I think Glenn Beck Will Have a Real Breakdown Very Soon!!


When I quit laughing, I read a bit and as usual the lefty loons keep talking shit and saying the same things over and over...like Chihauhaus and Pomeranians nipping at a Rotweillers feet and claiming victory when he walks away.
Glenn has a good grasp on the hard facts and the Obama admin is so obvious and arrogant they keep doing the obvious and arrogant thing...anyone except an Obama Zombie can see the disconnect in completely changing a country's operating systems without careful debate, research, and extensive discourse.
Having tried to ram the huge health care remake through without anyone reading any actual facts, or discussing any details, was a telling strategy...knowing the whole mess wouldn't stand up to any scrutiny and the Dem lawmakers who actually wanted to be reelected would walk off from the insane unplanned regurgitated socialist plan of govt single-payer shit health care (see "Cash for Clunkers" for implementation example of Obama Admin programs); Glenn Beck is a hugely successful talking head, and most of ya'll just repeat what someone else has already said.
ColorofChange.org has one of it's founders working now in the Obama admin, and is a seriously Left wing group...so what if they join the other Lefties going after the disagreeing whistleblowing TV and radio hosts?
I notice he is still on the air, with high ratings on the radio and TV, and who gives a flying fuck about ColorofChange.org and what they want?

Pathetic grasping at tiny straws kinda victory for the obvious Left-leaning Echo Chamber types.


I would just settle for the grown ups being back in charge of the political discourse in the media again and not these amateur riot inciters.

"Grown ups" who For instance ?

"Riot inciters" like those who simply disagree with your preferred welfare state of affairs ?
When I quit laughing, I read a bit and as usual the lefty loons keep talking shit and saying the same things over and over...like Chihauhaus and Pomeranians nipping at a Rotweillers feet and claiming victory when he walks away.
Glenn has a good grasp on the hard facts and the Obama admin is so obvious and arrogant they keep doing the obvious and arrogant thing...anyone except an Obama Zombie can see the disconnect in completely changing a country's operating systems without careful debate, research, and extensive discourse.
Having tried to ram the huge health care remake through without anyone reading any actual facts, or discussing any details, was a telling strategy...knowing the whole mess wouldn't stand up to any scrutiny and the Dem lawmakers who actually wanted to be reelected would walk off from the insane unplanned regurgitated socialist plan of govt single-payer shit health care (see "Cash for Clunkers" for implementation example of Obama Admin programs); Glenn Beck is a hugely successful talking head, and most of ya'll just repeat what someone else has already said.
ColorofChange.org has one of it's founders working now in the Obama admin, and is a seriously Left wing group...so what if they join the other Lefties going after the disagreeing whistleblowing TV and radio hosts?
I notice he is still on the air, with high ratings on the radio and TV, and who gives a flying fuck about ColorofChange.org and what they want?

Pathetic grasping at tiny straws kinda victory for the obvious Left-leaning Echo Chamber types.

Oh stop it. This dipshit hasn't even completed one course at college. He couldn't read a textbook to save his life.


Freedom of speech people, if you don't like what he has to say change the fuckin channel. If you find it offensive then don't it, it's that simple.
I find this thread boring. :sleep:

Don't like him, don't watch him. Seems to me he is getting his job done because you are talking about him.

It is obvious someone is watching him, he is getting ratings higher than his three compitors, a lot higher, at the same hour. Even higher ratings than the network news.


Oh stop it. This dipshit hasn't even completed one course at college. He couldn't read a textbook to save his life.

It hasn't helped you now, has it?
Glenn Beck has an in depth and clear take on what he talks about, facts and basic conclusions on many subjects. I guess you don't listen to him, just make unfounded judgment calls on content you don't really know.
I have noticed a real lack of clear and concise statements in your posts, often lacking any point at all, rather making simple generalizations without really saying anything.
You obviously have a degree or two from a top University, and devour textbooks on multiple subjects daily...and it shows.:thumbsup:
Glen Beck is basically Joe the Plumber with a microphone. When Advertisers *flee* a tv program en masse...it might not require a college degree to understand there's a legitimate reason behind their actions.

