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Terrorist attack in french satyrical newspaper ; 12 killed


Civil rights act was a Republican bill. I won't go issue by issue to point out how stupid your post is but any of it is easily rebutted. None of that stuff would have happened without bipartisanship.


The bill was called for by President John F. Kennedy in his civil rights speech of June 11, 1963,[7] in which he asked for legislation "giving all Americans the right to be served in facilities which are open to the public—hotels, restaurants, theaters, retail stores, and similar establishments", as well as "greater protection for the right to vote". Kennedy delivered this speech following a series of protests from the African-American community, the most notable being the Birmingham campaign (sometimes referred to as the "Children's Crusade") in which students and children endured attacks by police dogs and high pressure fire hoses during their protests against segregation.

Emulating the Civil Rights Act of 1875, Kennedy's civil rights bill included provisions to ban discrimination in public accommodations, and to enable the U.S. Attorney General to join in lawsuits against state governments which operated segregated school systems, among other provisions. However, it did not include a number of provisions deemed essential by civil rights leaders including protection against police brutality, ending discrimination in private employment, or granting the Justice Department power to initiate desegregation or job discrimination lawsuits.[8]

On June 11, 1963, President Kennedy met with the Republican leaders to discuss the legislation before his television address to the nation that evening. Two days later, Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen and Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield both voiced support for the president's bill, except for provisions guaranteeing equal access to places of public accommodations. This led to several Republican Congressmen drafting a compromise bill to be considered. On June 19, the president sent his bill to Congress as it was originally written, saying legislative action was "imperative".

Johnny anytime you want to stop being wrong, I'll be happy to stop correcting you. It's becomming a full time job.


Closed Account
Actually Mayhem there was The Civil Rights Act of 1957. The issue with it was to placate southern Democrats there were significant loopholes making it hard to enforce. The Poll Tax was still being used as one example. Believe it or not LBJ as a Senator did some back door agreements to help get it passed in the Senate. The 1964 Act was more expansive.
My sympathies for the victims. I hope true and fair justice is done, and that everybody that doesn't believe in killing each other in hate can come together over there.

So a cartoon causes a terrorist attack that results in 12 dead. Yet out government releases any and all classified information regarding the tactics used by our military. and the CIA to gain information. it is a blatant attempt to embarrass them to capitulate to their leftist agenda of no EIT under any circumstances. Yeah liberals, get your panties all in a wad over some film being made, or a cartoon but no way would releasing sensitive info about techniques ever cause radical terrorist to want to retaliate. I can't figure out if the lefties in Washington are making calculated decisions to weaken us and make us targets or they are just that fucking dumb! The hypocrisy and/or stupidity by the leftwing D-baggers knows no bounds.

Yeah, how dare some awful liberals want us to hold to treaties we signed, not torture (That's exactly what it is. Enhanced interrogation is cowardly euphemism for torture.) people, not want us to go closer to the barbarism of our opponents, uphold human rights, want to truth of the nation's wrongdoing to be exposed to the public, and want the actual law being enforced.

I have to laugh at all the people that want to champion and espouse that whole "rule of law" stuff...until it no longer suits them.

And yeah, it also must be true that it's somehow the people's that exposed the truth fault for any negative repercussions from the knowledge of said truth of wrongdoing, and not, you know, the actual people that did the wrongdoing that was exposed in the first place. Yeah, lets go with that. It makes much more sense.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I love the frogman. His tumblr page is thoughtful, irreverent and usually filled with corgis. Today he posted what amounts to a pro misandry graphic with a really oversimplified (maybe a little stupid) message about abusive men. I figured why limit such innovative thought to just the feminist movement? And so I give you:

free picture hosting

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I should note that the bottom picture was the original and the top one inspired much outrage because one extreme is apparently different from the other and misandrists apparently take the Yesallmen hashtag ultra seriously. I had like 55 notes on my post within an hour and Sir Frogworth himself coming out and adamantly expressing that he didn't create the top one.

Good pot stirring there.
My sympathies for the victims. I hope true and fair justice is done, and that everybody that doesn't believe in killing each other in hate can come together over there.

Yeah, how dare some awful liberals want us to hold to treaties we signed, not torture (That's exactly what it is. Enhanced interrogation is cowardly euphemism for torture.) people, not want us to go closer to the barbarism of our opponents, uphold human rights, want to truth of the nation's wrongdoing to be exposed to the public, and want the actual law being enforced.

I have to laugh at all the people that want to champion and espouse that whole "rule of law" stuff...until it no longer suits them.

And yeah, it also must be true that it's somehow the people's that exposed the truth fault for any negative repercussions from the knowledge of said truth of wrongdoing, and not, you know, the actual people that did the wrongdoing that was exposed in the first place. Yeah, lets go with that. It makes much more sense.

We water boarded, we made these poor terrorists run around in a diaper, we deprived them of sleep Oh the humanity!. We didn't gouge eyeballs out, rip out tongues or violate any treaties. You know something else? We saved fucking lives! You want our nation's wrongdoing exposed to the public? You and the rest of you whiny liberals can start with exposing the truth about the IRS targeting Americans of a different political stripe. Expose the truth about Fast and Furious, Benghazi the list goes on and on!. Thanks for stinking up the joint. You are putting on display the kind of idiocy that I was talking about. Congratulations, you are in good company.
A muslim, and a true hero (even if he says he's not)



Staff member
And old wound was reopened lately in France. Five years after Charlie's Hebdo attack, another attack took place in the location of the old offices of Charlie Hebdo and several people wounded in Paris knife attack near ex-Charlie Hebdo offices

Three reportedly injured in knife attack near former Charlie Hebdo offices In Paris

Since the ban of death penalty in France in 1981 by socialists and a tendancy of reduced conviction under good behavior for convicted felons , this happens because the Union of the French Superior Council of the Magistracy is composed exclusively of red judges and is leaning to the far left. Despite the plan to track potential islamic terrorists by listing them on the S and dangerous individiuals list, it hasn't prevented those attacks sadly.