This happened three years ago now...I've had plenty of other fun times before and after but this one almost takes the cake so far in my 22 years lol. It's a little long - there is a part 2 posted right above - but worth it. Just let me know what you think.
In my freshman year I was - still am to some extent, I'll be real - a horny, narcissistic, drinking, pot smoking dumpster fire. I was dating someone who will be called Kat, who was a senior. I was a freshman...I just have a thing for older chicks, what can I do about it? We weren't really good to each other. She was bi-polar and got into these vicious moods, sometimes was physically abusive. Whereas I'd already cheated on her once and sometimes manipulated her neediness to my advantage. We had a big fight in her apartment one day in February and I was kicked out. We were apparently on a break, again (nothing had been explicitly stated, but we both obviously needed to cool off). For our last break I'd actually gone like, 9 days without getting laid before we made up, and it was torture.This time, I couldn't go that long, I was too far gone into sex addiction (no, for real).
So I asked out Megan (18), who I knew from my criminal justice class. She was a cute brunette with freckles and a sort of shy personality who will open up to you if you give her enough time. I'd already flirted with a lot. At first--as she would tell me--she wasn't sure about me/thought I was gross, but I could sense she'd come around to my...charms. Yeah. She was hesitant about going on a date. But I persisted and that Friday or Saturday (forget which), we went out for pizza. Got to know each other a bit. I then took her to my buddy's "cocktail party." In quotation marks because it had just devolved into teen drinking by the time we got there. I brought this large bottle of Tanquerey I still haven't paid Kat back for (except in sex, which I gave to her twice the night she bought it...does that count?).We were drinking and socializing and feeling each other, but I still had to up the ante with Megan. So I started hitting on this rando in plain sight of her. Just some girl who I had no intention of hooking up with, though she was hot. Sometimes this backfires, but with Megan it worked. What I mainly remember about rando girl was she was wearing a necklace. I did a thing where I scooped her necklace up in my hand and told her how nice it was, and asked her about it, while not letting it go. I'd done the same with Megan earlier. Sheer dumb luck with necklaces, that night...
So yeah, it worked. It made Megan jealous and confused and want me more. When I swung back to her, she was a little pissed, but I told her that girl was just a friend and asked Megan if she was upset about her ex (who she'd just broken up with). That steered the conversation in a different direction. I remember going out to the fire escape with her and smoking a bowl and Megan pouring out all her baggage--her ex, grades, parents, etc--and me putting my arm around her, comforting her, her head on my shoulder...I knew there was like a 90% chance I'd be fucking her.We went back inside and her mood was like night and day, i.e horny. Obviously I'm used to moody chicks. I was horny, too. We danced, grinded each other, and she kissed me. We went into the hallway and made out against the wall, frenching, feeling each other up...I even tried fingering her right there but she drew the line at that. We decided to go back to her room. (I guess I prefer hooking up at the girl's room--it makes her more relaxed, as a female friend of mine has pointed out--wise words).
Okay, in case you just want to hear about the sexy times--this is that part--
We undressed each other while kissing...I slid my hands up her skirt and she stroked my cock through my boxers. I looked over her shoulder while she held me and saw that she had minnie mouse sheets. Maybe from her girlhood. I thought how uneasy it might feel to fuck her on those sheets... so at first I gave her head on them. I found myself caressing her butt with one hand and squeezing it and slapping it, all because she'd chosen to sit on my face. I ate her out for a while, I suppose. I don't really finger while licking - I consider it cheating - so I explored her body with my hands, played with her tits, straddled her hips. The works. This does work, by the way. I looked up from her vag to see how things were going and her erect nipples were bouncing up ahead and her head was tilted i was like damn this is a new development.
Other than looking up to check on her status, I didn't even give myself a break. I just gave her every tongue move I have. Side to side, up and down, circles, probing...I remember a mole on her inner thigh that I accidentally licked at one point (lol I know random). She started scooping my head up in her hands and pushing me in closer. She got clenchy when her hips shook. But it wasn't until minutes later at some point, when I started licking her clit, that she progressed into making sounds that I'd say were very uh...enraptured! Didn't even reach for a dictionary for that. She grabbed at my head again and her thighs went WHOMP--locked around my head, blocking out my hearing. Like when you watch a sci-fi movie and they leave the spaceship and space is just silent. I licked her faster even though I was getting don't underestimate the thigh power of an 18 year-old girl in the throes of passion. Aside from the suffocation aspect, her skin was a little prickly with hairs just starting to come in. So my cheeks felt ticklish. I just wish I could have heard her during this time. Like, was she loud enough for the neighbors to hear? Or was she the type that got quiet?
