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Election 2008

McBama or O' Cain?

  • Total voters
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Recently I heard George Will talking about how many people may think since McCain is considered a "maverick" of sorts within the republican party that they may think he is pro-choice and not be aware he has and always been for overturning Roe Vs. Wade and taking away a womens right to choose.

Here is his stand on it from his own web site.Once women hear he will appoint judges who favor overturning their rights he should be in trouble with them.GWB has already loaded the supreme court with right wingers ready to take the right away with just another change or two in the court.Another really good reason McCain should not be elected!


"Overturning Roe v. Wade"

"John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench.

Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states. The difficult issue of abortion should not be decided by judicial fiat."
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Recently I heard George Will talking about how many people may think since McCain is considered a "maverick" of sorts within the republican party that they may think he is pro-choice and not be aware he has and always been for overturning Roe Vs. Wade and taking away a womens right to choose.

Here is his stand on it from his own web site.Once women hear he will appoint judges who favor overturning their rights he should be in trouble with them.GWB has already loaded the supreme court with right wingers ready to take the right away with just another change or two in the court.Another really good reason Mccain should not be elected!


"Overturning Roe v. Wade"

"John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench.

Constitutional balance would be restored by the reversal of Roe v. Wade, returning the abortion question to the individual states. The difficult issue of abortion should not be decided by judicial fiat."

Interesting point. However, Roe vs Wade ain't close to the top of my priorities.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Interesting point. However, Roe vs Wade ain't close to the top of my priorities.

But it is for women who make up more than 50% of voters.McCain's attempts to attract Hillary's supporters which is a lot of women will not be helped once they learn his run of the mill republican stand on the issue.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

But it is for women who make up more than 50% of voters.McCain's attempts to attract Hillary's supporters which is a lot of women will not be helped once they learn his run of the mill republican stand on the issue.

we'll see...but I don't see a high percentage of women for it.

Anyways, Roe vs Wade won't decide the next president. There are more important matters:
Oil prices
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/friday said:
Friday[/URL][/B] on my mi, post: 2265474, member: 44516"]"John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench."

I've been waiting to see what definitive postion he'd take on this issue.
He's made the wrong one as far as my vote's concerned.
At one time I thought he might have a great deal of moderate appeal (as scuba mike suggests). Like Friday, I'm not seeing that anymore.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

we'll see...but I don't see a high percentage of women for it.

Anyways, Roe vs Wade won't decide the next president. There are more important matters:
Oil prices
I will just point out that an overwhelming amount of women support a right to choose.The economy and gas prices will probably be the most important issues but for many especially women this will be important also.

I've been waiting to see what definitive postion he'd take on this issue.
He's made the wrong one as far as my vote's concerned.
At one time I thought he might have a great deal of moderate appeal (as scuba mike suggsests). Like Friday, I'm not seeing that anymore.

As george Will said many may think since he is a "Maverick" he is possibly pro-choice.I'm sure the dems and womens groups will be sure to make sure they know hs isn't.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

America will put Obama into the White House for 2008. My belief is that this will become another 1959/60 election wherein we have an old perceived-somewhat-establishment-candidate from the Republicans, i.e. like Nixon, versus a fresh, new, change-intending Democratic candidate, i.e. like Kennedy. My belief is that Obama will need to offset the deficiencies shown by his battle against Clinton either with her or some who can tap into a similar base, just as Kennedy took Johnson to, I believe, obtain southern states.

Speaking of general election mind-changing, my gut says most candidates end up filtering their message to some extent to elicit wider appeal.


Staff member
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Mc Cain
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Like I said...lots of closed-minded people here.

W is bold and arrogant in his decisions. McCain is more careful, and will work with Democrats. I see McCain as a great Moderate choice to unify the parties.

It's this reason exactly that I think weakens McCain. There is a lot that his base supporters don't want to compromise on. Although Republican doesn't = Christian, that is where a lot of his support comes from, and having been raised a Christian for the majority of my life, I find them to be some of the most unwavering people I know even when it is warranted. Closed-mindedness is not a desireable trait and while McCain may be more open to working with the "other side" I don't suppose that those who vote Republican for the sake of voting Republican will be. I see some candidate such as Mike Huckabee or Rudy Giuliani or whoever Republicans think is better than McCain stealing a share of votes via write-in. Some people are just stubborn that way.

I can't speak for everyone though and I know that the informed Republican voters will vote for McCain, but I personally think that the Dems are going to be more solidified in November when it counts... although the same scenario can happen to Obama as well since a lot of people seem to be supporting Hillary just because her last name is Clinton or because she pees sitting down.
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Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

As ironic as it sounds, I see Obama as continuing the W administration problems.
The way he'll have his administration is exactly 180 degrees different though. The nation will still be divided. I only see McCain as creating a unity.

The country isn't gonna be unified by either candidate. McCain wins and the poorly educated, homophobic, racist, christian fundamentalists are happy. Obama wins and everybody else is happy.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Did you all see that new ad. old McCain is running now? It is atrocious. Hell, if I had any sense, I would head down to the recruiters office, apply for combat, shoot myself in the foot and use it as a get out of jail free card for the rest of my life. :) With all due respect, I knew this guy would milk his little vacation at Hanoi. He should ask the troops what they feel about these little deployments over in the desert. My sisters b/f lost a frigging leg over there in combat. Oh yeah, and word is the troops have little regard for McCain. Paul leads contributions over all other candidates combined...from the troops. :rolleyes:

The country isn't gonna be unified by either candidate. McCain wins and the poorly educated, homophobic, racist, christian fundamentalists are happy. Obama wins and everybody else is happy.

As far as I can tell, the religious-right can't stand McCain. He is a neo-con to the fullest. BTW, some of the most conservative people I know loath McCain.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

As far as I can tell, the religious-right can't stand McCain. He is a neo-con to the fullest. BTW, some of the most conservative people I know loath McCain.

I've gotten this impression as well. Those are the folks that I think will try and write someone in as if they can win that way. While it's possible, it would only have a negative impact on McCain's chances in this election. Which I suppose they wouldn't mind, save for the fact that a negative impact on McCain is a positive impact to Obama.

Back to the reason why I quoted ninetysixcavy: My supervisor at work told me how she HATED McCain and that no real republican would vote for him. I asked her again a couple weeks ago and she launched into how she was definitely going to vote for him anyway. This is coming from a woman who has a signed picture of G.W. and Laura Bush on her cubicle wall. I'm not sure what changed, but the fact that she loathed him before isn't stopping her from voting for him now.

Of course, this is one womans opinion so I can't expect all of them to act like that but she was the last person I expected to vote for him. Perhaps he is the lesser of two evils?
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

If they were in the same party, they would be a dream ticket. Where one has deficiencies the other is strong, meaning they have complementary skills. As long as it isn't Hillary I can live with the result. That is not to say that a woman can't be POTUS, just not that one. She has always been an arrogant, condescending, self-serving broad with a sense of entitlement.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I think someone encapsulated the entire electoral dilemma as follows:
"I'd rather hire a third-rate fireman than a first-rate arsonist." He's voting for McCain.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

If they were in the same party, they would be a dream ticket. Where one has deficiencies the other is strong, meaning they have complementary skills. As long as it isn't Hillary I can live with the result. That is not to say that a woman can't be POTUS, just not that one. She has always been an arrogant, condescending, self-serving broad with a sense of entitlement.

"I am mambastyles, and I approve this message."

Great post! Thats how I have always felt about Hillary Clinton.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

jessica alba should be president. then the rest of the world would love us
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?


"McCain, Obama court Hispanic voters "

"WASHINGTON - Presidential rivals John McCain and Barack Obama on Saturday vied for the support of Hispanics, beginning a four-month courtship of a pivotal voting constituency by vowing to revamp immigration policy.

"I come from a border state, my dear friends. I know these issues," McCain told Hispanic elected officials. The Republican senator from Arizona said overhauling the country's broken immigration system, not just securing its borders, "will be my top priority."

Appearing later before the same audience, Obama accused McCain of walking away from comprehensive immigration reform. The Democratic senator from Illinois said: "We must assert our values and reconcile our principles as a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. That is a priority I will pursue from my very first day."

The two spoke separately to some 700 Hispanics attending the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials conference. It's the first of three such appearances each is scheduled to make to Hispanic organizations in less than a month, underscoring the importance of the nation's fastest-growing minority group."

Remember the line about Kerry being for the 84 billion before he was against it trying to say he was a flip flopper.McCain is really flip flopping on immigration reform.He used to be for it then when he was running for the nomination he said no now its secure the borders he was all about but now he is back to supporting comprehensive reform.Sorry John you and the pubs burned the bridges that had been made to the hispanics with your rhetoric and they will be voting overwhelmingly democratic as a result im sure.
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

I'm surprised Ron Paul is no-where to be seen. Everyone who is smart would have voted for him....


Postal Paranoiac
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Gee whiz...what are you trying to say???
Re: Barack McCain or John Obama?

Gee whiz...what are you trying to say???

That the majority of republicans are stupid cause he he didn't get many votes? I think the pubs who would like to win picked there best shot at it though.