After The Dark Knight Rises.

With the current release of Chris Nolan's latest film to feature The Caped Crusader, I walked out of the film somewhat satisfied with what i just saw but part of me wanted something a little more. Now in my opinion, the last Batman film had little to no Batman in the movie which kind of made upset, do I want a Batman film where there is just Batman on screen without his secret Identity? Absoultely not, I want the balance that Nolan's first Batman film had where it felt like a reasonable balance between Bruce's playboy billionare lifestyle and his journey to take on the criminals of Gotham while wearing the cape and cowl. Now even though I was somewhat satisfied with Nolan's trilogy, I told a friend just recently that i'm looking forward to the inevitable reboot that we all know is coming. What are your thoughts on the trilogy as a whole and do you also look forward to the reboot/remake or were you satisfied with what Nolan put up on screen?
I thoroughly enjoyed the trilogy, and I don't know if I would enjoy a reboot. They could end up being great movies, but I just like the way Nolan put everything together.


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Nolan failed on the third Batman picture. Boring as fuck, the plot was not clear enough, the villian sucked ass, not much Batman and when he appeared on screen he was still boring, Catwoman lacked charisma, too many flashbacks, I was not at all pleased seeing Bruce Wayne trying to come out of a hole...might as well stay in there and sulked like a mule lol. Overall I was somewhat disappointed.
From what I heard.... they're going to have a Batman reboot, plus also a Superman reboot, plus a Wonder Woman movie, plus a Green Lantern reboot, all produced by Nolan, you see where this is going? It's going to end up with a "Hall of Justice" movie the way Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, and Captain America ended up with an Avengers movie. I don't know if I'll see those anyway, this Dark Knight (not Batman) trilogy was good enough, just leave it alone.


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They should probably shelve any future Batman films for a while. A long while.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
I don't know why they don't just do a fourth film, bringing in Robin/Nightwing. They set that up pretty well.

IMO itd be wrong to do just a Robin/Nightwing movie on his cant have Robin without Batman! It wouldnt be the same...I dont think id bother seeing it if it happened!
IMO itd be wrong to do just a Robin/Nightwing movie on his cant have Robin without Batman! It wouldnt be the same...I dont think id bother seeing it if it happened!

yeah, I actually meant a Batman and Robin film. I agree that a Robin standalone film wouldn't work.

Just add a fourth film to this franchise, and introduce Robin.
Christian Bale said he wouldn't do Batman if Robin was involved, that's why I believe he wasn't in the trilogy. But i also read somewhere that they were going to make more Batman films, but don't quote me on that because it could just have been a wild rumor.

I haven't seen the film yet, probably wait untill it comes out on dvd, but I'll probably be somewhat happy with it.
Bale and Nolan are both done, so this series is done.


Blake was only Robin in the sense he was a sidekick or sorts. He isn't staying Robin, he was given the keys to the batcave, stands on the platform and it rises. Get it? Dark Knight Rises. He becomes Batman. Not Nightwing. Not Robin. Also, he probably gets his ass beat because he's a weak ass cop. Wtf is he going to do when another League of Shadows guy shows up?

The series is done. The reboot won't be as good. Justice League will suck.
Actually, I think he is Batman more in TDKR than he is in BB. Remember, in BB he didnt put on the costume until about an hour or so into the movie. Even in TDK when he is in his prime, he is only Batman for about half the movie, maybe less. But I dont mind. Bale is way more interesting as Wayne than he is as Batman anyway.

Im completely satisfied with the trilogy. Dont get me wrong, there are flaws, espeacially in the 3rd one (though I enjoy the 3rd one the most). This is one of the best trilogies ever.

I guess the reboot is going to happen whether we like it or not. But WB should atleast wait a while before they do it. Wait until people forget about the Nolan films. The reboot should address some of the issues that even Nolan fans didnt like about the latest films. They should move away from the realism and make it in the style of the recent video games. Maybe they could use the same visual style that was used on 300. Even though that would be a different style than Nolan, I think fans would be open minded enough to accept them IF they take the characters and story in the same serious way that Nolan did.