Michael Moore

Brino said:
You know I wish there were more conservatives on this board to argue with. :(

i know what you are meaning but unfortunately we are few conservatives and so is the situation :(


georges said:
hi brino

1):nono: for me kerry and bush have two diffrent characters and personalities that means that kerry would have other reaction than gwb has.

Perhaps but policy wise their very similar on terrorism

georges said:
2) the cia and the fbi couldn't confirm???weak excuse.

If the CIA and FBI didnt know who was responsible for the bombing of the USS Cole while Clinton was in office then how was Clinton to know who to deal with or even attack?

georges said:
because france trapped Carlos the famous terrorists (real name vladimir illich sanchez ramirez) by having finger prints and by having photographies of him at all airports and railway station before he could put bomb on a high speed train.

:2offtopic Maybe I'm missing something but what does that have to do with the bombing of the USS Cole?

georges said:
For ben laden they should have opened their eyes more wider and controlling everyone from the bag to the last pocket as well as seeing on the pc if he wasn't a terrorist especially people coming from countries of where the 9/11 hijackers come from.
tenet failed.Would it have been richard bissell or john karamessines or allen dulles that would have never happened.

Tenet did fail! He failed a lot that's why Bush shouldnt have invaded Iraq based on his word. But you cant put the full blame for 9/11 on Tenet other people in the Bush administration should have been paying more attention. Remember the report titled "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S." the President saw that and did nothing.
Brino said:

1)Perhaps but policy wise their very similar on terrorism

2)If the CIA and FBI didnt know who was responsible for the bombing of the USS Cole while Clinton was in office then how was Clinton to know who to deal with or even attack?

3):2offtopic Maybe I'm missing something but what does that have to do with the bombing of the USS Cole?

4)Tenet did fail! He failed a lot that's why Bush shouldnt have invaded Iraq based on his word. But you cant put the full blame for 9/11 on Tenet other people in the Bush administration should have been paying more attention. Remember the report titled "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S." the President saw that and did nothing.

1) I don't think so
2) You must always foresee what can happen that is what the cia and fbi have forgotten to do
3) would there have been soldiers keeping an eye on the uss cole as well as looking for who entered as well as a personal uss cole crew check and what was braught into the uss cole that wouldn't have happened.
4) i know i have been asking the question myself.
Originally posted by georges
2) the cia and the fbi couldn't confirm??? weak excuse. because france trapped Carlos the famous terrorists (real name vladimir illich sanchez ramirez) by having finger prints and by having photographies of him at all airports and railway station before he could put bomb on a high speed train.
For ben laden they should have opened their eyes more wider and controlling everyone from the bag to the last pocket as well as seeing on the pc if he wasn't a terrorist especially people coming from countries of where the 9/11 hijackers come from.
tenet failed.Would it have been richard bissell or john karamessines or allen dulles that would have never happened.

Georges, or someone else... This is a little confusing, I must have missed it in the news or something... Have I missed something here? Has Bin Ladin been in USA, since he became an enemy to USA?
Originally posted by Brino
You know I wish there were more conservatives on this board to argue with. :(

Is a Socialist just as good to argue with, or is it only the Conservatives you want to argue with? ;) *LOL* :rolleyes:


georges said:
2) You must always foresee what can happen that is what the cia and fbi have forgotten to do

Then the blame for terrorism during the Clinton Administration falls solely on the FBI and CIA not the Clinton Administration


Starman said:
Is a Socialist just as good to argue with, or is it only the Conservatives you want to argue with? ;) *LOL* :rolleyes:

Unfortunately my views and yours are probably to close for us to argue. Unless you think you have one really radical extreme left argument or belief? I'll be happy to argue with you then! :D


Oh and I forgot

georges said:
3) would there have been soldiers keeping an eye on the uss cole as well as looking for who entered as well as a personal uss cole crew check and what was braught into the uss cole that wouldn't have happened.

I might be wrong but if I remember correctly the bombing of the USS Cole was from a boat wired with explosives that rammed the Cole. Not from a bomb that was planted on the Cole. I could be wrong though.
Originally posted by Brino
Unfortunately my views and yours are probably to close for us to argue. Unless you think you have one really radical extreme left argument or belief? I'll be happy to argue with you then! :D

Well, I guess the only thing we can argue about is economics, taxes and capitalism. Other than that there are not much differences... ;)


Starman said:
Well, I guess the only thing we can argue about is economics, taxes and capitalism. Other than that there are not much differences... ;)

Ok! What dont you like about them?
Originally posted by Brino
Ok! What dont you like about them?

Like? It's not a matter of liking or not, it's just different opinions about how to do it between the Socialdemocrats and the Liberals/Conservatives (the co-operate against us.) here in Sweden. They think lowering the taxes solves every problem in the world. Some of those politicians are very ridiculous about that. This is a true story, one guy was asked about what to do about different problems in the society, on every question he answered that if we lower the taxes etc. I'm not kidding you, even when it came to the question of what to do about racism he gave lowering the taxes as a solution. ;) *LOL* :D


Starman said:
Like? It's not a matter of liking or not, it's just different opinions about how to do it between the Socialdemocrats and the Liberals/Conservatives (the co-operate against us.) here in Sweden. They think lowering the taxes solves every problem in the world. Some of those politicians are very ridiculous about that. This is a true story, one guy was asked about what to do about different problems in the society, on every question he answered that if we lower the taxes etc. I'm not kidding you, even when it came to the question of what to do about racism he gave lowering the taxes as a solution. ;) *LOL* :D

Ok so the Liberals/Conservatives in Sweden want to lower the taxes. What do the SocialDemocrats want to do?

