Donald Trump

Re: Trump Says McCain is No War Hero

Donald J. Trump: a real conservative. A conservative's conservative.

Gullible GOP'ers or Trump is better at this game than anyone I can think of? :dunno:

Rey did you vote for Obama in 2008 or 2012?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: Trump Says McCain is No War Hero

Both, mi amico. The only one I'm regretting now is 2012 (though I would have gone 3rd party, instead of voting for Romney). And regret over 2012 only because of the hard turn to the left that Obama has made since his re-election.

You could say that I got Rickrolled by Dubya Bush in 2000 and Obama in 2012. So, I know of what I speak. :)


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Re: Trump Says McCain is No War Hero

And regret over 2012 only because of the hard turn to the left that Obama has made since his re-election.
Please explain. My perception is very different.


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Bronze Member
Re: Trump Says McCain is No War Hero


And regret over 2012 only because of the hard turn to the left that Obama has made since his re-election.

You could say that I got Rickrolled by Dubya Bush in 2000 and Obama in 2012. So, I know of what I speak. :)

Please explain. My perception is very different.

Obama turned LEFT???

Wow, I must really have been missing out on reading more right-wing media. Every "pinko" commentator I checked out over the last years was crying about his wandering off towards Wall Street. Especially that TTP and TTIP deals with their anti-union and overboard pro-companies making the new laws are the opposite of ANYTHING "left"
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

I don't recall Trump saying anything negative about anyone of Spanish heritage that has the right to vote in the United States.
Re: Trump Says McCain is No War Hero

So you still stand behind your claim that the "old fashioned way to make a fortune is to inherit it?" I thought that was to actually work for it?

There are plenty of people fed up on both sides. There are people fed up hearing your hee haw group tell blatant lies about wars on religion and having evangelicals like Ted Cruz and Huckabee saying that democrats aren't christians. people are fed up with blank checks for the military but hearing how things like schools and health care aren't affordable. people are fed up with having a party who claims they want government out of people's lives trying to dictate who marries whom and who gets rights and who doesn't.

So sure, your side is fed up but your side is old and out of touch, just like YOU are. Your side wants to keep weed a schedule 1 narcotic equal to heroine and cocaine when every bit of science and common sense has proven it's less dangerous than alcohol.

And you guys don't like McCain because he's honorable and he stands up for policy above party. You guys will vote for shit you don't agree with just because your party puts it out there. That's retarded and if you're a representative of the people, it should also be illegal.
The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

One of my favorite moments was during Trump's announcement that he was running for POTUS. He said some stupid shit that seemed to go unnoticed. Things like "No one is bigger or better at the military than me!" or how about this zinger regarding building the wall on the Mexican border: "I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words." Another gem is "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created." On Obamacare's website: "We have a 5 billion dollar website. I have so many websites … I hire people. They do a website. It costs me three dollars." On using his expertise in air conditioning to create a competent ISIS strategy: "Some of the candidates, they went in and didn’t know the air conditioner didn’t work and sweated like dogs, and they didn’t know the room was too big because they didn’t have anybody there. How are they going to beat ISIS?" I mean WTF??????????? He's the top candidate for a political party that is trying to make a come back? A party that has admitted it needs to do more to get younger voters and hispanic voters? Good luck LMAO







Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

My fav one is this Trump's dumb tweet about vaccinations:

No more massive injections. Tiny children are not horses—one vaccine at a time, over time.

On a different note, i'm glad that the picture below is no more considered racist, in the name of equality and fairness.



Official Checked Star Member
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

so calling Obama a monkey isn't racist? wow. what world are YOU living in? I have a mixed race child and if someone showed me a photo of his face on a monkey's body they'd have a serious problem with me.

And if your son was Donald Trump? Of if your son was white? Wouldn't they have still a serious problem with you if someone showed you a photo of his face on a monkey's body? Why is associating a white to an ape less racist than associating a black to an ape? I don't think you wanted to suggest that Trump is as cute and cultured and smart as a primate, right? I sensed that you were trying to suggest that Trump is as ugly, stupid and ignorant as an ape. Some people think that so is Obama. There can be no privileges in equality.
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

"I have always loved Florida"


Donald Trump leads Jeb Bush in Florida.

And if your son was Donald Trump? Of if your son was white? Wouldn't they have still a serious problem with you if someone showed you a photo of his face on a monkey's body? Why is associating a white to an ape less racist than associating a black to an ape? I don't think you wanted to suggest that Trump is as cute and cultured and smart as a primate, right? I sensed that you were trying to suggest that Trump is as ugly, stupid and ignorant as an ape. Some people think that so is Obama. There can be no privileges in equality.

