Why do we need to be a Super Power? Where does it say in the Constitution that we are to lord over the world?
It is too expensive, today, to be the World's Policemen, and dictate to other countries how we think they should govern themselves.
When, as you point out, we have too many problems domestically to fix.
But, FIXES REQUIRE MONEY. You can't fix anything by simply tearing it down.
Money comes from either TAXES or SHIFTING BUDGET PRIORITIES. Or a combo of both.
Cutting the Defense Dept Budget by 50%, and shifting that money toward Domestic policies, would go a loooong way to FIXING our domestic problems.
If America's "Glory Days of Economic Power" were in the 1950s, we were a nation living under *FEAR* of nuke war by the Russians. Does that mean that our version of Capitalism only functions when we are under constant *FEAR* of annihilation? Does that seem like an America that you want to live in today?
I would also go a long way in weaking our already weaked military. We have not lived under the nuclear fear since the fall of the Soviet Union and only now our ecomony is suffering. What we also need to do is pull ovr military out of Iraq and focus on one front. No nation ever won a war fighting two fronts at once.