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Jewish community center in France is scene of yet another stabbing attack

I usually avoid these discussions, but what the hell here are some facts about terrorism:

List of terrorism attacks in the United States 1980 -- 2005 as compiled by the FBI: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/terrorism-2002-2005/terror02_05#terror_05sum

You will notice that the vast majority are non Muslim, actually non-religion based, most are separatist movements, or extreme right/left groups.

Obviously 9/11 was the worst recorded with the greatest fatalities, here is a study about Muslim-American terrorist attacks, and number of fatalities compared to other sources: http://sites.duke.edu/tcths/files/2013/06/Kurzman_Muslim-American_Terrorism_in_2013.pdf

From this study some interesting figures:

Even with 9/11 terrorist caused deaths are under 4,000 for that time frame, and again that is in comparison to 190,000 murders. How much outrage/money/news time directed at terrorism of any source in that time frame as compared to our very own home grown problem? One gets better ratings than the other, plus it is much easier to point the finger, and say us -vs- them, rather than deal with the fact that more Americans are killed by Americans than any other cause including wars.

What are your odds of being killed from a terrorist attack in the United States?
Per this article: http://blogs.forward.com/jj-goldberg/176043/more-killed-by-toddlers-than-terrorists-in-us/

From January - May 2013 Terrorists killed 3, toddlers with firearms killed 5.

Is terrorism from Muslim extremists a problem? Yes.
Is it the biggest threat America faces? Not even close.

If we are willing to condemn 1.5 billion men, women, and children to (lets be honest, as this is what some are advocating) genocide, than should we also condemn all 360 million American men, women and children to death? After all terrorists of all types have killed 4,000 Americans here in the states since 2000, where we Americans have killed 190,000 Americans.

I condemn terrorism from any source, but I also condemn judging an entire group/society by the actions of the violent nut-jobs among them. If you are going to condemn them for failing to stop their nut-jobs from killing, than I guess you will also need to condemn us for not stopping our nut-jobs. Otherwise you are only left with bigotry, and hypocrisy.

And while the numbers of non Muslims may be greater in total, they are all motivated by different causes and do not have a central objectif commun as do Islamic terrorists.


Closed Account
And while the numbers of non Muslims may be greater in total, they are all motivated by different causes and do not have a central objectif commun as do Islamic terrorists.

And do you believe they are organized to the same cause? ISIS is at odds with the Saudis, and Iranians two mortal enemies. Sunnis and Shias have killed far more of each other than they have of any foreign "infidels" The Saudis, and Iranians both have histories of supporting terrorism, and they are on opposite sides.
You must be talking about the Crusades which were a response to Islamic aggression and not the other way around. Try reading Barbarians To Angels by Peter Wells which accurately details the Crusades (not to mention the archeological discoveries of that era) and not as you are doing, which is regurgitating blurbs from ahistorical movies or blogs. At this point you are on the unenviable level of the mouth breathers that believe changing a mascot name from Crusader to Thunder is the proper response to events a thousand years ago that has been spurred by uninformed drones and just flat out revisionist history and spoon fed drivel by brain dead sheeple. You would be better served to actually study the subject yourself than repeating other people's understanding of historical facts which makes you appear to be even more ignorant.

Jews in Rhineland
Siege of Ma'arra
Battle for Jerusalem

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm sorry, but all religion is bad for the soul. Catholic Priest molested boys for hundreds of years and all the Popes' throughout the years were ok with it. Then there was the Spanish Inquisition: convert to Christianity or die, lol. What about the so called "Christians" that were killing abortion doctors in the '90s, lol! yeah, good religion to follow there, LOL!

You're so wrong on so many points here. There were roughly 125k people questioned during the Spanish Inquisition. Of those people, %1.8 were executed. That's about 2000 people. Granted, that is about 2000 people too many, but Al Qaeda managed to murder over 3000 innocent people in just one day in 2001 and that is a more relevant number considering it was not 400 years ago. In the full 200 years of the Spanish Inquisition, less than 1% of the population had any contact with it, people outside of the major cities didn't even know about it.

