Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"
Most of the people I've heard praise Trump claim he "speaks his mind." No, he really doesn't. He's just saying stuff to keep himself in the public eye. What you have to understand is every one of the 95,000 nimrods that have declared their candidacy for president as Republicans are saying the EXACT same things. Tax breaks, repeal Obamacare, "tough" foreign policy, (that really isn't all that tough, or realistic, for that matter,) and at some point each and every one of them is going to claim to be the heir apparent to Ronald Reagan. Trump, on the other hand, took a different tack. He plays on hatreds and fears, and people who share those hatreds and fears respond. It's 15 months from Election Day, and most of the electorate doesn't want to think about this shit yet, so the only people who are engaged are the nutjobs and wonks on both sides. Which is why Trump is getting all the press and poll numbers. He's saying something different, and the few people who are engaged right now are reacting. Be prepared for Trump to keep this stuff up, and the morons in the GOP like Huckabee are going to try to copy him, but at the end of the day, the money in the party is going to make a choice, (And the GOP can thank Citizens United for that.) and that choice will NOT be Donald Trump, because the money in the party is painfully aware they desperately need the Hispanic vote, and Trump ain't gonna get you there. For the life of me, I cannot understand why a presidential candidate would go so far out of his or her way to offend the fastest growing demographic in the country, but that's the modern GOP. Ignoring and/or going out of your way to offend and alienate entire groups of people is what the Republicans are good at these days. And when you couple that with the party's attitude that the Internet and everything involved is just a passing fad that only kids respond to, you have a recipe for national election disaster. None of the current GOP candidates can win, because none of them understand the realities of current demographics. If they were smart, they'd take a page from Messrs. Plouffe and Axelrod, and use those demographics to win elections, but since Messrs. Plouffe and Axelrod are Democrats that got Obama elected, The GOP's attitude is they can't be right. Even though they kicked the GOP's ass not once but twice. Unless the Republican Party can come up with a candidate who's truly different than the 95,000 afore-mentioned nimrods, they're going to remain on the outside of the White House, no matter who the Democrats nominate. Sorry guys, whining about Benghazi and e-mails and attacking Obama ain't gonna win you a damned thing.