Re: Trump Says McCain is No War Hero
As someone who would have voted for McCain in 2000, and only "turned on him" when he selected that chattering half-wit from Alaska in 2008, any issue I've had with him was based on policy and judgment. When he corrected that old redneck woman at one of his town hall meetings, when she went on a rant about Obama being a "secret Muslim", I gained more respect for him. Whether I agree or disagree with him on various issues, as politicians go (relatively speaking), I see John McCain as a man of honor. I cannot say that about Donald Trump.
Again, Trump was a draft dodger who was sitting in the peanut gallery constructed by his rich daddy, while McCain was flying missions over Vietnam and then lost his freedom for years. So Trump needs to not go there. I don't take him seriously anyway, because I already know so much about him. But by attacking a veteran, he'll lose even some of the follow-the-leader mouth-breathers that are currently under the spell of his cult of personality.