Let me confuse a bit more: it's not the people who believes in Islam the problem; the problem is Islam. Not all the muslims are jihadists, but all the jihadists are muslims. If Islam wasn't the problem, we would see hundreds of thousands if not millions of Muslims rallying the street in condemnation of such events, but we don't see any. They rallied all over the world when the cartoons about Mohamed were published, but there is none on the streets when those who published the cartoons get killed in the name of Allah: if you want me to explain to you why, i will, but if you put an effort on it i'm sure you can figure it out yourself. Now, if this makes me an intolerant, ignorant, nonsense, deluded fucking moronic xenophobic racist slut, so be it and keep enjoying your "integration" with Islam, while i keep questioning it.
Y'know, I responded to your post, not to you. I didn't call you any names and I certainly never referred to you as a slut. I am more than happy to respect views that I don't agree with but when you put words in my mouth or claim that I said or thought things I never said or thought, you get put in the same category as georgy. And that's a category that comes with zero credibility. You made a decent point or two there, but you completely blew it at the end.