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Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willingly)

Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

great post petra! i enjoy hang'n out on FO's and the people here are awesome! i've never been treated bad on here and i'd hate to see that happen to other girls.

I've never had any problems either since I joined and I would hate to see other chicks being treated poorly.


Lord Dipstick
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

You tell em' Peter and Rolaid! :clap:
Leave the Oh See Ess Ems alone, you fooking tools!!



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

I thought about saying something cheerful like the rest of the mod team, but all I want to say is be good, or I'll shoot you dead... I mean, ban you.

Now, have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, a crazy Kwanzaa, a tip-tot Tet, and a solemn, dignified Ramadan.



Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

I always assumed hubby/agent was the person posting on the board.
The board without the members: Nothing.
The board without the OCSMs: Depleted.
The members without the board: Depleted.
The members without the OCSMs: Depleted.
The OCSMs without the board: Depleted
The OCSMs without the members: Depleted.
See? We should all be one big, happy, fucked up and incestuous family :D
I thought about saying something rude and offensive, but I couldn't think of anything. :( Sorry, guys. I guess I let the team down...

Yes. Yes you did.
I've never had any problems either since I joined and I would hate to see other chicks being treated poorly.
I'd treat you badly... but you've always got l3ggy guarding you.
I thought about saying something cheerful like the rest of the mod team, but all I want to say is be good, or I'll shoot you dead... I mean, ban you.

Now, have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Chanukah, a crazy Kwanzaa, a tip-tot Tet, and a solemn, dignified Ramadan.

Ding dong, Ramadan-a-boom bang!

Ah well, looks like this means the end of my teasing Red XXX about redheads...


My Penis Is Dancing!
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

Would sending daily pictures of my junk be considered harassment, or do I need to keep sending them to the man we all know simply loves cock pictures, Roald?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

I honestly thought Ronald was his name when I first started posting on here. :dunno:

McDonald is the second name... until he watched 'It' by Stepehen King and realized that he won't get that much action.

Then he started a career of jumping the shark! Nice move there :clap:
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

It's amazing that in 2010 - third millenium, 21 century, civilized world - people have still to be slapped to be reminded to treat all people as equals. And even more amazing that such corrective actions must be taken here on FreeOnes!!

I mean, FFS, what are you guys: radical feminists who still look upon adult models, actors and actresses like they are some kind of sub-humans?!

Yeah they flaunt and fuck in front of a camera... so what?! That and that alone is not, i say again: [n]NOT[/b] something that gives anyone the right to judge, look down on, denigrate, defame, belittle or in any other way treat a person as anything less than a proud human being.

It's amazing, just amazing, that some jerks still need to be reminded of this simple truth.



AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

The flamers that disrespect the girls are - I guarantee - all (sexually) inadequate little men, whose failure with women (and probably life in general) leaves them fuming impotently, just looking for an opportunity to attack a sexual fantasy figure they know would never look at them twice in real life.
Thus 'rejected' they take out their spite while hunched over their Cheeto and sweat-stained keyboards, hiding behind avatars and handles ....
Cowards and idiots who thoroughly deserve to be rejected, yet again, with swift ejection from this place .....


Official Checked Star Member
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

I always assumed hubby/agent was the person posting on the board.
The board without the members: Nothing.
The board without the OCSMs: Depleted.
The members without the board: Depleted.
The members without the OCSMs: Depleted.
The OCSMs without the board: Depleted
The OCSMs without the members: Depleted.
See? We should all be one big, happy, fucked up and incestuous family :D

Yes. Yes you did.

I'd treat you badly... but you've always got l3ggy guarding you.

Ding dong, Ramadan-a-boom bang!

Ah well, looks like this means the end of my teasing Red XXX about redheads...
Surely not :angels:
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

can't we just be friends forever????? in this universe


For the EMPEROR!!
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

To everyone, I think Petra summed the situation pretty well, stick to the rules and please don't forget that reminder. OCSMS are our guests, they come here to see their fans and have fun, so treat them with respect and consideration. That is all what I have to say, thanks for your understanding

I agree with you both they don't have to be here ... besides how hard is it to be a little polite to a lady, .. I guess some get there kicks from giving them a bad time.
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

I have to still think again why this is posted in only this section. Maybe I'm just misinterpretation things, and maybe this is just about those idiots that complain about an OCSM not doing some sexual act they want and similar things. I actually wrote this yesterday but held off putting it up. On further thought I thought I needed to. If this is just some gigantic misinterpretation on my part I take back all of what I'm about to write, but just in case...

