:rubbel: :rubbel: :rubbel: :rubbel: :rubbel: Nice! That's quite some orgasmic News.Of course, it would have been even more orgasmic if all 500 people would be deported instead of just 39. That would have REALLY sent a message to all the fuckers. :yesyes:
Exactly, I was personally hoping for a little more force but this does send a message loud and clear. I'd be fucking furious if I walked damn near 2000 miles just to get a door slammed in my face. STAY IN YOUR COUNTRY and deal with life like everyone else!!! All that time, effort, energy spent on the journey should have been done in the country that needs them the most, their own. Got a gang problem and fear for your life? Collect weapons and do something about it instead of running to my spot because your a pussy. The USA don't need no more pussies, liberals have displayed that embarrassing feat time and again. STAY HOME ya fucking freeloading bastards.