BTW Same problem here with politicians wanting to lower the taxes except here its mainly for the rich and not the poor.
Brino said:
Oh and I forgot
I might be wrong but if I remember correctly the bombing of the USS Cole was from a boat wired with explosives that rammed the Cole. Not from a bomb that was planted on the Cole. I could be wrong though.

yes but it was boat that was sent from a harbour and aimed at the uss cole so why did the fbi or the soldiers who were at the harbour did not inspect all the boats? However i am sure that there was someone of the uss cole crew who could have been a potential informator for the terrorists. all is possible.
Starman said:
Georges, or someone else... This is a little confusing, I must have missed it in the news or something... Have I missed something here? Has Bin Ladin been in USA, since he became an enemy to USA?

no you didn't understand what i said. if there was a person like john karamessines or allen dulles at the head of the fbi the 9/11 would have never happened.Why? Because they put some people who were potential threats in 70's (pro commies) under phone evesdropping, they oppened their letters, and had always someone in a car who was looking at them and eventually ready to kill them. This mettod would have been useful if it was used aginst ben ladenists.But no ben laden isn't in the us as far as i know.
Brino said:
Ok so the Liberals/Conservatives in Sweden want to lower the taxes. What do the SocialDemocrats want to do?

BTW Same problem here with politicians wanting to lower the taxes except here its mainly for the rich and not the poor.

The Socialdemocrats, in co-operation with the Enviromental party and the Left party (former Communists, now having the Socialdemocratic ideology instead.), wants to have the taxes to remain the same, or when needed raise them, to be able to finance schools, hospitals, and elderly care.

The Liberals/Conservatives wants to lower the taxes, financing the tax cuts by taking money from just those things I mentioned above, and they want to privaticize all the companies that are owned by the state. They want Pure Capitalism, not Planned Economizing.


georges said:
yes but it was boat that was sent from a harbour and aimed at the uss cole so why did the fbi or the soldiers who were at the harbour did not inspect all the boats? However i am sure that there was someone of the uss cole crew who could have been a potential informator for the terrorists. all is possible.

As for an informant to the terrorists thats just speculation so you cant do much about that if you dont know beforehand. I'm not sure how U.S. troops are supposed to inspect privately owned boats in a foreign harbor especially if they have no idea whether theres going to be a terrorist attack or not. And if they did have knowledge of a terrorist attack planned against one of there ships I think they would just avoid the harbor all together and have the local government take care of the terrorists.


Starman said:
The Socialdemocrats, in co-operation with the Enviromental party and the Left party (former Communists, now having the Socialdemocratic ideology instead.), wants to have the taxes to remain the same, or when needed raise them, to be able to finance schools, hospitals, and elderly care.

The Liberals/Conservatives wants to lower the taxes, financing the tax cuts by taking money from just those things I mentioned above, and they want to privaticize all the companies that are owned by the state. They want Pure Capitalism, not Planned Economizing.

Well why do the Liberal/Conservatives want to lower the taxes and how high are the taxes there? Also do the rich pay less taxes than the poor or vice versa or are they the same?
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Brino said:
As for an informant to the terrorists thats just speculation so you cant do much about that if you dont know beforehand. I'm not sure how U.S. troops are supposed to inspect privately owned boats in a foreign harbor especially if they have no idea whether theres going to be a terrorist attack or not. And if they did have knowledge of a terrorist attack planned against one of there ships I think they would just avoid the harbor all together and have the local government take care of the terrorists.

i think you are correct.however keeping our eyes open in a critical situation is more than important.
Brino said:
Is it just me or does it seem extremely odd that all the people who support Bush arent American and all the people who are against Bush are American. Weird!

Silent majority Vs loud minority. all this talk about how much George Bush is hated, and what a horrible job he has done, and yet polls I've seen show Kerry and Bush neck and neck. I guess maybe he isn't hated that much. Geez, maybe Micheal Moore will slash his wrists if Bush wins again.

Are you even reading the links I'm giving to support F9/11 or are you only reading the links I'm giving that are against it? If you read the links that support F9/11 youd see that's not true. Michael Moore created the War Room to answer his critics so he is holding himself accountable. There's a difference between Michael Moore and the Media. The media are supposed to be unbiased Moore on the other hand doesnt need to be. He has even admitted that he made F9/11 for the purpose of getting Bush out of office. Though there is questionable editing and a few halftruths in F9/11 we shouldnt let those shift our focus from all the truths in F9/11. What about all the things in F9/11 that are true?

The media never has been unbiased. Thats why there are so many choices out there. Don't just stick with one paper, or one channel and believe everything you hear/read. I don't have a problem with someone like Moore presenting a different side, just don't lie or purposely leave info out to make your point. And certianly don't complain about ths actions of the media if you are going to do the same. And again I ask, where was Moore when Clinton was making mistakes? I can't take someone seriously when the have such a obviuos agenda. And when you purposely lie about things, it takes away from away truths that you may have presented. I guess its OK for Moore to lie and tell some truths, but not for Bush.

I find it quite believable that he's a bumbling idiot. After all what other documenteries has he done? He's an amateur and thus he could be exactly as the Daily Show made him out to be.

Then fine, don't talk with him, but certainly don't mock him as well. I shows what Moore is really like. Either help another film maker (again I ask, what was Moore like in his first few projects?), or stay as far away from it as possible. Why is it Moore made such a big deal about Heston not wanting to talk to him, yet Moore won't talk to someone else about his film?

Yea Kerry's the one who will only use force when neccessary not Bush.

Are you sure, or are you going to flip flop like Kerry does on everything?

Dont bring Clinton into this. You'll lose. Trust me!

I wish Clinton could have served a third term, but also think if Hillary is elected, the World will be in much worse shape then it is now.