Michael Moore

Originally posted by Ranger
Hey Brino,
Here is a web site about your heros. You ought to be proud of them. Keep in mind that he thinks that you are stupid.


Enjoy...........It's probably going to be tough to dispute quotes. I'm sure you'll find some BS web site:bs: that says that every quote was taken out of context.

I agreed with all the things that were said by Michael Moore in that flash-film. ;) *LOL*

I find it amusing that a film against him would list a lot of qoutes that I think only speaks in his behalf. He's just saying the same things that many in Sweden and Europe has said for years. He's not the voice of the Democratic party, he's the voice of the majority of us here where I am! ;) *LOL*
Originally posted by georges
ok but the fact remains that the fatah and the hamas are organizations that arafat supports and always has supported.
he is involved in too many murders and kills to be considered as a politician he is a terrorist. he was a friend of cheikh yassine and abd el rantissi who were both killed by israelian soldiers. the both were terrorists.a friend of terrorists will always be a terrorist
It's interesting that one side in a war often call the other side terrorists. There has been authrocious acts made by the Israelian military too, and also terrorist acts by civillian Israelians. Israel has occupied Palestine just like Germany occupied France during the second world war. I'm sure they called the French resistance men terrorists too. And before you begin to claim that I support terrorism I like to clarify that I don't support any of the two sides in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. I think both sides are doing dumb and authrocious acts of violence, and as long as they continue with their action and even more violent counter-action, revenge and retaliation, tactics there will never be peace. You can't wipe out an entire population. They have to do peace talks, the same thing you often say that one can't do with "terrorists".


georges said:
You are too absorbed by michael moore's vid for not seeing that Moore did and does al his possible to bash bush.
I can say the same thing of people who follow kerry than they are mislead sheeps, does it make you more happy?
Canada has another system so don't compare it to the american system.
Afraid of white people.The first time that i hear that.I am more afraid of mr Louis Farrakhan than by white people .
About the leadership , bush has been elected so you have to deal with it.We know also that your friend Moore is also good at mudslinging, you follow him blindly and that is all you can do like a well educated sheep.

Excuse me but that whole flash film was an attempt by right wingers at mudslinging so stop acting like you and Bush are the victim here. Conservatives have thrown a lot of crap and done alot of "mudslinging" and I would argue that they've thrown more crap than even the democrats.

And by the way I've never known of a black person commiting a terrorist act and yet I know of three white people who have (Timothy Mcveigh and the Unibomber plus the guy who bombed the 96 olympics.) Not to mention all the other mass murderers and cult leaders and serial killers in the U.S. and what are the majority of black people arrested for? Drug crimes yes drug crimes that hurt nobody but themselves. So yes I'm more afraid of white people than blacks.
Brino said:
Excuse me but that whole flash film was an attempt by right wingers at mudslinging so stop acting like you and Bush are the victim here. Conservatives have thrown a lot of crap and done alot of "mudslinging" and I would argue that they've thrown more crap than even the democrats.

And by the way I've never known of a black person commiting a terrorist act and yet I know of three white people who have (Timothy Mcveigh and the Unibomber plus the guy who bombed the 96 olympics.) Not to mention all the other mass murderers and cult leaders and serial killers in the U.S. and what are the majority of black people arrested for? Drug crimes yes drug crimes that hurt nobody but themselves. So yes I'm more afraid of white people than blacks.

the sniper of washington was a black murderer as far as i know how can your forget him he killed a lot of innocent person.
did you also forget the bloods and the crips gangs who killed also innocent people by drive by shooting.Have you also forgotten the black muslim leader Louis Farrakhan?who is not angel.
Of course there are white criminals too like john edward gacey,jefrey dahmer, etc.Nobody's perfect and in every population you have criminals.
Well, while we're talking about American terrorists here, I'd like to mention those anti-abortion people who has burnt down abortion clinics and killed doctors who has performed abortions. They make me angry. :mad:

There are other ways of protest than vandalism, pyromania, murder and other kinds of violence. :(
Starman said:
Well, while we're talking about American terrorists here, I'd like to mention those anti-abortion people who has burnt down abortion clinics and killed doctors who has performed abortions. They make me angry. :mad:

There are other ways of protest than vandalism, pyromania, murder and other kinds of violence. :(

true i have to agree with you.
Starman said:
Well, while we're talking about American terrorists here, I'd like to mention those anti-abortion people who has burnt down abortion clinics and killed doctors who has performed abortions. They make me angry. :mad:

There are other ways of protest than vandalism, pyromania, murder and other kinds of violence. :(

They are an interesting breed. Against the "killing" of an unborn child, but have no problem killing human beings already breathing under their own power.


georges said:
the sniper of washington was a black murderer as far as i know how can your forget him he killed a lot of innocent person.
did you also forget the bloods and the crips gangs who killed also innocent people by drive by shooting.Have you also forgotten the black muslim leader Louis Farrakhan?who is not angel.
Of course there are white criminals too like john edward gacey,jefrey dahmer, etc.Nobody's perfect and in every population you have criminals.

I didnt say there wasnt any black murderers and killers I just said that there are a lot more white murderers than black murderers. There is a myth in this country that all crime comes from blacks which isnt true and that's what Moore and myself were trying to convey. And since your the one that wanted to have this conversation do I take it as your afraid of blacks more than whites?
I love you all..................:iloveyou: .............and I thought the posts would be boring this weekend.

Ranger:beer: :beer:
Don't have the stats to support this at the moment. But, the population in the US isn't equally divided between whites and blacks. Put into a ratio, and the chance a black man you encounter on the street is greater he is a criminal, then the white man you see.

Again, with using the ratio, blacks commit more violent crimes then whites (there are more blacks in prison then in College). Most crimes that are commited by whites, are non violent "white-collar" crimes.

Sterotyping and profiling does happen, but it happens both ways, and that's what people like Moore seem to forget. Oh yeah, and profiling works about 99.9% of the time (concerning all races).


Dirty Sanchez said:
Don't have the stats to support this at the moment. But, the population in the US isn't equally divided between whites and blacks. Put into a ratio, and the chance a black man you encounter on the street is greater he is a criminal, then the white man you see.

Again, with using the ratio, blacks commit more violent crimes then whites (there are more blacks in prison then in College). Most crimes that are commited by whites, are non violent "white-collar" crimes.

Sterotyping and profiling does happen, but it happens both ways, and that's what people like Moore seem to forget. Oh yeah, and profiling works about 99.9% of the time (concerning all races).

Apparently you dont watch Cops! The crimes commited on that show look pretty equal to me plus the white people arrested on that show arent exactly commiting white collar crimes! And I would argue that profiling doesnt work 99.9% of the time! And yes there are more blacks in prison but I would be willing to bet a lot of the crimes their being held for are drug crimes.
Brino said:
Apparently you dont watch Cops!

My daily life is an episode of Cops. Maybe you need to do more then just watch a Fox TV show.

The crimes commited on that show look pretty equal to me plus the white people arrested on that show arent exactly commiting white collar crimes!

Do you know what "white-collar" crimes are? How many times has an episode shown an Officer on patrol in an area of town that didn't have burnt out cars on the street, windows in houses boarded up, or group housing? It's not as if that program shows both ends of a city or town. And again, its the Mike Moore way of editting. They don't show everything, just what they want you to see.

And I would argue that profiling doesnt work 99.9% of the time!

You can argue all you want, but you have no real life experiences or facts to back it up. Profiling does work, and its works concerning all races.

And yes there are more blacks in prison but I would be willing to bet a lot of the crimes their being held for are drug crimes.

Nobody is in prison for simple pot posesion. Any drug convictions are for trafficing, or processing a large amount of an illegal substance. People rob and kill other people to get drugs. "Drug crimes" are deeper then just having a joint in your pocket.
Brino said:
I didnt say there wasnt any black murderers and killers I just said that there are a lot more white murderers than black murderers. There is a myth in this country that all crime comes from blacks which isnt true and that's what Moore and myself were trying to convey. And since your the one that wanted to have this conversation do I take it as your afraid of blacks more than whites?

Yes i will be honest with you i am more afraid of blacks than whites.
I have been agressed when i was 9 years old by a black boy who was 13 that can explain my fear of blacks. He robbed my walkman.
Dirty Sanchez said:
My daily life is an episode of Cops. Maybe you need to do more then just watch a Fox TV show.

Do you know what "white-collar" crimes are? How many times has an episode shown an Officer on patrol in an area of town that didn't have burnt out cars on the street, windows in houses boarded up, or group housing? It's not as if that program shows both ends of a city or town. And again, its the Mike Moore way of editting. They don't show everything, just what they want you to see.
You can argue all you want, but you have no real life experiences or facts to back it up. Profiling does work, and its works concerning all races.
Nobody is in prison for simple pot posesion. Any drug convictions are for trafficing, or processing a large amount of an illegal substance. People rob and kill other people to get drugs. "Drug crimes" are deeper then just having a joint in your pocket.

100% agree with you dirty sanchez.
Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
Don't have the stats to support this at the moment. But, the population in the US isn't equally divided between whites and blacks. Put into a ratio, and the chance a black man you encounter on the street is greater he is a criminal, then the white man you see.

