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Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

I'm a commercial driver so I see shit all the fucking time. I hate how some people think that they can merge onto a freeway at 45 miles per hour when everyone else on the freeway is doing 70 and then they get pissed because you don't slam on your breaks for them or move over so they can merge. I won't take out a car on my left so you can merge asshole! MATCH THE FUCKING SPEED.. FREEWAY TRAFFIC HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY!! Especially for a semi, you can easily accelerate in front of me or merge in behind. I'm running at nearly 80k pounds and I will run your ass into a gaurdrail and not even feel it.

Cell phones are another one.
People who are going 50 and when you go to pass them they speed up to 65.
People who let their dogs piss on people's lawns.
Political correctness
so called "white guilt" towards Blacks

Geez... I better stop now, I'm getting myself worked up.


Closed Account
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

Not respecting my personal boundaries. I absolutely hate people that have to damned near sit on my lap on the bus or train, or crowd as close as they can in the grocery store when all they have to do is say, "excuse me" or whatnot.

Also, the dreaded "kiss of death." I despise the 3 kisses thing when greeting people.

Being breathed on.

Little kids running wild in stores like wild animals and the parents thinking it's the cutest thing on earth. Also dog owners who do the same, and let their dogs run up on strangers. I've had more than one pissed person yell at me when I slammed my foot in their dog's face.

And last, but certaintly not least: 1337 speak! ugh.

Although I have no idea what the last is, :o I feel your pain on the others Petra, every one of them. More.

When people talk to my chest.
Put words in my mouth or twist my text.
When a business associate does not return a phone important call that's time framed.
People that sit outside a neighbors house blowing the horn. To damned lazy to get out at knock on the door.

I'm sure I put many more in the thread "Annoyances" that was moved to post games from talk. I would go get the link, but I'd rather sit here and blow my horn since I've been up since 4:30. :D

Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

Bad drivers who dont signal....people who talk on cellphones in public in really loud voice!....vandals who cant spell....people at the ATM who take forever....the person in front of you in line who cant find money/credit card, to pay and then holds the whole line up....people who talk on a cell phone in the movie theater, I paid $10 to listen and watch the movie not hear your conversation....


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

People who insist on paying in correct change but don't have it ready and has to dig through a handbag that has everything including the kitchen sink and the little old person that has to argue with the cashier to get 2 cents off on something...


Closed Account
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

When people use there cell while driving and when they blow 4 way stops and get in a hurry and when people blast there music that's just a few of mine.
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

Bad/discourteous drivers.

Why is it that whenever I'm doing 75 on the freeway some donkey-raping shit-eater decides to merge into my lane when I'm less than 2 cars' lengths behind and sit there going 60? STAY THE FUCK IN YOUR LANE!!!!! URGH!!!!! Also, if you're in the fast lane, and someone is going faster than you, LET THEM PASS! It's a courtesy thing. I usually go 10 miles over the speed limit, which puts me at 75, but if there is someone that is catching up to me, I pull over and let them by. There's no sense in blocking the road for someone who is in a greater hurry than you are. Please don't force me to tailgate the shit out of you.

Has it happened to anyone else that your exit is coming up, so you turn on your blinker to start merging over, just to have the fucking social parasite in the lane next to yours speed up so you can't merge in front of him? What does he have to gain by not letting you merge? Absofuckinglutely NOTHING! He's just doing it to show you that he decides when you merge and when you don't merge. He was probably bullied as a kid and feels the need to release his anger by bullying someone back, even if that means not letting someone get off at their exit. Fucking mutant...

While I'm on the topic of pet peeves, HANG UP THE FUCKING PHONE!!!!!!!! There are few things that piss me off quite as much as the sight of some shit-eating vermin that just got out of school and decided to cruise around town with a phone stuck to her skull to spread high school gossip among her friends. There have been scientific studies that prove that talking on the phone while driving slows down reaction times, makes people unwittingly drive slower, and greatly decreases concentration. If you absolutely, positively must use the phone, please use a hands-free device. It's not a complete solution, but it's better than only using one hand to steer, honk the horn, flip off other drivers, and signal a lane change.

