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Is Bush the worst president ever?

Is Bush the worst president ever?

  • YES

    Votes: 298 66.7%
  • NO

    Votes: 149 33.3%

  • Total voters
Ya think?
Gee, I dunno....
:scratching head:
:itching balls:
:looking around for the TV remote:
I mean, I do kinda think just maybe elm might have a superiority complex, and some reading comprehension problems, but then as a typical american dumbass idiot, I really couldn't say for sure :dunno:
(whoa! - these nachos rule!)



Closed Account
George Dumya Bush took a country on a roll, fat with surpluses and happy people...and turned us into the greatest debtor country in the history of the world. Never before have we pissed away so much goodwill and money. It takes a genuinely talented fool to achieve the kind of negative climate that Bush and his "team" have accomplished.
Well said.
Ya think?
Gee, I dunno....
:scratching head:
:itching balls:
:looking around for the TV remote:
I mean, I do kinda think just maybe elm might have a superiority complex, and some reading comprehension problems, but then as a typical american dumbass idiot, I really couldn't say for sure :dunno:
(whoa! - these nachos rule!)


I'll look at these World issues and answers again when Wheel of Fortune ends.
none of the presidents have been worth shit. what have any of them done for me :dunno:
and then if i actually did care enough to vote they wouldn't let me have a sayso anyway because the citizen's vote means nothing
A bit of wisdom from my government teacher: The best presidents are the ones you can never remember.
I believe that distinction would go to Jimmy Carter. It's kind of funny, at least to me, that he ran his election campaign on something called "the misery index", which supposedly increased a lot during the Nixon/Ford years, yet at the end of his term, that index increased even more. Thank God for Reagan! :D

Get Real!!! Having Alzheimer's and allowing your advisers to run the country does not make someone a great president or person for that matter.
There are other presidents who have been pretty bad. So either Dubya is the worst prez ever or he's a strong contender for the title.

Definitely the worst US prez of the second half of the 20th Century.
A couple observations:

1) Regardless of what your view of him is, I find it extremely amusing how so many people criticize his intelligence & intellect because he often inarticulate. A fault, I might add, many of us possess but are not criticized for since ours does not manifest itself in the public eye. I suggest these individuals evaluate themselves first, because if they did, I believe they would realize they are much too poorly educated and informed to be making character assumptions.

2) Of those who scrutinize his education (or their perceived lack there of), how many possess and undergraduate degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard? My guess would be not many. However, the president does. There seems to be a never ending stream of people who outwardly appear to be hippies or G.E.D. recipients, criticizing the president on his intelligence. Such staunch, arrogant attitudes of many on the left are sadly an ineffective convoluted attempt to mask the reality of their own shortcomings. Also, those amongst you who dismiss his collegiate academic success as a result of his "connections" or family name are showing your poor knowledge of history. If you took time to educate yourself, you would realize that when the president was admitted to Yale, his father had yet to even win election to his first term in the house of representatives! While the family did have wealth, they still lacked the prestige & power many of you assume they held in order to push George through the Ivy League.

3) Quote: "Most people's idea of history begins with the day they were born." The author of this quote will remain nameless so as to not dissuade you from giving me your attention for a moment more. However, it is unceasingly proven true. For instance, people relentlessly refer to the president as not only the "worst" president, but also attach the stigma of having the lowest approval ratings in history. For the sake of brevity, I will address the later of these references first. Anyone who actually attended their 20th century political science class, and remained awake, would recall that this distinction belongs to none other than the Franklin Roosevelt's vice president, Harry S. Truman. During his second term in office, Truman's approval rating hit 22%, according to Gallop, after he fired the WWII hero General Douglas McArthur. This is an approval depth not reached by our current president, regardless of what facts uneducated individuals believe they have seen. As a side note, Truman also achieved a record high approval rating for a president of 67% shortly after the end of WWII. That was until it was broken by Bush's approval ratings of 69% during late 2001.

4) Lastly, for those who believe he is the worst president in history, you again show your lack of knowledge and inability to put something in it's proper historical context. To prove the point (and provide a little humor), here are several presidents or presidential actions whose debacles will likely never be exceeded, regardless of our current president or any to follow:
- James Buchanan (1857-1861): When facing the prospect of southern states succeeding from the union, his only action was to state the illegalities of such a course. He was the man with the greatest ability to prevent the Civil War, and did nothing. Therefore, if we apply the same standards of war death attribution as modern liberals apply to Bush, Buchanan was responsible for 625,000 deaths (2% of the entire U.S. population at the time).
-Warren Harding (1921-1923): During his brief 2 years in office preceding his death, several members of his cabinet were not only kicked out of office, but were subsequently convicted of bribery & fraud felonies, eventually spending the rest of Harding's term, in prison.
-Franklin Pierce (1853-1857): This man aggravated so many people in every political party because of his nonsensical decision making, that no one from any party would support any of his legislation. In response, Pierce decided to sink into a constant drunken stupor, many days being too drunk to attend meetings or make decisions. If this wasn't bad enough, after his term in office, when he was not re-nominated by his party, he pledged his allegiance to the Confederacy. Not long after that, he died of cirrhosis.
-Andrew Jackson (1829-1837): Although being the hero of the war of 1812, Jackson's behavior was often so outrageous (and hysterical) that it cannot possibly be superseded by any other presidents stupidity. He often kept a parrot in the Oval Office that made a habit of swearing (words obviously gleaned from Jackson) at foreign dignitaries. Although no one should have been surprised after witnessing his inauguration celebration. At the party, many guests made moon shine in the White House bath tubs & shot guns in the White House. Eventually, when the party lasted until sunrise and White House staff attempted to get the president to bed, Jackson and his friends insisted that the bash continue. They proceeded to haul their bath tubs of moon shine out onto the White House front lawn, drinking until the tubs were dry and subsequently passing out right there. Jackson is often regarded as one of our top ten presidents. An opinion with which i personally concur. I merely included him for this reason: to show that someone's perception can drastically change with the passing of history, so be careful on what basis you judge someone.