I want more clear cut and definitive answer about just what criticism I can and can not post about an OCSM. To be honest what you have is still mostly vague. I don't want to guess at whether what I'm posting is a violation. I also want it to be fair. I also don't want it to turn into a slippery slope where it ends up going in the direction where OCSMs get to have all the more serious criticisms banned from being said. I also don't want anybody that gets into a debate or feels like they should call out one to have the OCSM lord their preferential position over them and/or have the normal member feel like the Sword of Damocles is hanging over them anytime they veer away from artificially constrained politeness taken to the nth degree. I don't want pandering unrealistic niceness just to encourage them to come over. If they can't live without that we are probably better off without them.

I'm going to have a problem if I (or other people) get in trouble for what is in essence just hurting the feelings of one of them, hurting others opinions of them, or exposing one of them, especially if I don't go out of my way to be a jerk and I'm telling the truth, and it comes down to the whim of a FreeOnes team member or moderator on that day or somebody is pressured to do it because of the OCSM that has more influence than other members. If I called somebody an expletive or told them to screw off that's one thing and I can see it being off limits. I can see incessantly complaining or harassing an OCSM about trivial issues (like doing so in so act as a part of their job for example) being off limits. On the other hand if I say somebody is just plain terrible at something or if somebody is a detriment or ruins the industry those around them, or something related to it (ESPECIALLY this messageboard which holds a special place of esteem to me) or if I state somebody doesn't deserve something (like a high spot on the Miss FreeOnes contest for example) I, quite frankly, don't see the problem with that. I also want to be able to call anybody out on any shady dealing they might have had in their line of work and think I should be able to do that. I don't want to be punished for being the messenger of reality. I also want to be able to plainly state that I just don't like an OCSM on either level related to their work or a personal level about their character if I feel that way.

As one of the members on this board in a very small minority that not only won't automatically brown nose them but is actually willing to call them out on things that they do wrong I feel that this has a great potential to effect me more than most. (I also wonder if recent things happening because of the Miss FreeOnes contest have brought about this, and thus why it's in the talk section.) I'm sure I've pushed a few buttons with some OCSMs in my time here. They all deserved it. I don't go out of my way to be insulting or anything, but I also don't hold back on reality or the truth either, and sometimes the plain truth or an opinion that's stated as realistically as possible to get the true point across makes some look bad or maybe would make them feel insulted.

I don't want this messageboard to turn into something that's mainly almost nothing more than a marketing ploy for the industry and the OCSM with little other substance, and so far in it's history it's been good at not getting that bad, but I also feel it's slowly starting to get worse. I don't have a problem with them reasonably marketing themselves here. It's one of the benefits of being on here, but some take it to far and are totally shameless with it to the point it IS a detriment to this place and will start to ruin this place. The OCSM are important, and I welcome them. I don't have problems with reasonable and fair rules regarding conduct towards them. If, on the other hand, it gets to the point where the powers that be more or less blindly pander to them in the hopes of driving more of them here or bringing in more money somewhere than that's something else.

Whether FreeOnes or the people in the industry realize or want to admit it or not the regular constant members here are what makes this messagebord what it is. Unless FreeOnes really screws up the faithful longtime members here will still be around when most of the OCSM are gone, don't care about this place anymore, and will get replaced which for the vast majority will be in a year or two. If FreeOnes loses it soul it will be a place that is much worse for the OCSM to visit considering we and the fact we actually care about this place are one of the few factors that have keep things from getting out of hand like umm.....pretty much ever other major porn board that has ever existed outside of this place. If we all become mindless drones that do nothing but whack off or are forced to smile and not when somebody does crap here or elsewhere like other places the results won't be too much different either.

:2 cents:
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

I have to still think blah blah blah blah

This has been addressed. You're welcome to have opinions. Use common sense when posting them.

Common Sense.

If you're not sure what you may or may not post, check with your common sense. If you don't have common sense, best not to post at all.

Common Sense.

If you're thinking of posting something and you're not sure if it is going to get you into trouble, use common sense.

For example, I often want to post about how GregC is a total cock-holster waste of skin, but as he's an OCSM, I tend to let common sense dictate what and how I ask my questions. So, instead of saying that he's a total fucktwat, I suggest that he might be more sensitive in how he responds. Rather than revealing how he abuses power in order to force me to give him handjobs, I merely say that Petra might check into how Greg uses his power.

This is all about common sense.

(All kidding aside, I'm serious. If your common sense can't prevent you from posting inappropriate shit about OCSMs, then you need to adjust your thinking.)
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

@ D-rock: Petra has put it into these words:

Petra said:
Of course it's ok to state opinions on your favorite models, who may also be an OCSM. But come on, lets be polite about it. "I liked you better as a blonde" is a lot better and more respectful than "you fucking whore, change your hair color back to blonde."

Also, constantly whining and harping on things that an OCSM can't or won't change isn't welcome. If they are an adult model, meaning they don't do hardcore, it's fine to state you wish they'd do hardcore. But constantly bashing a girl for her choice to to not do hardcore IS NOT welcome.