Speaking of which, when you're driving, DRIVE! A car is a vehicle, not a dressing room, not a dining room, not a library, not a bathroom, and it most definitely is NOT a telephone booth. One of my favorite pet peeves is driving next to some fucking maggot who thinks a car is a perfectly acceptable place to button his shirt, tie his tie, shave, have a bowl of cereal, brush his teeth, and read the morning newspaper before arriving at his job. I don't give a rat's ass about you, but you're putting others at risk. If you really feel the need to do something that might get you hurt, please do so by jumping off a bridge or trying to stop a train with your shoulder. And don't give me some bullshit about what a great multi-tasker you are. A car is not a place to multi-task.

That's it, for now. You'll see me post on this thread later.

Donkey-raping shit-eater? Social Parasite? Shit-eating Vermin? Maggot? I think you need to find your happy place.:D
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

I think one of mine would be people who are bad at computers ;O

I don't consider myself great at computers, i'm more like, good. For a girl. But its like if i'm helping someone do something on their computer, and I give an instruction which is so simple to me, and all I get is this confused look and a "huh?" :confused: It makes me insides boil a bit. :rofl: And it shouldn't, because not everyone can be good at computers, or even wants to be good. But I think its just because doing things on a computer is so easy to me, and when other people have trouble with the simple things it frustrates me. lol

I've never snapped at anyone for being bad at computers though, I wouldn't do that!

A more serious one is people who make nasty comments for no reason other than to be an asshole. :/ When no possible good can come from making the comment, and theres no point in it other than to annoy someone, I wish people would just not say anything.

And also, people who look down on others for trivial things.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

People who are always late
People who fart and/or take their shoes off on airliners
People who talk too much
Compulsive liars
People who are think they are better than I am
People who wait until they get to the toll booth to look for change
People who are always interjecting "you know" into a conversation
People who smell bad
People who don't vote and then bitch about the way things are

That's just what I could think of in 3 minutes....I could do a whole page full of these....
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

Something like this:
How r U?
etc. etc.

And finally: bad drivers.
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

Donkey-raping shit-eater? Social Parasite? Shit-eating Vermin? Maggot? I think you need to find your happy place.:D

Hey, you can't expect me to post something about my pet peeves without getting a little worked up.
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

I have another one. People that say "I could care less", it is "I couldn't care less". To say I could care less is just reinforcing that you do care about that which you are speaking of.
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

You mean people too lazy or in too big of a rush to use the spell check.

Yes, that makes the rest of us look for an interpretor. If you write, it's first person. You do it correctly first time. It's not hard.
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

People who refuse to accept rational, logical ideas that are supported by rock solid scientific evidence. They even get angry when their irrational ideas refuted by science.
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

People that say "I could care less", it is "I couldn't care less". To say I could care less is just reinforcing that you do care about that which you are speaking of.

Oh, I HATE when people say that!!!!!!
Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

1. People who say, "I could care less." Really? Well, then this must not be bothering you all that much. Now, had you told me, "I COULDN'T CARE LESS", now I understand exactly how little you actually care about the subject at hand.
2. Improper use of their, and there. It's over THERE, that is THEIR car. NOT the other way around.
3. Listening to the current generation of 18-20 year old people.....I swear to God, if I hear one more "uhh", "like", or "stuff like that", I am going to snap. (not literally....I don't want to freak anyone out.......but I might just yell at them a little bit.) :mad:


Re: What are your Biggest Pet Peeves?

1. People who say, "I could care less." Really? Well, then this must not be bothering you all that much. Now, had you told me, "I COULDN'T CARE LESS", now I understand exactly how little you actually care about the subject at hand.

well, i could care less about this. :D

my one pet peeve is food workers not wearing plastic gloves. makes me want to work for the health department.