Again, how exactly is Obama going to use his address to school kids to help him get congress to pass health care reform??
The last generation of socialized education has been extremely influencial in shaping the views of adults from the standpoint of their kids, typically in a Marxist ideal concept because of the limited depth and what Marxism appeals to.
Make no mistake, Marxism is based on appealing to the under-educated. That's how it has always gathered support. It's not exclusive to Marxism either. Simple democracies do the same as well. One might say they are inter-related.
I'm a Libertarian-Capitalist. That means I need checks'n balances that are purposely inefficient in government. It means I need a government that regulates, not administers. It means I need a government that is small to limit its inefficiency while serving the purpose of a regulatory power. Not a major administrator. Not a major consumer. Not a majory power, much less the absolute.
Checks'n balances aren't for popularity or what people think is "right." There is no such thing as "right'n wrong." There is only a procedure that ensures due process so things are determined whether to be "right'n wrong." When government enters the debate on what "lifestyle" is "right'n wrong" when it harms no one, then that's a problem.
Especially when people start blanket assertions that a lifestyle is exploitative merely because one person has used it as such. For all those that scream Capitalism is exploitative, I can show so many examples of Marxism that is as well. The reality is to recognize where Capitalism is not Capitalism and Marxism is not Marxism. Both are ideals that you never seen in the world.
But the difference between Capitalism and Marxism is that the former is not the government, the latter is. Capitalism might have its influences with money, but it is not the government. And when corporations are mandated, funded or run by the government, it's not capitalism. It's facist.
The foundations are simple. The realities are not. And that's the problem. A "public good" is not something that needs to be funded or run by the government. It can be a "public good" of individual choice. Individual choice is what the US is founded on, the right of assembly was, by far, the first and most important Amendment that preceded the complementary realities of press and, correspondingly, speech.
Choice by, of and for the individual, that he/she may have not only the right, but the right to reserve support for a group. In Marxism, you take that way, "for the greater good." What happens when the majority believe it's the "greater good" and a minority do not? Individual choice is the balance. Marxism does not offer it.
So Marxism only works when you can hold individuals accountable. It excels on a small scale. Some utopias were built in the US with it. It utterly fails on a scale, and tends to outlaw all other political parties and thought, naturally. It caters to the majority of the less educated. That's always going to be a majority. Simple logic is always going to rule. It did 250 years ago when the US was founded as well. Nothing has changed.
Capitalism with regulation is the balance. Individual choice with currency backing is the way. Unfortunately, we lost our way in the US over 30 years ago. We got away from the successful. The statistics don't lie, small business owners and first time millionaires are first generation 9 times out of 10. It lets people who excel find a way to excel.
And those who want to be herded as cattle ... well ... "I just want a job." That's not much of a life, sorry. If you have responsibilities that prevent you from such, most of the time those are individual choices as well. I drive an old, beat up pick-up in live in a small home and choose to save, save and save more. That's my life, pathetic to most.
And yet I pay taxes higher than most people who live a shitload better than I. Fair is what Marxists can hold each other accountable on an individual basis. Free is the only thing you can guarantee en-masse. Small business owners have been pissed for a long time, because they get thrown in with high income earners who sit at a desk. Nevermind the small business owners are what drive this country, including the personal taxes. And that's not remotely fair.
And that's why Obama and the Democrat platform is very much disliked, for who it mistakenly targets. I don't love Republicans, but at least they get the concept that increasing taxes on small business owners hurts this country. When taxes go up, my wife will stop working. We're already well into the marriage penalty. At some point, it's not remotely worth it. And don't talk to me about write-offs, I'm honesty to a fault.