The numbers for the Medieval Inquisition are about double what occurred in Spain and again, that is way too big a number but as a society and a religion, we have outgrown that barbarism. Unlike the Religion of Peace, which is stuck in the 7th century.

The Inquisition was not applied to Jews or Muslims, unless they were baptized as Christians. Numbers have been greatly exaggerated by people with an anti-catholic agenda. Some claimed the victims numbered as many as 9,000,000 people, which is ludicrous. And only someone who foolishly believes every awful thing they hear or read about the church would perpetuate that filth.

The claims of molestation are indefensible and are low hanging fruit for someone who doesn't really have that great an argument to begin with. Christ hisself said anyone who harms a child should have a millstone hung around his neck and he should be thrown down a well. Or something like that. But the rate of Roman Catholic priests committing such vile acts is a selective perception. The rate of violations like that are equivalent throughout any faith.
Yet experts say there's simply no data to support the claim at all. No formal comparative study has ever broken down child sexual abuse by denomination, and only the Catholic Church has released detailed data about its own. But based on the surveys and studies conducted by different denominations over the past 30 years, experts who study child abuse say they see little reason to conclude that sexual abuse is mostly a Catholic issue. "We don't see the Catholic Church as a hotbed of this or a place that has a bigger problem than anyone else," said Ernie Allen, president of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "I can tell you without hesitation that we have seen cases in many religious settings, from traveling evangelists to mainstream ministers to rabbis and others."

“It would be incorrect to call it a Catholic problem,” said Church Mutual’s risk control manager, Rick Schaber. “We do not see one denomination above another. It’s equal. It’s also equal among large metropolitan churches and small rural churches.”


And yes, killing abortion Doctors is fucking hilarious. Should I put an LOL behind that so the low information crowd will know that I'm being sarcastic?
And do you believe they are organized to the same cause? ISIS is at odds with the Saudis, and Iranians two mortal enemies. Sunnis and Shias have killed far more of each other than they have of any foreign "infidels" The Saudis, and Iranians both have histories of supporting terrorism, and they are on opposite sides.

Why didn't you just reference bombings in Belfast during the 70's while you were at it? The Union and The Confederacy probably can claim similar numbers yet they worshiped the same God too.


Closed Account
Why didn't you just reference bombings in Belfast during the 70's while you were at it? The Union and The Confederacy probably can claim similar numbers yet they worshiped the same God too.

You implied that all Islamic terrorists are motivated by the same causes, and have a common objective here:
And while the numbers of non Muslims may be greater in total, they are all motivated by different causes and do not have a central objectif commun as do Islamic terrorists.

I listed one terrorist group, two nations, and two branches of Muslim faith. All of them have segments that support Islamic extremists who commit acts of terrorism in the name of Islam. The very definition of Islamic terrorists, yet they all have different causes, and goals. Thus refuting your statement, and showing that all Islamic terrorists are not motivated by the same causes, and do not share a common objective.

Simply put, before all of the Islamic extremists unite to murder all of us "infidels" they will do what they have always done; spend centuries murdering one another over matters of doctrine, and political boundaries.

There is no united front of Muslims anymore than there is a united front of Christians.
Even if that were true, they are free to become unbelievers now. With no possibility of retaliation. Christianity evolved from the 7th century, you are defending those that are still living in it. And I don't consider Islam a religion but a cult. So I can safely say that all true religions are a religion of peace.
Religion, cult or whatever ou call these mythologies, they are all the same
You implied that all Islamic terrorists are motivated by the same causes, and have a common objective here:

I listed one terrorist group, two nations, and two branches of Muslim faith. All of them have segments that support Islamic extremists who commit acts of terrorism in the name of Islam. The very definition of Islamic terrorists, yet they all have different causes, and goals. Thus refuting your statement, and showing that all Islamic terrorists are not motivated by the same causes, and do not share a common objective.

