Michael Moore

You Conservatists are repeating the war on terrorism over and over, which reminds me of an old episode of a Swedish comedy series with the title "Lorry". In that there are a TV-reporter that interviews a street gang who has done a lot of vandalism, and to every question the leader of the gang answers that the reason they did the vandalism was because "we do not have a youth centre." In the end of the interview the TV-reporter says, "yes, but you had a youth centre, but that you vandalised." The leader are silent for awhile and then stutters "yes, but... but... yes... but... we didn't have a youth centre!"

If we stop talking about the war on terrorism, then what "good" has Bush done? Remember that he has other responsibilities too.
Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
Bush has done more then Gore would have done, and more then Kerry ever will.
How do you know? Gore has not been president, so you can't really know that, and neither has Kerry. Did you travel into an alternate dimension where Gore was in the White House, and then into a future timeline where Kerry wins, to find out?
Starman said:
How do you know? Gore has not been president, so you can't really know that, and neither has Kerry. Did you into an alternate dimension where Gore was in the White House, and then into a future timeline where Kerry wins, to find out?

You're right. We will never know what Gore or Kerry or Hilary would be like as Pres, cause they never will be. The US needs a strong leader wo ain't afraid to stand up for what he believes and ruffle a few feathers. Any day now I expect to see Kerry on TV crying about how tough this election has been, and why we just can't all get along.


Dirty Sanchez said:
Bush has done more then Gore would have done, and more then Kerry ever will.

Don't worry though folks, you are allowed to question and speak out against the POTUS anytime you want. And now, because of Bush, so are the people of Afganistan and Iraq. Before, a bad word about their leader would lead to their death. Think about that next time you chirp Bush. In Iraq, you would be dead.

Stop living in the past! Gore isnt running against Bush this year Kerry is! And what about all the american lives that needlessly died in Iraq!?
bigdan1110 said:
Again... why Bush is blasting Kerry all the time instead of saying the great things he did for the country... maybe its because he hav'ent done anything the last four years. ! :mad: I'm gonna just stop there...
:thefinger Bush
because kerry started shitstirring him.in every case. on this subject we will never agree.
Brino said:
Stop living in the past! Gore isnt running against Bush this year Kerry is! And what about all the american lives that needlessly died in Iraq!?
You would have prefered to see Saddam still at power????:wtf: Personnally, Bush was right to defeat Saddam's dictatorship, in every war there are killed people . Fighting against dicatorships is a mandatory but you haven't understood that till today. Peaceful talks don't help with dictators.


Dirty Sanchez said:
You're right. We will never know what Gore or Kerry or Hilary would be like as Pres, cause they never will be. The US needs a strong leader wo ain't afraid to stand up for what he believes and ruffle a few feathers. Any day now I expect to see Kerry on TV crying about how tough this election has been, and why we just can't all get along.

Dont you mean a president that doesnt give a shit about the american people and only cares about making himself richer and will even go to war to make himself richer! That's GWB for ya! Four more years, four more years......of hell!


georges said:
You would have prefered to see Saddam still at power????:wtf: Personnally, Bush was right to defeat Saddam's dictatorship, in every war there are killed people . Fighting against dicatorships is a mandatory but you haven't understood that till today. Peaceful talks don't help with dictators.

Yeah I would prefer to still see Saddam in power if it meant that we could save our brave troops lives from being wasted needlessly!
Brino said:
Yeah I would prefer to still see Saddam in power if it meant that we could save our brave troops lives from being wasted needlessly!
A dictator is a dictator and he must be removed by all the means. US faught and fights against dicatorships and terrorism.Maybe would you have prefered to see the 3rd Reich Europe in too?
America freed Europe from Nazism but apparently you can't understand how much dangerous was nazism because you say that attacking saddam was unnecessary.You proved one thing that people who don't fight terrorism and dictatorships can't be elected as president.Period.


georges said:
A dictator is a dictator and he must be removed by all the means. US faught and fights against dicatorships and terrorism.Maybe would you have prefered to see the 3rd Reich Europe in too?
America freed Europe from Nazism but apparently you can't understand how much dangerous was nazism because you say that attacking saddam was unnecessary.You proved one thing that people who don't fight terrorism and dictatorships can't be elected as president.Period.