The "world" is waking up to the realization that the FauxNews version of Glen Beck is a complete douchebag.
I would occasionally watch Beck when he was on Headline News. For the most part he would be calm, say several rational things (some of them I agreed with) and every now and then just get plain weird and paranoid. Now that he's moved to FoxNews he's always weird and paranoid and any rational musings he has just get lost in the histrionics he goes thru on every show.

I really think he should start drinking again or at least stop being a Mormon.
Freedom of speech people, if you don't like what he has to say change the fuckin channel. If you find it offensive then don't it, it's that simple.

Freedom of speech also entails airing of opinions about lousy dipshits like Beck and his goofy ass show.

I find this thread boring. :sleep:

Don't like him, don't watch him. Seems to me he is getting his job done because you are talking about him.

It is obvious someone is watching him, he is getting ratings higher than his three compitors, a lot higher, at the same hour. Even higher ratings than the network news.

Haven't we gone over this before.....All GOPers line up and feed at the Fox trough hour after hour. No one competes with them for their viewership...other network hosts who generally cover opposing viewpoints to GOPertv (aka Fox) split their viewership...and most other people inclined to oppose GOPertv viewpoints watch other shit instead of political babble.


Freedom of speech also entails airing of opinions about lousy dipshits like Beck and his goofy ass show.

Haven't we gone over this before.....All GOPers line up and feed at the Fox trough hour after hour. No one competes with them for their viewership...other network hosts who generally cover opposing viewpoints to GOPertv (aka Fox) split their viewership...and most other people inclined to oppose GOPertv viewpoints watch other shit instead of political babble.

yes they deciede to watch American Idol, Big Brother or some other "reality" TV show that makes them not use thier brain and can live their lives through others instead of thinking. It's was all fun a few months ago when you could go around bashing W but as soon as your man is in charge you can't say this or you can't say that. Other networks BOW to Obama and the liberals, they are to afraid to voice their own opinions. Beck, Hannity and other at FoxNews should be commended for still having valuses, even though the Liberals theink they are just liberal bashing, but they are just doing what the liberals have done for the past 8 years aganist the GOP.
Beck, Hannity and other at FoxNews should be commended for still having valuses, even though the Liberals theink they are just liberal bashing, but they are just doing what the liberals have done for the past 8 years aganist the GOP.

Ok, now I'm starting to get a better sense of some of the silly stuff you wrote in your "Iraq pics" thread...

Freedom of speech also entails airing of opinions about lousy dipshits like Beck and his goofy ass show.

Haven't we gone over this before.....All GOPers line up and feed at the Fox trough hour after hour. No one competes with them for their viewership...other network hosts who generally cover opposing viewpoints to GOPertv (aka Fox) split their viewership...and most other people inclined to oppose GOPertv viewpoints watch other shit instead of political babble.

When you actually come up with something better, wake me up for a discussion.


Ok, now I'm starting to get a better sense of some of the silly stuff you wrote in your "Iraq pics" thread...


Silly stuff? Just because you don't agree with what I have to say makes it silly stuff? Or just because you don't agree with my reasons for joining the Army makes it Silly?
It hasn't helped you now, has it?
Glenn Beck has an in depth and clear take on what he talks about, facts and basic conclusions on many subjects. I guess you don't listen to him, just make unfounded judgment calls on content you don't really know.
I have noticed a real lack of clear and concise statements in your posts, often lacking any point at all, rather making simple generalizations without really saying anything.
You obviously have a degree or two from a top University, and devour textbooks on multiple subjects daily...and it shows.:thumbsup:

Er no, he doesn't have "depth" on the subject he opines to millions of people about. Indeed he has not been educated beyond the high school level. In that respect he doesn't really have "depth" on any subject. (This would be an example of a very specific occurance not a generalization. Glenn Beck is academically a 30 watt bulb.) You wouldn't let him operate on your kids, do our taxes or build a bridge but you trust him to work out how to run the country. Now maybe he is one of those public intellectuals who has a natural brilliance that does not need to take the college route. There are many famous examples.