In short, nobody is going to call you out for a well-articluated opinion.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

The flamers that disrespect the girls are - I guarantee - all (sexually) inadequate little men, whose failure with women (and probably life in general) leaves them fuming impotently, just looking for an opportunity to attack a sexual fantasy figure they know would never look at them twice in real life.
Thus 'rejected' they take out their spite while hunched over their Cheeto and sweat-stained keyboards, hiding behind avatars and handles ....
Cowards and idiots who thoroughly deserve to be rejected, yet again, with swift ejection from this place .....
Too harsh.
Surely not :angels:
OK, what do I have to do to get hold of one of your stockings?
I need it to hang it over my mantlepiece
I need it to snifff while surfing your links
I need it to HANGsniffOVERwhileMYsurfingMANTLEyour linksPIECE :angels:
What do you want for Crimbo anyways sweet-tart? A wig? A night with me? A santa hat? A night with me? The crown from my crimbo cracker? A night with me? Highlights? A night with me? Hair dye? A night with me? A nice new hat? A night with me? A hoodie? :D
This has been addressed. You're welcome to have opinions. Use common sense when posting them.

Common Sense.

If you're not sure what you may or may not post, check with your common sense. If you don't have common sense, best not to post at all.

Common Sense.

If you're thinking of posting something and you're not sure if it is going to get you into trouble, use common sense.

For example, I often want to post about how GregC is a total cock-holster waste of skin, but as he's an OCSM, I tend to let common sense dictate what and how I ask my questions. So, instead of saying that he's a total fucktwat, I suggest that he might be more sensitive in how he responds. Rather than revealing how he abuses power in order to force me to give him handjobs, I merely say that Petra might check into how Greg uses his power.

This is all about common sense.

(All kidding aside, I'm serious. If your common sense can't prevent you from posting inappropriate shit about OCSMs, then you need to adjust your thinking.)
The pic should educate you mr: Common sense is so rare it's a superpower!

*** when will you ever learn not to attach images mid-thread?

[Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator GregCentauro]
[Read more about the board rules: here]
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

I want more clear cut and definitive answer about just what criticism I can and can not post about an OCSM.

Short answer: do not say anything here you wouldn't tell to a person's face, and/or that you are not ready to take full personal responsibility for.

Picture yourself standing face to face with the person you're speaking to. Picture that there are people standing around you that will judge you on what you say. Picture someone filming what you say and putting the video up for public viewing.

Also... assume that everyone - including her - knows your real name and residence.

Once you picture yourself in that situation - and assume you are in it - go ahead and post.



Official Checked Star Member
Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

Hi everyone..I hope you all have a very merry xmas and santa brings you everything you want this year. I know the smell of turkey and pies and yumminess is going around the places for all of you. I hope you enjoy it. And for those of you who arent doing anything super special take the day to yourself and enjoy it. Thats what I do.

I know a Lot of you are waiting for an update from me about my biopsy. Sadly this morning I found out I do have Cancer. I have lymphoma and will have to try and treat it through chemo and radiation. Its never something I thought I would have to face and def not something I was prepared for. Im really scared and I know I have a long battle to face and I thank you all for all your well wishes support and love during this time. I will fight this. I will win. I am a fighter... you tell me I cant do something and I will show you I can. I wont lie and say that now im in a moment of extreme weakness and feeling like the world just fell from under me and to find out on xmas eve is not really ideal. But then again what is anymore right ? Hey at least now I can try on some kick ass wigs and have fun with my look ( trying a positive here). I just wanted to let you all know whats going on. I havent really had time to digest this all so im just going to try and spend the night with my doggie and pretend like today didnt happen. Even for a day.

I wish you all the bestest christmas ever you all deserve it. Dont let this news affect you in a negative way.. I came to win and I will. Thank you for taking the time to say a prayer, send a card, send a wish. Ty all for everything. I will be online this week dont think this will stop me. So get your free screename and come visit. Ill show you my talent for licking candy canes ;). I gotta keep my chin up but I will take some time to sulk.

Dont forget to vote your assess off www.vote4tay.com every day till January 1st then ill get off your asses lol.

Love you all so so much. Merry Christmas and get Santas fat bum down your chimney save me some cookies.







Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing

Short answer: do not say anything here you wouldn't tell to a person's face, and/or that you are not ready to take full personal responsibility for.

Picture yourself standing face to face with the person you're speaking to. Picture that there are people standing around you that will judge you on what you say. Picture someone filming what you say and putting the video up for public viewing.

Also... assume that everyone - including her - knows your real name and residence.

Once you picture yourself in that situation - and assume you are in it - go ahead and post.


52 posts and offering advice to a seasoned veteran of the board? Interesting.