:bs: Answer me this georges, what the fuck is Bush doing to get rid of all the other dictators in the world most of whom are more dangerous Saddam!? Your argument is bullshit because Bush is doing nothing about those other dictators!
Brino said:
:bs: Answer me this georges, what the fuck is Bush doing to get rid of all the other dictators in the world most of whom are more dangerous Saddam!? Your argument is bullshit because Bush is doing nothing about those other dictators!
He gets rid of dictators one by one.You can't do all quickly.Impossible.After having removed the dicator you must purchase and seize the people who followed the dictator.Your argument is bs:bs: not mine.
All takes time.But you don't understand that.


georges said:
He gets rid of dictators one by one.You can't do all quickly.Impossible.After having removed the dicator you must purchase and seize the people who followed the dictator.Your argument is bs:bs: not mine.
All takes time.But you don't understand that.

Bullshit! :bs: Bush isnt showing any signs what so ever of attacking other dictators and neither will he!
Brino said:
Bullshit! :bs: Bush isnt showing any signs what so ever of attacking other dictators and neither will he!

you don't know that so how can make a such statement?
So next year, Bush will invade North Korea, the year after that he will invade Cuba... right ? Those countries are rule by dictatorship too ?

Well, he won't, because he will not be president !! :D


georges said:
you don't know that so how can make a such statement?

Because he isnt showing any signs of doing it and it's downright impossible for us to take down every dictator in the world under this president!
bigdan1110 said:
So next year, Bush will invade North Korea, the year after that he will invade Cuba... right ? Those countries are rule by dictatorship too ?

Well, he won't, because he will not be president !! :D
who knows? one never knows what can happen.
Originally posted by georges
because kerry started shitstirring him.in every case. on this subject we will never agree.
Of course Kerry has to complain at the current president, how else do you run for president? You complain, and you tell what you want to do yourself. And of course he argued against Bush before Bush argued against him. How could Bush argue against the Democratic presidental candidate before that candidate has been revealed? Everyone knows that! *sigh*

And why does Bush only criticize Kerry and only talks about the war against terrorism? Simple, because that's the only thing that many of the American people like of what's he's done. He don't want to remind the people of his other political failures. So all he talks about is the war against terrorism, and tries to scare people that if he doesn't get re-elected America will turn into a paradise for terrorists. Scare tactics and diversion of attention, that's all what he's about.
Bush's speech was interesting, with some funny bits. And while peole here flip him shit for not being able to speak well, he joked about it himself:

"Sometimes people need to correct my english. I knew I was in trouble when Arnold Schwartzeneggar did it."

Sorry, guys, the crap about how he mangles words occasionally in speeches is just that, diversionary crap. if even he jokes about it...

many of our best presidents were crappy orators. Thomas Jefferson, a great writer, was a horrible speaker. Some presidents stammered. Som occasionally misspeak a word (ever see blooper reels on movies? Top paid actors, who'se whole JOB is to speak written lines, misspeak words...) It simply ensn't enough to cry about.


As for the hunt for Osama, let me ask a few questions about terrorism in general:

Even with some of the top intellignece agencies in the world, the British can't stop IRA car bombers, and the isralis can't stop Palestinian terrorists. We, otoh, may not have gotten bin Laden yet, but we've actually put a HUGE dent in the ME terror network, taking two major terrist-supporting governments out of commission. We removed most of the Al Qaeda network, and the primary strongholds in Afghanistan, fairly quickly. We discover that there is an emerging Afghan army, that the country is now a joint NATO responsibility and thus under the protection of the broadest military alliance in history, that it has a new constitution and is preparing against hellish odds to hold a general election, and that at least a million and a half of its former refugees have opted to return. A highway from Kabul to Kandahar—an insurance against warlordism and a condition of nation-building—is nearing completion with nearly infinite labor and risk. We also discover that the parties of the Afghan secular left—like the parties of the Iraqi secular left—are strongly in favor of the regime change.

But yet you say, we haven't done anything?
About Bush's comments on not winning the war on terror, you TOTALLY took it out of contexts, as is typical. He said that you can't win a war on terror like you "win" a conventional war. You don't sit down at a table and someone signs surrender papers. You create a situation where the terrorists can't wage their war and then you will have "won."