Again, with using the ratio, blacks commit more violent crimes then whites (there are more blacks in prison then in College). Most crimes that are commited by whites, are non violent "white-collar" crimes.

Sterotyping and profiling does happen, but it happens both ways, and that's what people like Moore seem to forget. Oh yeah, and profiling works about 99.9% of the time (concerning all races).
Yes, if you choose to compare a minority with a majority, sure it seems more likely to meet a criminal if you meet someone from the minority than one of the majority. It's the same if you compare for example a six-sided die with a ten-sided die, (in roleplaying games, not the computer ones, you have dices from the ranges of four sided to twenty sided, but I'm digressing,) it's more likely you get a one on the six-sided die than a one on a ten-sided die.

I think that the major reasons about there being more blacks in prison than in college in USA is because:
A) The black are in general poorer than the white, thus not affording to go to college. It's also hard to improve your own financial situation if your non-white, because the employers are biased into rather employing white people.
B) It's been proved that the blacks (non-whites) gets harder punishments for the same crimes. The legal system is not completely without racism.

About for the people that has trying to hurt me in my own life, the ones that has tried to do it when I was a child was only white people. In my adult life it has only been women. But I don't go around hating neither because of skin-colour nor about gender. I'm an anti-racist and a feminist. I believe in equal rights for all, no matter which gender, etnicity or other stuff you might be of.


Dirty Sanchez said:
My daily life is an episode of Cops. Maybe you need to do more then just watch a Fox TV show.

Didn't I read in another thread that you were from Canada? If you are from Canada then explain to me how your life is an episode of cops. I grew up in Sacramento California my life really was an episode of cops!

Do you know what "white-collar" crimes are? How many times has an episode shown an Officer on patrol in an area of town that didn't have burnt out cars on the street, windows in houses boarded up, or group housing? It's not as if that program shows both ends of a city or town. And again, its the Mike Moore way of editting. They don't show everything, just what they want you to see.

Yeah I know what white collar crimes are. That was my point you acted like all or the majority of crimes committed by whites are white collar crimes but if you have ever seen cops you'd know that's not true. Plenty of whites are arrested on that show and their obviously not being arrested for white collar crimes since that show doesnt show people being arrested for those crimes!

You can argue all you want, but you have no real life experiences or facts to back it up. Profiling does work, and its works concerning all races.

Where's your proof it works? And where's your proof that 99.9% of the time it works? Do you even know what your saying when you say that it works 99.9% of the time? Essentially your saying that 99 out of 100 people they profile are guilty of a crime! If that's not what you meant then you should have phrased it differently!

Nobody is in prison for simple pot posesion. Any drug convictions are for trafficing, or processing a large amount of an illegal substance. People rob and kill other people to get drugs. "Drug crimes" are deeper then just having a joint in your pocket.

Dont you live in Canada!? Drug crimes are no where near as severe in Canada as they are in he U.S. There are tons of people in jail in the United States for possesion that's why our prisons are so crowded!


georges said:
Yes i will be honest with you i am more afraid of blacks than whites.
I have been agressed when i was 9 years old by a black boy who was 13 that can explain my fear of blacks. He robbed my walkman.

Are you telling me that a white person has never commited a crime against you? In my opinion being afraid of blacks more than whites or anybody else for that matter is borderline racist!
Brino said:
Are you telling me that a white person has never commited a crime against you? In my opinion being afraid of blacks more than whites or anybody else for that matter is borderline racist!

no i was never agressed by a white guy in france. never. i have some black, asian and arab friends too. When you take the tube it is full of bullies and scum.The persons who are often arrested by police are people who lives in poor or difficult quarters. Have you ever been agressed by a white to fear whites much more than blacks? So i can say that you are racist too. But that doesn't make sense.No i am not racist. So don't try to say what is false on my name. Simply i or you have some feelings of fear from some person and having fear feelings is normal.Nobody is a robot and every human has feelings of fear.




georges said:
no i was never agressed by a white guy in france. never. i have some black, asian and arab friends too. When you take the tube it is full of bullies and scum.The persons who are often arrested by police are people who lives in poor or difficult quarters. Have you ever been agressed by a white to fear whites much more than blacks? So i can say that you are racist too. But that doesn't make sense.No i am not racist. So don't try to say what is false on my name. Simply i or you have some feelings of fear from some person and having fear feelings is normal.Nobody is a robot and every human has feelings of fear.



I didnt say you were a racist I said it was borderline racist. And yes I have been agressed by blacks and whites. I'm no more afraid of blacks than I am of whites because I know that being afraid of one race over the other is stupid and makes no sense even if you have been agressed by one race and not the other! Everyone has the capability to be violent no matter what there skin color or social status!