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." George Orwell - Animal Farm
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

That man just may be the next President. You know why I think that? Because asswhistles like Milano are worried as fuck about him. The bar has been lowered so much with this current doofus that anyone could do a better job.
Re: The Donald - Post Your Favorite Trump Pics & Quotes!

aren't you the guy who said "I'm very good at predicting elections!" not long ago? You say this yet you believe Trump could win a national election? bahahahahaha You sound like Trump "Nobody does the military better than me!"

I am not worried about him. Polls show 30% of REPUBLICANS HATE HIM AND WILL NEVER SUPPORT HIM. I hope he gets the nomination I truly do. I hope he becomes your next great hope and you can boast and beat your chest and then take it in the ass in november of 2016 as you're beaten by 15 million votes. I swear on my son I hope he gets the nomination. But we both know it won't happen.

if he does then it proves my point all along about your party.
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

the fact that this buffoon is the leader just proves how fucking ridiculous the agenda of the right is. as much as he's hated they all agree with the shit he says.

see how much a failure is your actual president and in what kind of situation is the USA now thanks to your friend Barry
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

Most of the people I've heard praise Trump claim he "speaks his mind." No, he really doesn't. He's just saying stuff to keep himself in the public eye. What you have to understand is every one of the 95,000 nimrods that have declared their candidacy for president as Republicans are saying the EXACT same things. Tax breaks, repeal Obamacare, "tough" foreign policy, (that really isn't all that tough, or realistic, for that matter,) and at some point each and every one of them is going to claim to be the heir apparent to Ronald Reagan. Trump, on the other hand, took a different tack. He plays on hatreds and fears, and people who share those hatreds and fears respond. It's 15 months from Election Day, and most of the electorate doesn't want to think about this shit yet, so the only people who are engaged are the nutjobs and wonks on both sides. Which is why Trump is getting all the press and poll numbers. He's saying something different, and the few people who are engaged right now are reacting. Be prepared for Trump to keep this stuff up, and the morons in the GOP like Huckabee are going to try to copy him, but at the end of the day, the money in the party is going to make a choice, (And the GOP can thank Citizens United for that.) and that choice will NOT be Donald Trump, because the money in the party is painfully aware they desperately need the Hispanic vote, and Trump ain't gonna get you there. For the life of me, I cannot understand why a presidential candidate would go so far out of his or her way to offend the fastest growing demographic in the country, but that's the modern GOP. Ignoring and/or going out of your way to offend and alienate entire groups of people is what the Republicans are good at these days. And when you couple that with the party's attitude that the Internet and everything involved is just a passing fad that only kids respond to, you have a recipe for national election disaster. None of the current GOP candidates can win, because none of them understand the realities of current demographics. If they were smart, they'd take a page from Messrs. Plouffe and Axelrod, and use those demographics to win elections, but since Messrs. Plouffe and Axelrod are Democrats that got Obama elected, The GOP's attitude is they can't be right. Even though they kicked the GOP's ass not once but twice. Unless the Republican Party can come up with a candidate who's truly different than the 95,000 afore-mentioned nimrods, they're going to remain on the outside of the White House, no matter who the Democrats nominate. Sorry guys, whining about Benghazi and e-mails and attacking Obama ain't gonna win you a damned thing.
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

The fastest demographic in this country is happening because they are coming here illegally and spawning anchor babies.

The GOP nom will be someone that will put a stop to it. Reagan agreed to amnesty with the thought that Hispanics would favor Republicans with their gratitude. It didn't work out that way. The biggest lie is that the GOP can't win without the Hispanic vote majority. Horseshit. They said the same thing about independents and Romney won them and lost. I saw no less than 5 Trump bumper stickers on my way home today and was shocked.

Trump and Cruz are being trashed by the left and right for a reason. They are scared shitless of them taking away their grip on power in Washington.

So keep yapping about what we can't do, and we will show you what we can do.

This Marxist president has created a backlash and if it takes a bombastic billionaire or a in your face Senator to slap the left upside the face then so be it.

There are changes coming and they are going to be very distasteful for the left.

Brace yourself for wholesale changes cause its gonna happen.
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

Trump and Cruz are being trashed by the left and right for a reason. They are scared shitless of them taking away their grip on power in Washington.

Actually, the democratic nominee will be praying that they're up against a trump or a cruz. That winning margin will just keep getting wider than it already has been in the last couple of presidential elections.


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Bronze Member
Re: Trump Says "I'll win the Latino Vote!"

"Marxist President"
But the one who really cracks me and while still being so WTF it is mind-baffling:

This is an official Mike Huckabee campaign bumper sticker


And the barrel's bottom hasn't been reached by far. There is more to come. And we even get to watch people, right here among us, who are falling for this lunatic gospel.