Thanks for allowing me to rant.
^^^ Man thats ancient history, for most people "ever" is the last 20-30 years aint nobody remember if Franklin Pierce was a raging alcoholic. We do know that Dubya was good for laughs and not so good at decision making, maybe he should have been drunk whenever he had to attend to presidential duties at least it would have given him a reason to blow up the Middle East and slowly help destroy this countries economy. Hell some people think better when they are intoxicated out of their minds.
A couple observations:

1) Regardless of what your view of him is, I find it extremely amusing how so many people criticize his intelligence & intellect because he often inarticulate. A fault, I might add, many of us possess but are not criticized for since ours does not manifest itself in the public eye. I suggest these individuals evaluate themselves first, because if they did, I believe they would realize they are much too poorly educated and informed to be making character assumptions.

2) Of those who scrutinize his education (or their perceived lack there of), how many possess and undergraduate degree from Yale and an MBA from Harvard? My guess would be not many. However, the president does. There seems to be a never ending stream of people who outwardly appear to be hippies or G.E.D. recipients, criticizing the president on his intelligence. Such staunch, arrogant attitudes of many on the left are sadly an ineffective convoluted attempt to mask the reality of their own shortcomings. Also, those amongst you who dismiss his collegiate academic success as a result of his "connections" or family name are showing your poor knowledge of history. If you took time to educate yourself, you would realize that when the president was admitted to Yale, his father had yet to even win election to his first term in the house of representatives! While the family did have wealth, they still lacked the prestige & power many of you assume they held in order to push George through the Ivy League.

3) Quote: "Most people's idea of history begins with the day they were born." The author of this quote will remain nameless so as to not dissuade you from giving me your attention for a moment more. However, it is unceasingly proven true. For instance, people relentlessly refer to the president as not only the "worst" president, but also attach the stigma of having the lowest approval ratings in history. For the sake of brevity, I will address the later of these references first. Anyone who actually attended their 20th century political science class, and remained awake, would recall that this distinction belongs to none other than the Franklin Roosevelt's vice president, Harry S. Truman. During his second term in office, Truman's approval rating hit 22%, according to Gallop, after he fired the WWII hero General Douglas McArthur. This is an approval depth not reached by our current president, regardless of what facts uneducated individuals believe they have seen. As a side note, Truman also achieved a record high approval rating for a president of 67% shortly after the end of WWII. That was until it was broken by Bush's approval ratings of 69% during late 2001.

4) Lastly, for those who believe he is the worst president in history, you again show your lack of knowledge and inability to put something in it's proper historical context. To prove the point (and provide a little humor), here are several presidents or presidential actions whose debacles will likely never be exceeded, regardless of our current president or any to follow:
- James Buchanan (1857-1861): When facing the prospect of southern states succeeding from the union, his only action was to state the illegalities of such a course. He was the man with the greatest ability to prevent the Civil War, and did nothing. Therefore, if we apply the same standards of war death attribution as modern liberals apply to Bush, Buchanan was responsible for 625,000 deaths (2% of the entire U.S. population at the time).
-Warren Harding (1921-1923): During his brief 2 years in office preceding his death, several members of his cabinet were not only kicked out of office, but were subsequently convicted of bribery & fraud felonies, eventually spending the rest of Harding's term, in prison.
-Franklin Pierce (1853-1857): This man aggravated so many people in every political party because of his nonsensical decision making, that no one from any party would support any of his legislation. In response, Pierce decided to sink into a constant drunken stupor, many days being too drunk to attend meetings or make decisions. If this wasn't bad enough, after his term in office, when he was not re-nominated by his party, he pledged his allegiance to the Confederacy. Not long after that, he died of cirrhosis.
-Andrew Jackson (1829-1837): Although being the hero of the war of 1812, Jackson's behavior was often so outrageous (and hysterical) that it cannot possibly be superseded by any other presidents stupidity. He often kept a parrot in the Oval Office that made a habit of swearing (words obviously gleaned from Jackson) at foreign dignitaries. Although no one should have been surprised after witnessing his inauguration celebration. At the party, many guests made moon shine in the White House bath tubs & shot guns in the White House. Eventually, when the party lasted until sunrise and White House staff attempted to get the president to bed, Jackson and his friends insisted that the bash continue. They proceeded to haul their bath tubs of moon shine out onto the White House front lawn, drinking until the tubs were dry and subsequently passing out right there. Jackson is often regarded as one of our top ten presidents. An opinion with which i personally concur. I merely included him for this reason: to show that someone's perception can drastically change with the passing of history, so be careful on what basis you judge someone.

