the argument that most anti abortion folks are pro death penalty is indeed ironic to those of us who are pro abortion. however - what some of us are failing to see is that its ironic to the anti abortion folks that most of us pro abortion folks are anti death penalty. those who oppose abortion consider the fetus to be a live human being with civil rights, so naturally they are horrified that a group would endorse abortion of an innocent human but oppose capital punishment of a convicted murderer. its a two way street
yes the deathrow inmate may have been wrongly convicted. that is the flaw of the law and the if the pro side embraces that the law is flawed there, then we have to realize the anti side can say the law is flawed on the abortion issue. again, its a two way street.
i think what both sides fail to see is the actual reasoning behind each conviction. pro abortionists do not consider the fetus an human being while the anti abortionists do. telling a man its a womans choice when the man thinks a baby is being murdered will have little effect on him. telling a pro abortion supporter that an innocnet child is being killed when the pro abortionist doesnt consider it a human being will not work either. those types of arguments will get us no closer to the truth than eating a bakers dozen of donuts will.
one caveat: the law is indeed flawed. but its the best we got for now, so i'll play by those rules but enjoy the fact that the law allows me to protest it as well. .
do i think its murder? no for the early term. the early fetus is dependant upon the host. it is like a parasite that cant survive on its own. at that point i think of an abortion as simply a medical procedure. as far as late term abortions things get clouded. i think thats a gray area and i honestly cant say one way or the other. third trimester fetuses have more than a sporting chance to survive outside the womb as other babys naturally born do.
so here's the rub. if a late term fetus can be delivered via a cesarean and set in the baby room to cry its lungs out with all the other babies and i came in there and killed it, i'd hopefully be convicted to the worst punishment the law allows. but if i were to abort that same fetus at that same exact time that the cesarean would have been performed, i'd just be considered a doctor doing my job. so whats the difference? we say the baby would be a human being in the infant ward but not in the womb? is it the rule of real estate here? location location location? that just doesnt make sense to me. at that point i dont consider it murder simply because its legal.
so early term pregnancy, i dont have problem with abortion. and no i dont think its murder.
but late term abortion, i still have mixed feelings on the fact that if im in Room A and capable of supporting myself you cant terminate me because im in Room A, but if i'm in Room B yet still capable of supporting myself the same way i can in Room A, you could still terminate me simply because i'm in Room B. location location location
but even then i dont consider it murder, cos its legal. and the woman getting the abortion is excercising her legal right. at the point the issue is with the law and the lawmakers.
the big problem here is that i think the late term issue is a valid argument and i'm not really convinced one way or the other. im not saying whos wrong or whos right cos i dont know. but i have absolutely no faith in either side actually going over those particular facts and giving me an honest answer because they may feel their side is in danger of losing the battle.
so we get back to black and white portrayal of in the womb = fair game, out of the womb = sacred life and batton down the hatches to weather the storm. but i think thats a gray area and not black and white at all and have not really heard a very convincing argument either way. and here's the bigger rub, i think the side i'm on (pro abortion) is more afraid of addressing that particular aspect than the other side (anti abortion). that fact makes me even less comfortable.
finally, notice i say pro abortion and anti abortion. i say that because that is what it is. the pro choice, pro life labels are derived from marketing experts who discovered its better to sugar coat the faction name so that people are more endeared to your cause. pro abortion? oh no no no...lets call it pro screams freedom! anti abortion? oh no no no...lets call it pro life, sounds more positive! what the fuck ever, i actually despise both sides so they can call themselves gangbang warriors or carpet munching dykes and it wouldnt change a god damn thing. they are for or against abortion. plain and simple.
sorry so long. i guess the short answer for me is: no, i dont think its murder but its not completely cut and dry for me either. and now you know why.