Hiliary 2020
This was definitely my favourite episode of season 6 and maybe the best episode ever unless Darlton write something even betterI love how there were so many connections to The Constant (my other favourite episode) and solid confirmations about the connections between the Sideways narrative and The Island.
Best moments for me:
'Not Penny's boat' - I totally screamed out loud in my apartment and scared my dog haha
'Whatever happened, happened' - Eloise
'The Island is not done with you yet' - Widmore
And of course pretty much everything Faraday said. LOSTGASM!
yeah great episode, gonna watch it again now.
so, desmond in the original timeline is aware of desmond in the sideways timeline?
if so that is why he now agrees to help widmore i suppose.
but, he left with evil sayid, he sure left passively too.
he was like "ok".
i would think smokey wants him dead.
i think a few in the sideways timeline are aware that somethings up.
both jack and sun looked at themselves funny in the mirror, kate did something similar i believe.
and eloise, again she is acting all mysterious, what is it with that woman?
how does she know these things?
but i could see her motive for wanting to keep everything in the sideways timeline, this way daniel wont die.
and charlie? what was up with him?
he seemed to know something we didnt.