Thanks for allowing me to rant.

Just a couple of corrections from an ignorant leftist.On the issue of GWB being admitted to Yale ,it was not the fact that his father and family(granddaddy was a senator btw) were connected politically that got him admitted it was the fact that Bush Sr had attended Yale himself.Colleges give preference to children of former graduates(affirmative action for rich folks lol).And Bush needed that help to get in as his grades from prep school were nothing special.The political influence I think came into play with GWB's miltary record during the vietnam era.He was able to get into the air national guard and not even show up for a lot of that.Was daddy helpfull in that? I will let you draw your own conclusions.
And while you are correct historically on the disapproval ratings of truman you are incorrect on the approval ratings.Actually it was Bush Sr who has the record for highest rating at 89% approval.

But I do not think Bush is stupid in the sense of being uneducated,obviously he is not as he has had every advantage his family's position carries and has attended some of the best colleges and universities in the country.But knowing facts and drawing the right lessons from those facts are two different things.GWB knows the facts but is usually very wrong and dangerously naive and simple minded in the lessons.He see's the world in black and white terms and is now apparently on a mission(from god which he sites as a factor in this thinking) to make it conform to how he thinks it should be,using force I might add.That is not really much different than what many infamous people in history such as Napoleon and Hitler had as agenda's.It didn't work out in the end for them and won't this time eithier.And no I am not saying GWB is a Hitler,just comparing the philosophy of they are fixing the world in their own minds.Bush Sr looks much better in comparison to GWB as he understaood why you did not want to try to take Iraq to no govt order and then rebuild it.
For those reasons(being naive and dangerous) I think it is very clear GWB has been easily the worst President in at least a 100 years.
He's damn bad but he's not the worst. The worst US president is about to come and when he's about to leave White House (most probably in 2012 or 2016), there won't be a super powered U.S.A!

I want to think different to the positive way but mark my words.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
He is the worst president ever he has crippled the US economy; everything is going to hell in a handbag; he deliberately invaded iraq under false aquisation's of WMD's; in which he has caused world wide distrust because of his fabrication of evidence; he has no consideration for domestic problems and issues; health care system sucks; he stole iraqs oil and gas prices are @ an all-time high? he is in cahoots and great friends with the big kahuna in saudi arabia (can't recall his name) prince abdulah?? not sure..

anyways half the hi-jackers from 9/11 were saudi arabian; their are still rumors that S.A. funded or had knowledge of al-quada plans or intent in advance of 9/11!! their are so many conspriacy theories regarding bush and his administration what did the FBI and CIA know before 9/11 if they both are america's top defense or watchdogs/protectors how come they were never on the same page or exchanged information regarding intelligence they had on al-quada; osama bin laden; the taliban.. etc..etc..

bush is war hungry and sorry to say the whole invasion of iraq was a facade to kill saddam; it wasn't to liberate iraqi's and besides it wasn't the US's problem to liberate iraq!! it wasn't any of our business!! the world would be a lot less volatile and a lot less anti-american sentiment.. bush makes a CRACKHEAD look smart and respectable!! :rolleyes::confused::dunno:
Bush has been an awful President, but far from the worst. History will be very kind to George W Bush and Bill Clinton.

The worst President in modern times is Probably the Kennedy / Johnson administration. History is only now starting to tell the truth about Kennedy - who almost started World War 3 on two occasions, and who started the Vietnam war.

No matter who becomes President of the US on Jan 20, 2009, we'll all be better off than we are now.
I don't know, Nixon was bad, but he did important stuff with his visit to China and the environmental laws he put in the books.
He's not the best and not the worst. Obviously, this board is dominated by left-wingers so of course he's getting bashed more than he deserves.
He's not the best and not the worst. Obviously, this board is dominated by left-wingers so of course he's getting bashed more than he deserves.

He doesn't deserve it? What has he done that has made his presidency worthwhile?

The Economy--worst since the Great Depression
Bin Laden's head on a spike?--we don't even know where he is
Iraqi Oil paying for war?--:rofl: yeah, that was a good one
New Orleans rebuilt--um, nope.
World Trade Center rebuilt?--nope. Shame on him for not making this an important message.
Afghanistan War completed? Hardly. This is getting ready to gear up again. Taliban is back thanks to W.'s unwillingness to put a torch to poppy fields..

Look at all the meltdowns that occurred during W.'s time in office--the Housing meltdown, the credit meltdown, Sports athlete Doping, unsafe Chinese products, food recalls...the list seems to go on and on.

What exactly does he deserve credit for?:dunno: