, it's a Communistic dictatorship.
The Nazis in Germany named themselves Nationalsocialists, to be able to sneak some votes from people fooled to believe they were Socialists. It's not the first time organisations change their name to fool people. Neither the last.
The Employer's Organisation in Sweden, that handled the negotiations with the worker unions changed name a few years ago to "Swedish Industry". A more neutral name which makes people sometimes forget that it's just the new name for the Employer's Organisation, so that they forget to be critical against statistics and such that come from them.
Another example is some Nazi and Nationalist parties in Sweden that got together into one party which they named the Sweden Democrats. A name that also makes people forget they actually are Nationalists/Nazis.
Then there are the School Union and the School Organization. One a serious organization of Sweden's joined students, the other a Communistic organization that chose their name only to confuse so they can spread their propaganda.
I think we can probably think of more examples, but I think you've gotten my point now? :cool:
Starman said:
I did not say that all Socialists are democrats, I said that there are many parties that have "democracy" or "socialist" in the name, but not really are that.
For example China's full name is "The People's Republic of China", but it's not a Republic, it's a Communistic dictatorship.
The Nazis in Germany named themselves Nationalsocialists, to be able to sneak some votes from people fooled to believe they were Socialists. It's not the first time organisations change their name to fool people. Neither the last.
The Employer's Organisation in Sweden, that handled the negotiations with the worker unions changed name a few years ago to "Swedish Industry". A more neutral name which makes people sometimes forget that it's just the new name for the Employer's Organisation, so that they forget to be critical against statistics and such that come from them.
Another example is some Nazi and Nationalist parties in Sweden that got together into one party which they named the Sweden Democrats. A name that also makes people forget they actually are Nationalists/Nazis.
Then there are the School Union and the School Organization. One a serious organization of Sweden's joined students, the other a Communistic organization that chose their name only to confuse so they can spread their propaganda.
I think we can probably think of more examples, but I think you've gotten my point now? :cool:

i have gotten your point and it is an informative post also thanks


What can I say?


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Ranger said:

I got the faith in the 'hawks, it just a long time coming.

Damn right! The Hawks are going all the way this year! :party:

In regards to the dems and the south, you might want to do some research. The dems always dragged their feet when it came to civil rights(flag in SC for example, Strom Thurman, Byrd in Virginia, Al Gore's dad).)

I'm not saying that the repubs are angels, they just don't get credit in that area.

I not sure who the bozos on CNN were, I normally don't watch it. Once in while, I'll try to catch Obermann.


:glugglug: "everybody's working for the weekend"

Yea they did drag their feet but dont deny they still did more to end segregation all over the U.S. than the republicans.

If I was going to ship some manure to MM, it certainly wouldn't be cow manure;) .

No comment! :throwup:
Originally posted by georges
Clinton was not better than by Bush, he had a pro arab policy. He gave the peace nobel prize to Yasser Arafat a terrorist.
This is straight from an encyclopedia...

Except for the Nobel Peace Prize, which Norway sponsors, Sweden oversees the awarding of the other Nobel prizes each year. These prizes are given to significant contributors in the areas of chemistry, literature, medicine, and physics. Sweden is the birthplace of Alfred Bernhard Nobel, the 19th-century inventor of dynamite and a wealthy businessman who endowed the Nobel prizes.


That was from the encyclopedia. The rest here is my own opinions together with some facts from a fact calender.

Clinton had nothing to do with the Nobel Peace Prize award of 1994. It's the king of Sweden that presents the award on the behalf of the Nobel Peace Prize committe. The award was shared between Yasser Arafat (Palestine), Shimon Perez (Israel) and Yitzhak Rabin (Israel). They had made great progress in the peace talks, and Israel and Palestine were closer to peace than they've ever been. Some years later everything unfortunately fell apart, and there has been talks about retracting the peace award. At the moment they received the award they deserved it, but now that's hardly anymore the case.
ok but the fact remains that the fatah and the hamas are organizations that arafat supports and always has supported.
he is involved in too many murders and kills to be considered as a politician he is a terrorist. he was a friend of cheikh yassine and abd el rantissi who were both killed by israelian soldiers. the both were terrorists.a friend of terrorists will always be a terrorist
Hey Brino,
Here is a web site about your heros. You ought to be proud of them. Keep in mind that he thinks that you are stupid.


Enjoy...........It's probably going to be tough to dispute quotes. I'm sure you'll find some BS web site:bs: that says that every quote was taken out of context.



You know what Ranger I agree with about 50% of those so called quotes that are supposed to be so damaging coming from Moore. Although you didnt give me any proof they came from Moore.

Do I think Americans are stupid? Well if your the standard then yes I do think that Americans who blindly follow Bush are stupid! Although I shouldnt use the word stupid I should instead say Americans who blindly follow Bush are easily mislead just like you Ranger!

I would feel comfortably around Canadians too! At least they aren't as mentally disturbed as a lot of Americans! I suppose now your going to say "if I don't like america then I can get out!" Problem with that is I do like America I just dont like it's leadership.

BTW Oh and you know what I'm more afraid of white people than Blacks too for all the same reasons Moore is!

And one more thing I didnt exactly see any proof about Moore's so called connection with terrorism. Just a lot of right wing mud slinging and that's all your good for, slinging mud, just like a monkey slinging crap!
Brino said:
You know what Ranger I agree with about 50% of those so called quotes that are supposed to be so damaging coming from Moore. Although you didnt give me any proof they came from Moore.
Do I think Americans are stupid? Well if your the standard then yes I do think that Americans who blindly follow Bush are stupid! Although I shouldnt use the word stupid I should instead say Americans who blindly follow Bush are easily mislead just like you Ranger!
I would feel comfortably around Canadians too! At least they aren't as mentally disturbed as a lot of Americans! I suppose now your going to say "if I don't like america then I can get out!" Problem with that is I do like America I just dont like it's leadership.
BTW Oh and you know what I'm more afraid of white people than Blacks too for all the same reasons Moore is!
And one more thing I didnt exactly see any proof about Moore's so called connection with terrorism. Just a lot of right wing mud slinging and that's all your good for, slinging mud, just like a monkey slinging crap!
You are too absorbed by michael moore's vid for not seeing that Moore did and does al his possible to bash bush.
I can say the same thing of people who follow kerry than they are mislead sheeps, does it make you more happy?
Canada has another system so don't compare it to the american system.
Afraid of white people.The first time that i hear that.I am more afraid of mr Louis Farrakhan than by white people .
About the leadership , bush has been elected so you have to deal with it.We know also that your friend Moore is also good at mudslinging, you follow him blindly and that is all you can do like a well educated sheep.