It seems that the high school graduate level is in your future. Now obviously that is something for you to shoot for and I applaud your ambition. You are right though, when you say I am not too familiar with his work. If you could just supply me with one essay of his from a respected political journal where he lays out a coherent argument and backs it up with clear, objective data from checkable sources (That would be what I would refer to as a mark of "depth.") I would be most thankful.

Failing that could you just point me to another respected journal related to the area of political and socila theory where his work is cited as a source.

Really shouldn't be too hard.

As an unrelated aside you appear to have some intimate knowledge of my personal life. Have we met? Or are you that vagrant that was recently caught exposing himself outside my property? The one that went on to confess at his arraignment that he had sexual congress with a Yorkshire Terrier as his tiny genitalia were unable to exite a woman.

Please don't respond to this until you produce the said article. Reading your missives makes me think of pustules exploding onto a bathroom mirror and I could do without that.



Glenn Beck has to be laughing through the tears. While advertisers abandon Glenn Beck, the audience clearly isn’t. It is still beating all the 5pm cable news network competition…combined

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck– 2,325,000 viewers (583,000) (1,068,000)
Situation Room—651,000 viewers (158,000) (250,000)
Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—629,000 viewers (160,000) (239,000)
Fast Money—212,000 viewers (a scratch w/ 51,000) (81,000)
Prime News–237,000 viewers (123,000) (142,000)

Last weeks total viewers
25-54 Total Day
FNC –375,000 viewers
CNN –128,000 viewers
MSNBC –134,000 viewers
CNBC – 69,000 viewers
HLN- 124,000 viewers

35-64 Total Day
FNC – 635,000 viewers
CNN – 208,000 viewers
MSNBC – 191,000 viewers
CNBC – 97,000 viewers
HLN – 152,000 viewers
Silly stuff? Just because you don't agree with what I have to say makes it silly stuff? Or just because you don't agree with my reasons for joining the Army makes it Silly?

Neither. It was silly because you started out pretending to be just posting pics and you're all non-political, and you just see military service as this completely non-political, neutral thing, always honorable regardless of the nature of the assignment, etc. But it turns out that you're about as independent and non-partisan as Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, which is to say, not at all independent and certainly not non-partisan. You appear to be largely accepting of the Bush/conservative narrative regarding the mission; you're not simply defensive of what you personally have done in Iraq, you're defensive of the entire war and the blood, guts, and glory, it's-a-noble-cause line...

Above and beyond that, you didn't seem to read or understand my critique of what you wrote in the Iraq pics thread. It wasn't an attack on you and your particular actions in Iraq. I have no idea what you did over there. It was a critique of your notion that politics plays no part, etc. (read what I wrote again).

And as for your reasons for joining the Army, I don't recall you ever writing about that. I don't know what your reasons were. That's neither here nor there to the issues I addressed in the Iraq pics thread, or to this thread...

Don't try to reduce what I've written, as though I'm spitting in your face and I thus hate America or whatever other b.s. goes with that line of thinking... My critique is legit, and it wasn't a personal attack on you. But you seem ready to interpret everything in that manner. That doesn't make for meaningful discussion or debate, though.

Glenn Beck has to be laughing through the tears. While advertisers abandon Glenn Beck, the audience clearly isn’t. It is still beating all the 5pm cable news network competition…combined

5PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Glenn Beck– 2,325,000 viewers (583,000) (1,068,000)
Situation Room—651,000 viewers (158,000) (250,000)
Hardball w/ Chris Matthews—629,000 viewers (160,000) (239,000)
Fast Money—212,000 viewers (a scratch w/ 51,000) (81,000)
Prime News–237,000 viewers (123,000) (142,000)

Last weeks total viewers
25-54 Total Day
FNC –375,000 viewers
CNN –128,000 viewers
MSNBC –134,000 viewers
CNBC – 69,000 viewers
HLN- 124,000 viewers

35-64 Total Day
FNC – 635,000 viewers
CNN – 208,000 viewers
MSNBC – 191,000 viewers
CNBC – 97,000 viewers
HLN – 152,000 viewers

What does that prove, though? Just because he's (relatively) popular (Compare those viewer numbers with American population numbers), doesn't make him right, honest, or good. There's all kinds of idiocy on television that gets high ratings. Also, we never know WHY people are watching. I know I watch Glenn Beck sometimes - probably for the worst reasons; like knowing in advance that I can see a train wreck, so I prepare a picnic and go lay out a blanket next to the tracks...