Simply put, before all of the Islamic extremists unite to murder all of us "infidels" they will do what they have always done; spend centuries murdering one another over matters of doctrine, and political boundaries.

There is no united front of Muslims anymore than there is a united front of Christians.

You have done nothing of the sort. The Shiites are a minority. This faction comprises 10-15 percent of the total Muslim population. The inter-faith killings are because of the leaders seeking political power much like in the 17th century when protestants and Catholics were at war. We are talking a religion that is stuck in the 7th century, it has only been within the past 50 years or so that their reach has expanded to the west. The line of distinction that can be drawn here is clear, both factions interpret the Qur'an literally the same cannot be said about the factions within Christianity in regards to the Bible. While historically Muslims have murdered each other in the name of political power and Allah, the fact remains that all of them Shiite or Sunni, believe that the Infidel must die and Islam must prevail as the predominate or only religion of the world. They DO share a common objective factions not withstanding.

To take it a step further, whatever the history of Christians, in modern times they have not declared war on any country in the name of religion. It just so happens that the countries involved in conflict did so with geo-political and territorial goals or in response to aggression. The Muslim on Muslim killings is simply a red herring with the intent of pointing the finger and saying "look they did it too" when in fact Christianity and Judaism have evolved from the Dark Ages whereas Islam is the same religion that it was 1000 plus years ago although they have utilized modern tools and their ability to rapidly expand to the west, they are indeed united in one goal that motivates them. Destroy the infidel and Christianity/Judaism through terror and brainwashing. That is not the case with Judaism or Christianity.


Closed Account
Can you remind me how latin american people gave up their pagan god and became Jesus worsshipers ? Oh yes, I remeber now : They were conquered by christians and those who refused to become christians were butchered !
Religion of peace, really ?

The truth is, either you consider all religions as religions of peace, eithert you consider none of them as so, 'cause bottom-line, it's all the same shit, it's all lies perpetuated by the rich and the powerfull ton controll the mases and the ignorants. Being religious is being assfucked, with broken glass.

Even if that were true, they are free to become unbelievers now. With no possibility of retaliation. Christianity evolved from the 7th century, you are defending those that are still living in it. And I don't consider Islam a religion but a cult. So I can safely say that all true religions are a religion of peace.

The religion portion was a distant second in any European "exploration". The main part is the resources of that particular country. The simple way of destroying a culture is by banning the native language and customs. After a few generations that culture will disappear. Which is way when people first come across drawings on buildings there is a WTF moment and they try to find it's version of the "Rosetta Stone".
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Closed Account
My other question is if they are on an anti terrorist patrol, they were not on guard for this to happen? Also how did the assailant leave the scene?
Care to expound on this?

During the Middle Ages many Christian countries fought against each other. The Muslims were fighting against their natural enemies the Byzantines when the Byzantine Empire was losing its power. The Frist Crusade was partly justified by the Muslims treatment of Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, but the savagery of the First Crusade and others was unjustified. The three topics I posted earlier marred the morally of the First Crusades and has given many Muslims scholars and Western Historians taking points about morally of the Crusades.

Jews in Rhineland (mass murder)
Siege of Ma'arra (mass murder and cannibalism)
Battle for Jerusalem (mass murder)
During the Middle Ages many Christian countries fought against each other. The Muslims were fighting against their natural enemies the Byzantines when the Byzantine Empire was losing its power. The Frist Crusade was partly justified by the Muslims treatment of Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, but the savagery of the First Crusade and others was unjustified. The three topics I posted earlier marred the morally of the First Crusades and has given many Muslims scholars and Western Historians taking points about morally of the Crusades.

Thank you and while there may be some basis for those opinions, it does not translate into modern times no more than the race baiters try and say that those of us living now are somehow responsible for slavery.
And yet you have chosen sides even with a mythology. So what does that say about you?
Can you tell me which side I've chosen ? 'cause don't remeber choosing any side, any mythology (despite some academical interest for the greek mythology and the egyptian mythology) ?


Official Checked Star Member
When people have to go back hundreds of years to defend indefensible matters of the present they are called whiners. Oh look, my ancestors got enslaved by white people 200 years ago, so today's white people can't judge me when i do wrong. Oh look, Christians fought and killed my muslim ancestors 1000 years ago, so let's conquer and/or kill all Christians. Oh look, males patronized my grand-grandmother 100 years ago, so let's hate all men. Oh look, my gay ancestors got ghettoized, so let's fight for gay procreation, damn God!
Today i don't see Christians killing people around the world in the name of Christianity. Instead i see muslims killing people, Christians included, around the world in the name of Allah or Mohamed. What happened in the past is history and it does not soften up the actions of these beasts. It's a war and to war you answer with war: mors tua, vita mea the latins said. If they want peace, i'm sure that 1.5 of "moderate" muslims can easily stop this war in a matter of hours. But it's not going to happen because they should renegade their beliefs which ultimately are: everybody in the world must become a muslim or die. It's written in the Quran and you can ask ANY moderate muslim in the world, i haven't made it up.
When people have to go back hundreds of years to defend indefensible matters of the present they are called whiners. Oh look, my ancestors got enslaved by white people 200 years ago, so today's white people can't judge me when i do wrong. Oh look, Christians fought and killed my muslim ancestors 1000 years ago, so let's conquer and/or kill all Christians. Oh look, males patronized my grand-grandmother 100 years ago, so let's hate all men. Oh look, my gay ancestors got ghettoized, so let's fight for gay procreation, damn God!
Today i don't see Christians killing people around the world in the name of Christianity. Instead i see muslims killing people, Christians included, around the world in the name of Allah or Mohamed. What happened in the past is history and it does not soften up the actions of these beasts. It's a war and to war you answer with war: mors tua, vita mea the latins said. If they want peace, i'm sure that 1.5 of "moderate" muslims can easily stop this war in a matter of hours. But it's not going to happen because they should renegade their beliefs which ultimately are: everybody in the world must become a muslim or die. It's written in the Quran and you can ask ANY moderate muslim in the world, i haven't made it up.

"If a man or woman living among you in one of the towns the Lord gives you is found doing evil in the eyes of the Lord your God in violation of his covenant, and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars in the sky, and this has been brought to your attention, then you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death"
Deuteronomy : 17 ; 2-5

"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die."
Deuteronomy : 13 ; 6-10

But some of you may think the Old Testament only applies to jews. Well, let's see the New Testament, let's have a look to the Gospel, the very words of the Lord :

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."
Luke : 19 ; 27

Every religion commands its believers to kill the non-believers.

Have you heard of what is currently happening in Myanmar and Sri Lanka ? Radical buddhism, buddhist terrorists opressing and even killing muslim minorities (but I guess you would give them credit for that). Yeah, buddhist, the religion of the Daläi-Lama and all the peacefull monks in Tibet, they also have a bunch of terrorists. Their leader is "proud to be called an radical buddhist" and labeled himself "the buddhist bin Laden".

The problem is not Islam, it is Religion, all religions.
"If a man or woman living among you in one of the towns the Lord gives you is found doing evil in the eyes of the Lord your God in violation of his covenant, and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars in the sky, and this has been brought to your attention, then you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death"
Deuteronomy : 17 ; 2-5

"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die."
Deuteronomy : 13 ; 6-10

But some of you may think the Old Testament only applies to jews. Well, let's see the New Testament, let's have a look to the Gospel, the very words of the Lord :

"But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me."
Luke : 19 ; 27

And he was still talking to the Jews who themselves had been slaughtered. Please reference Christians that are taking this passage literally in modern times and are murdering people right now at this moment because of it as Muslims are doing incited by their "Holy scripture".