I kept licking to see how far I could take this - even though she squeezed me tight enough that I mostly just felt thigh 1, then thigh 2 on my tongue. Finally she un-bucked her legs and sort of twisted off my face. Now that that was over and we were lying there, catching our breath, my face feeling wet, I desperately wanted to fuck her, but didn't have a condom. So I'd have to sweet talk her into fucking me bare...unless she was completely into that, which some girls, like Kat, are. In any case, she did need a little convincing. I kissed her, put my hand on her cheek, told her how unique she was, how much I liked her, how special that felt...and then told her I didn't have a condom. She decided it was okay, as long as I was careful. I don't think she was on the pill.
So I got inside her and just after she'd made that breathy girl-sound they make at the start of sex and I'd started going steady, my phone began to buzz. It was on the sheets behind us.
Can you guess who it was?
If you guessed Kat, you're correct.
And I knew that without looking, and Megan was distracted by it, so I wanted to put it out of both our minds. I turned up the sex-pacing a couple notches. Told Megan to concentrate on me, which she did. Started moving faster. Spread her legs, heard the mattress squeaking. At some point her eyes shut and she was just going "uh uh ooh uh uh" on the reg - and saying 'yes' now and then. Yes is also what she said when I asked, just to make sure, if I could cum inside her. Hopefully she was actually answering the question lol. So yeah, I came inside her balls deep and her eyes snapped open when it happened, like shit wtf is this feeling. I felt special being the first dude to cum inside her, apparently.
After it was over and she was in the bathroom, I lay there with my dick drying and felt awkward...To distract myself from considering her feelings too much, I decided to call Kat back. I went into the hallway with just my boxers on to do it. She was at a party at her friend Renata's apartment, wasted, lonely, anxious. Some neckbeard-y dude we knew had been hitting on her and she was not feeling that. She wanted to see me. I completely was not expecting this. I tried making an excuse about being out with my friends, but she started getting emotionally manipulative...and also, if given the opportunity to get laid twice in a row, I'll usually take it. So I said I'd be over in a half hour. Went back to Megan's room, where she was standing in her underwear, gawking at me, asking who that was and was I seeing somebody, etc. I kind of deflected her questions and told her sorry I had to cut it short, we'd hang out again. Got dressed and left. Rinsed out my mouth in the public bathroom. Texted my buddy whose party we'd gone to that was it bad if I'd already fucked the girl he'd met and was about to fuck Kat? He seemed to say go for it.
In my freshman year I was - still am to some extent, I'll be real - a horny, narcissistic, drinking, pot smoking dumpster fire. I was dating someone who will be called Kat, who was a senior. I was a freshman...I just have a thing for older chicks, what can I do about it? We weren't really good to each other. She was bi-polar and got into these vicious moods, sometimes was physically abusive. Whereas I'd already cheated on her once and sometimes manipulated her neediness to my advantage. We had a big fight in her apartment one day in February and I was kicked out. We were apparently on a break, again (nothing had been explicitly stated, but we both obviously needed to cool off). For our last break I'd actually gone like, 9 days without getting laid before we made up, and it was torture.This time, I couldn't go that long, I was too far gone into sex addiction (no, for real).
So I asked out Megan (18), who I knew from my criminal justice class. She was a cute brunette with freckles and a sort of shy personality who will open up to you if you give her enough time. I'd already flirted with a lot. At first--as she would tell me--she wasn't sure about me/thought I was gross, but I could sense she'd come around to my...charms. Yeah. She was hesitant about going on a date. But I persisted and that Friday or Saturday (forget which), we went out for pizza. Got to know each other a bit. I then took her to my buddy's "cocktail party." In quotation marks because it had just devolved into teen drinking by the time we got there. I brought this large bottle of Tanquerey I still haven't paid Kat back for (except in sex, which I gave to her twice the night she bought it...does that count?).We were drinking and socializing and feeling each other, but I still had to up the ante with Megan. So I started hitting on this rando in plain sight of her. Just some girl who I had no intention of hooking up with, though she was hot. Sometimes this backfires, but with Megan it worked. What I mainly remember about rando girl was she was wearing a necklace. I did a thing where I scooped her necklace up in my hand and told her how nice it was, and asked her about it, while not letting it go. I'd done the same with Megan earlier. Sheer dumb luck with necklaces, that night...