It does kind of drive you insane. Obama is trying to do way too much right now. He's not focusing on the subjects he should be to fix the economy. I don't know what America is going to do were going to lose our super power status in the world over time.

Schools are fucked (37th ranked in the world?) = not Obama's fault since this has been for a while.

Market place is not totally fucked, but it's not really going anywhere. Some people may say it is, but it keeps going in and out.

Health care why do we need shared health care plans when most people can't afford the taxes right now? When illegals and welfare people get the same benefits? Why should I be forced to work for someone else? I'm not their fucking slave. I believe in small government though. I'd rather just live my life.
I don't know what America is going to do were going to lose our super power status in the world over time.

Why do we need to be a Super Power? Where does it say in the Constitution that we are to lord over the world?

It is too expensive, today, to be the World's Policemen, and dictate to other countries how we think they should govern themselves.

When, as you point out, we have too many problems domestically to fix.

But, FIXES REQUIRE MONEY. You can't fix anything by simply tearing it down.

Money comes from either TAXES or SHIFTING BUDGET PRIORITIES. Or a combo of both.

Cutting the Defense Dept Budget by 50%, and shifting that money toward Domestic policies, would go a loooong way to FIXING our domestic problems.

If America's "Glory Days of Economic Power" were in the 1950s, we were a nation living under *FEAR* of nuke war by the Russians. Does that mean that our version of Capitalism only functions when we are under constant *FEAR* of annihilation? Does that seem like an America that you want to live in today?


Neither. It was silly because you started out pretending to be just posting pics and you're all non-political, and you just see military service as this completely non-political, neutral thing, always honorable regardless of the nature of the assignment, etc. But it turns out that you're about as independent and non-partisan as Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly, which is to say, not at all independent and certainly not non-partisan. You appear to be largely accepting of the Bush/conservative narrative regarding the mission; you're not simply defensive of what you personally have done in Iraq, you're defensive of the entire war and the blood, guts, and glory, it's-a-noble-cause line...

Above and beyond that, you didn't seem to read or understand my critique of what you wrote in the Iraq pics thread. It wasn't an attack on you and your particular actions in Iraq. I have no idea what you did over there. It was a critique of your notion that politics plays no part, etc. (read what I wrote again).

And as for your reasons for joining the Army, I don't recall you ever writing about that. I don't know what your reasons were. That's neither here nor there to the issues I addressed in the Iraq pics thread, or to this thread...

Don't try to reduce what I've written, as though I'm spitting in your face and I thus hate America or whatever other b.s. goes with that line of thinking... My critique is legit, and it wasn't a personal attack on you. But you seem ready to interpret everything in that manner. That doesn't make for meaningful discussion or debate, though.


Well i am sorry if I misinterpertated your post. It was non political when I first made the post yes, then other posters had to get political and I felt like I had to defend my actions and ideals. I have re read your post and I would have to say that the higher the command the more politics play at part in your daily life in the military, but for us foot soldiers in the infantry we really had no interaction with these people. The only brass we see is our company commander where is ususally a Lieutentant.

Just because I am proud of what I did and the men that I served with does not make me accepting of the Bush/conservative war doctrine. MY service was completly non political, I was an independent when I joined the Army in 1996. Through what I have learned in the Army with their 7 values and just going through life in general and this past election has made me challenge what I believed politicaly and I can identify myself more as a moderate taking ideas from both sides.

People like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush, Oberman, Mathewes, Madow etc... are more appealing to the far right and far left of the political system. I do watch most of these show with the expection of Rush, he is WAY off his rocker. Some have good points and some have bad points. It is up to each and everyone of us to think what is good for OUR lives. But I do believe in the Constitution and the Rights that granted to each and everyone of us.

So one again Facial King, I am sorry for misinterpertating your post.