The reason why religious nuts like him are against abortion because they were aborted themselves..
hahah good comeback! Just read the bible and you will know right away its bullshit!!
Anybody seen the weather in Kansas now. There is severe weather with alot of tornados.. I wonder why?? Its God answering!! Fuck you religious nuts!! lol
I'll object with some God damn class here.. Go fuck yourself!! and STFU! You fucking Neo-con! Last time I checked this doctor was murdered and your talking bullshit! This guy deserve the hero of the year for what he did for woman who were raped.
Just as it is a stretch when fucking Neo-cons like you say legalize Gay marriage and next thing people will want to marry animals.
Wow.. You actually laughed at that? Fine praise your fucking no god and fight for a blob/fetus which isn't a life instead of an actual life that was a doctor who got murdered at his own church. Oh no he was going to die anyway cause he picked that life.
The level of discourse has been raised to the level of 13 year olds using Daddy's password ...:rofl2:
I think, now that school is out, we'll see a lot more of this kind of intellectual development displayed in talk threads...deep thought from adolescent minds!:rofl:
However old they may actually be...)
As for the claim that someone can disown a Medical Doctor for his directional bias, or for the specific area of his specialty is living in a 1940's Comic Book reality...hey, I hate to break the news, but Superman and Green Lantern aren't gonna show up and stop the Evil Doctor, who will then be stripped of his title for not being Noble!
Actually, it goes deeper than someone's choice to be "inconvenienced by pregnancy "... or not...; many believe that choice of life or death should be, ultimately, the choice of the living person.
Who are you to tell me I have to breathe if I no longer wish to?
Yet, without a written order to not resuscitate, I could end up brain-dead and breathing through the miracle of medical science...for years if someone wanted that to be so.
So, the choice to bring a fetus to birth...whenever that the actual choice of the living mother.
A parents decision to not birth a severely deformed or damaged fetus early in the term is their decision alone, hers specifically.
I think the law requires a serious justification for a late term if the Doc choose to provide the medical services for those who needed/wanted the late term procedure, it was better than an amateur med student doing the procedure for extra cash.
So...killing a Doctor for assuring sanitary conditions and medical expertise seems beyond arrogant and overly full of oneself, it goes all the way over to "really dumb".
There are many "deadly to the mother" situations at childbirth...blood pressure, internal infections and excessive bleeding can kill or severely damage a mother at birth, whether Cesarian or bc.
All women can't survive every operation equally...childbirth is so internal that a lot of harm can come to weaker or physically damaged birthmothers.
Anyway, the Doctor was not killing babies, ala Dr. place for a killing by a conscious person in a church of a respected member of the community, family man, and licensed Medical Doctor.
Whatever...I ain't never gonna give birth so it's not my business. Abortion, that is...murder is everybodies' business, unless it happened in another jurisdiction and you won't have to do jury duty.:thumbsup: