I've been watching the news for the last few days about this. Being a conservative, I am very concerned that this tragedy was going to be used by liberals to advance their own agenda of banning private gun ownership and pinning the blame for this tragedy on conservative minded individuals like myself, and that this psychopath was going to be considered to be a "conservative", that listening to Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck or Sarah Palin was what caused him to go on a rampage. Now, after looking around at some of the facts that have come up, I think his use of drugs is a more likely cause than any political affiliation anyway.
Do you remember the movie The Dark Knight when Alfred is telling Bruce Wayne about some robber he and his SAS buddies were chasing around Burma and how he would rob precious stones just to throw them away? That his motivation wasn't the money, that some people just want to see the world burn? Seeing the guy's mugshot and reading about him and his state of mind, he reminds me of the Joker, just wants to see the world burn. The guy has no idea the damage he could cause to our democracy if now our representatives decide it's too dangerous to let us get close to them in an event like that. But it doesn't matter what "boat you're on" I think we should find a way to get this tragedy to strenghten our society. Maybe we should take some time to, instead of blaming one side of causing this or the other side of taking advantage of this, to look at our own beliefs and ask ourselves, do my beliefs really help my country and how, and at what cost, and to whom?
Now, about the owneship of "assault weapons", read the following story. The guy had to defend himself with old hunting rifles against a gang armed with full automatic assault weapons. Maybe you feel you don't need one up in the huge metropolis of New York City as they can be very unwieldy in close quarters urban terrain, but here in the wide open ranges of Texas, they can be very useful.
Now think the damage this brave man could have caused to the criminals if he had had similar weaponry available to him instead of being forbidden by the government from owning it.