So yeah, it worked. It made Megan jealous and confused and want me more. When I swung back to her, she was a little pissed, but I told her that girl was just a friend and asked Megan if she was upset about her ex (who she'd just broken up with). That steered the conversation in a different direction. I remember going out to the fire escape with her and smoking a bowl and Megan pouring out all her baggage--her ex, grades, parents, etc--and me putting my arm around her, comforting her, her head on my shoulder...I knew there was like a 90% chance I'd be fucking her.We went back inside and her mood was like night and day, i.e horny. Obviously I'm used to moody chicks. I was horny, too. We danced, grinded each other, and she kissed me. We went into the hallway and made out against the wall, frenching, feeling each other up...I even tried fingering her right there but she drew the line at that. We decided to go back to her room. (I guess I prefer hooking up at the girl's room--it makes her more relaxed, as a female friend of mine has pointed out--wise words).
Okay, in case you just want to hear about the sexy times--this is that part--
We undressed each other while kissing...I slid my hands up her skirt and she stroked my cock through my boxers. I looked over her shoulder while she held me and saw that she had minnie mouse sheets. Maybe from her girlhood. I thought how uneasy it might feel to fuck her on those sheets... so at first I gave her head on them. I found myself caressing her butt with one hand and squeezing it and slapping it, all because she'd chosen to sit on my face. I ate her out for a while, I suppose. I don't really finger while licking - I consider it cheating - so I explored her body with my hands, played with her tits, straddled her hips. The works. This does work, by the way. I looked up from her vag to see how things were going and her erect nipples were bouncing up ahead and her head was tilted i was like damn this is a new development.
Other than looking up to check on her status, I didn't even give myself a break. I just gave her every tongue move I have. Side to side, up and down, circles, probing...I remember a mole on her inner thigh that I accidentally licked at one point (lol I know random). She started scooping my head up in her hands and pushing me in closer. She got clenchy when her hips shook. But it wasn't until minutes later at some point, when I started licking her clit, that she progressed into making sounds that I'd say were very uh...enraptured! Didn't even reach for a dictionary for that. She grabbed at my head again and her thighs went WHOMP--locked around my head, blocking out my hearing. Like when you watch a sci-fi movie and they leave the spaceship and space is just silent. I licked her faster even though I was getting don't underestimate the thigh power of an 18 year-old girl in the throes of passion. Aside from the suffocation aspect, her skin was a little prickly with hairs just starting to come in. So my cheeks felt ticklish. I just wish I could have heard her during this time. Like, was she loud enough for the neighbors to hear? Or was she the type that got quiet?
I kept licking to see how far I could take this - even though she squeezed me tight enough that I mostly just felt thigh 1, then thigh 2 on my tongue. Finally she un-bucked her legs and sort of twisted off my face. Now that that was over and we were lying there, catching our breath, my face feeling wet, I desperately wanted to fuck her, but didn't have a condom. So I'd have to sweet talk her into fucking me bare...unless she was completely into that, which some girls, like Kat, are. In any case, she did need a little convincing. I kissed her, put my hand on her cheek, told her how unique she was, how much I liked her, how special that felt...and then told her I didn't have a condom. She decided it was okay, as long as I was careful. I don't think she was on the pill.
So I got inside her and just after she'd made that breathy girl-sound they make at the start of sex and I'd started going steady, my phone began to buzz. It was on the sheets behind us.
Can you guess who it was?
If you guessed Kat, you're correct.
And I knew that without looking, and Megan was distracted by it, so I wanted to put it out of both our minds. I turned up the sex-pacing a couple notches. Told Megan to concentrate on me, which she did. Started moving faster. Spread her legs, heard the mattress squeaking. At some point her eyes shut and she was just going "uh uh ooh uh uh" on the reg - and saying 'yes' now and then. Yes is also what she said when I asked, just to make sure, if I could cum inside her. Hopefully she was actually answering the question lol. So yeah, I came inside her balls deep and her eyes snapped open when it happened, like shit wtf is this feeling. I felt special being the first dude to cum inside her, apparently.
After it was over and she was in the bathroom, I lay there with my dick drying and felt awkward...To distract myself from considering her feelings too much, I decided to call Kat back. I went into the hallway with just my boxers on to do it. She was at a party at her friend Renata's apartment, wasted, lonely, anxious. Some neckbeard-y dude we knew had been hitting on her and she was not feeling that. She wanted to see me. I completely was not expecting this. I tried making an excuse about being out with my friends, but she started getting emotionally manipulative...and also, if given the opportunity to get laid twice in a row, I'll usually take it. So I said I'd be over in a half hour. Went back to Megan's room, where she was standing in her underwear, gawking at me, asking who that was and was I seeing somebody, etc. I kind of deflected her questions and told her sorry I had to cut it short, we'd hang out again. Got dressed and left. Rinsed out my mouth in the public bathroom. Texted my buddy whose party we'd gone to that was it bad if I'd already fucked the girl he'd met and was about to fuck Kat? He seemed to say go for it.