Changing my words won't make a better point.
Each if my points was about about killing humans with either the go-ahead or the direct order of your country's law system. If you fail to see that, you are either too singleminded or now willing to accept that.
And wether killing a fetus is killing a human being or not, you are using double-standards there.
The USA are getting people killed on a major scale, both passive or active. Live with that or change that. Your decision... just don't bullshit us and yourself about it.
Yeah, cuz nobody saw that coming...It's really monotonous being right all the time...
what are you talking about superduper?
i didnt change your words, just trying to show the irony of what you posted.
a war whether you agree with it or not has nothing to do with abortion.
its not double standards its two completely different things.
so no i dont see it, so i'm either singleminded or just logical.
whats that last paragraph?
killed passive or active?
is that like the robber killed the victim or the victim was killed by the robber?
did you mean in the usa or by the usa?
your hard to follw man.
so if its in the usa you mean murder?
if its by the usa you mean war?
either way I see no connection to that other than perhaps "well people die so abortions no biggie".
maybe now i understand, the usa is getting people killed, theyre the cause.
ok so?
As to war: The USA have attacked Ira and killed a lot of its people, in aan attack that was not built on a base of self-defense. Read about that, and learn the truth. The threat by those fake WOMD never existed and the government knew. Thus, very simply, every human being in Iraq was murdered.
The connection is: You say abortion is murder. but you fail to see all the other murder going on.
I never want a child. Ever. You don't have a vagina, it's not your really just dont think things through charlie hustle.
i suppose women should have the final say in the matter, but if a woman was carrying your child and you wanted it, you loved it, and she wanted to abort it, would you still feel that way.
Oh boy, this isn't going to end well. You're better off closing this thread before it completely degenerates into a shit storm. I have my own opinions about abortion, and like most people, my opinions aren't going to change because of what someone else says. Thus, all you're going to have here is people arguing back and forth, nothing more. This will not be productive conversation. I understand your intent, but people just don't agree on this subject- and they can't agree to disagree because each person believes he/she is right. That just leads to a stalemate...
The threat by those fake WOMD never existed and the government knew. Thus, very simply, every human being in Iraq was murdered.
I find it strange that especially the US-Americans in here find it so easy to scream murder over abortion, while you don't seem to be very vocal about the death sentence that your country still practises.
If noone is allowed to end another human beings life by purpose without really being threatened, there are some other examples going on in your country that are jandled very differently than abortions.
1. The practice of death sentence. This is murder for murder. So, it is legalised murder.
2. Gun laws. An example, a new (Old school-) gun law in Florida, that allows to use deadly force if people have the feeling that they are threatened. So if you walk over someone's backyard, maybe not even knowing you are on someone's land, it is okay if the possibly paranoid owner has the impression you look foreign, threatening or whatever, he can just shoot you down. That is insane.
3. The USA and so many of its people feel actually proud of their government and soldiers that went to Iraq and killing thousands of their people, though the Weapons of Mass Destruction never existed - we learned through the past years that Blair+Bush knew those WOMD never existed in the first place, and needed a fictious reason for bringing death to a whole country. Murder. Everyone that was involved in planning it, and everyone who still fights that war while knowing it got started for a lie is partaking in murder, in my opinion.
Finally: If you are not okay with a law, go and change the law. If you take laws in your own hands, you are the criminal. Not the person who goes by the law.