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A Punch to the Face...a Venting Thread!

Tell me again, Mr Nanny, why are you here?

This threads already on a warning, you trying to piss of every member here and get it closed down?? Anything personal, any comments against other people will result in this thread being closed. This thread is meant to be a fun thread, keep it that way by not getting in the slightest way personal on it.
Nightfly said:
Ramaddan (sp?) just ended, Chanukkah (several different spellings) is near, and it's going to be Christmas season soon for many people as well...

I prefer "Happy Holidays" as a greeting because I cannot tell what a person's faith is just by looking at them; they might be Buddhist or Wiccan or Hindu as well...or atheist or agnostic. Tradition is one thing, but to assume everyone celebrates Christmas is absurd and unenlightened, IMO, even though it has become a largely secular tradition in Western societies.

So no, I don't think people should "Live with it." As globalization continues, particularly with internet access/use across the world, I personally feel that we should all be more sensitive, respectful, and informed of each other's cultures, but maybe that's just me.

I'm not at all flaming, but rather offering my opinion.

My :2 cents: :hatsoff:

I agree you need to be sensitive, but I'm assuming that what Om3ga is trying to say is screw the people that are trying to change the name of Christmas to something else. Maybe I'm wrong in that assumption, but if that is the case, then I certainly know that you couldn't ask a Muslim to change the name of Ramaddan (sp?) to something else or a Jew to change the name of Chanukkah to something else.

Yeah if you are going to wish some stranger something, its best to say Happy Holidays to be safe and be PC, but if they are trying to change the name, then screw that.
Why close the entire thread when the singular member "in question" simply needs a warning or a temporary ban?! I thought we had dealt with this already... :confused: :dunno:

thfcmad said:
This threads already on a warning, you trying to piss of every member here and get it closed down?? Anything personal, any comments against other people will result in this thread being closed. This thread is meant to be a fun thread, keep it that way by not getting in the slightest way personal on it.


Closed Account
Nightfly said:
Why close the entire thread when the singular member "in question" simply needs a warning or a temporary ban?! I thought we had dealt with this already... :confused: :dunno:
Because the member in question commented about the recent banning of **********. My geuss is that thcmad(sp) is trying to avoid another ban/flaming war by just closing the thread.


Nightfly said:
Ramaddan (sp?) just ended, Chanukkah (several different spellings) is near, and it's going to be Christmas season soon for many people as well...

I prefer "Happy Holidays" as a greeting because I cannot tell what a person's faith is just by looking at them; they might be Buddhist or Wiccan or Hindu as well...or atheist or agnostic. Tradition is one thing, but to assume everyone celebrates Christmas is absurd and unenlightened, IMO, even though it has become a largely secular tradition in Western societies.

So no, I don't think people should "Live with it." As globalization continues, particularly with internet access/use across the world, I personally feel that we should all be more sensitive, respectful, and informed of each other's cultures, but maybe that's just me.

I'm not at all flaming, but rather offering my opinion.

My :2 cents: :hatsoff:


"Happy Holidays", "Seasons Greteings" ... all that crap is diminishing the holiday itself. It's CHRISTMAS ... December 25th. It doesn't matter if you're Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or whatever.

Changing it [the name of the holiday] is just more bowing down to left-wing liberal political correctness. It's bad enough already that certain things have to be watered down in order not to "offend" people, but when you start altering holiday names just to placate the few ... something's wrong with that picture.

I'm sick and tired of reading all this happy crappy BULLSHIT garbage about people being "offended" by things that have been around for hundreds of years.

Christmas is primarily a Christian holiday, yes. I'm not denying that at all, however, through commercialization over the past thirty or so years, it's now become a holiday more associated with Santa Claus, Frosty The Snowman, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, and a few other commercialized cartoon characters geared towards bringing in the $$$ to big, greedy companies.

If you don't wan to celebrate CHRISTMAS, then don't celebrate ... no one is holding a gun to your head, saying "Celebrate the birth of Christ or ELSE!". I'm truly sick and tired of hearing extreme liberals whine about how people are done so wrong come the holiday season.

I know people of the Jewish faith who are not at all bothered by our celebrating Christmas (i.e., the birth of Christ).

I know people of the Islamic faith who have absolutely no problems with peope celebrating Christmas.

I know people of all sects, races, religions, and what not who have ABSOLUTELY NO ISSUES with the holiday known as "Christmas". They're mindset is:

"Well, it's a Christian holiday. We have ours. So, hey ... why not enjoy the season for what it is and what it reprsents to each of us?"

I think it's mainly people of politically correct mind-sets who want to appease others' feelings without even knowing who or what they stand for that are advocating and promoting this name change. It's not about "offending" others or making up for imagined slights or disrespect.

Jesus, if anything this very holiday is about the celebration of MANKIND ... and a brotherhood / sisterhood predicated upon the celebration of the renewal of LIFE.

This is AMERICA ... we Christians celebrate Christmas; those of the Jewish faith celebrate Chanukah; those of the Muslim faith celebrate Ramadan; some African-Americans celebrate Kwanzaa. Worldwide ... god, the celebrations are countless.

Disagree, Agree ... whatever. I have my views, too.
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Closed Account
AsianxxxChick said:

"Happy Holidays", "Seasons Greteings" ... all that crap is diminishing the holiday itself. It's CHRISTMAS ... December 25th. It doesn't matter if you're Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, or whatever.

Changing it [the name of the holiday] is just more bowing down to left-wing liberal political correctness. It's bad enough already that certain things have to be watered down in order not to "offend" people, but when you start altering holiday names just to placate the few ... something's wrong with that picture.

I'm sick and tired of reading all this happy crappy BULLSHIT garbage about people being "offended" by things that have been around for hundreds of years.

Christmas is primarily a Christian holiday, yes. I'm not denying that at all, however, through commercialization over the past thirty or so years, it's now become a holiday more associated with Santa Claus, Frosty The Snowman, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, and a few other commercialized cartoon characters geared towards bringing in the $$$ to big, greedy companies.

If you don't wan to celebrate CHRISTMAS, then don't celebrate ... no one is holding a gun to your head, saying "Celebrate the birth of Christ or ELSE!". I'm truly sick and tired of hearing extreme liberals whine about how people are done so wrong come the holiday season.

I know people of the Jewish faith who are not at all bothered by our celebrating Christmas (i.e., the birth of Christ).

I know people of the Islamic faith who have absolutely no problems with peope celebrating Christmas.

I know people of all sects, races, religions, and what not who have ABSOLUTELY NO ISSUES with the holiday known as "Christmas". They're mindset is:

"Well, it's a Christian holiday. We have ours. So, hey ... why not enjoy the season for what it is and what it reprsents to each of us?"

I think it's mainly people of politically correct mind-sets who want to appease others' feelings without even knowing who or what they stand for that are advocating and promoting this name change. It's not about "offending" others or making up for imagined slights or disrespect.

Jesus, if anything this very holiday is about the celebration of MANKIND ... and a brotherhood / sisterhood predicated upon the celebration of the renewal of LIFE.

This is AMERICA ... we Christians celebrate Christmas; those of the Jewish faith celebrate Chanukah; those of the Muslim faith celebrate Ramadan; some African-Americans celebrate Kwanzaa. Worldwide ... god, the celebrations are countless.

Disagree, Agree ... whatever. I have my views, too.
WOW...this is a time I wish we had an applause smilie. Excellenty said AxxxC:hatsoff:


Also ... getting back to the convenience store / service stations hiking up the gas prices ...

I HATE whenever you go in to pre-pay for a tank of gas, come out to the pump, flip the nozzle up, and it automatically jumps to $.02 - .05. Once you go in and report it [the pump] as being off, the managers get all snippy and try to make an issue out of you [the customer] asserting they're cheating the customer.

In some cases, they are ... but in most instances, all it takes is a minor adjustment to the levels in the pump itself to rectify the problem.

Back on my old side of town, there was a Texaco super station that literally cleaned up by setting their pumps five cents forward. Not many people pay attention to that inital fli pof the switch. I mean, after all, what's five cents , right?

It adds up ... believe me ...

Imagine: 36 pumps / 3 different grades of gas / $1.99 for low grade ... average of about, say, 100 customers per day.

Do the math ... those SOB's were raking it in hand over fist.


It's good to be the king...
Death_blooms08 said:
I agree you need to be sensitive, but I'm assuming that what Om3ga is trying to say is screw the people that are trying to change the name of Christmas to something else. Maybe I'm wrong in that assumption, but if that is the case, then I certainly know that you couldn't ask a Muslim to change the name of Ramaddan (sp?) to something else or a Jew to change the name of Chanukkah to something else.

Yeah if you are going to wish some stranger something, its best to say Happy Holidays to be safe and be PC, but if they are trying to change the name, then screw that.

Sorry - I didn't mean to sound so callous and/or offensive:
From this side of the pond, there are various attempts to change Christmas arrangements to something less "controversial" for other faiths (Hindus, Moslems, etc). Yet when said faiths are contacted, they are confused as to why we would eliminate references to Christmas.
This is the irritating part - if all faiths were happy with the original "Happy Christmas" celebrations, why change it?
I hope that explains things....
americanharley said:
Because the member in question commented about the recent banning of **********. My geuss is that thcmad(sp) is trying to avoid another ban/flaming war by just closing the thread.

spot on!! I dont want to close a thread if i dont have to. Just making it clear that i was gonna close this thread but i changed m mind, yet people still want to make undermining comments. Just making it VERY clear what will result in it getting closed. That way if it happens i ahve given plenty of warning.

Trust me, i dont want to close this thread. I will only close it if i have to.

Anyway....... Bill Gates/Microsoft - for messing up the xbox 360 launch and leaving me the possibility that i may not get one at launch even though i pre-ordered months ago!
thfcmad said:
spot on!! I dont want to close a thread if i dont have to. Just making it clear that i was gonna close this thread but i changed m mind, yet people still want to make undermining comments. Just making it VERY clear what will result in it getting closed. That way if it happens i ahve given plenty of warning.

Trust me, i dont want to close this thread. I will only close it if i have to.


Thanx thfcmad! you're very kind and comprehensive... considering that you are the same guy that banned Fox with such a lousy reason (and you will probaby ban me too)
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Closed Account
Slow freeway drivers. Its bad enough that most freeway's only have two lanes, but to have one of them blocked by a slow driving moron...ugh. But the worst part about these drivers is when they get on the on-ramp and don't accelerate...I mean its called the acceleration lane...therefore you speed down it and are above 60 mph when you merge...by the time I'm merging I'm going at least 75 mph.
thfcmad said:
spot on!! I dont want to close a thread if i dont have to. Just making it clear that i was gonna close this thread but i changed m mind, yet people still want to make undermining comments. Just making it VERY clear what will result in it getting closed. That way if it happens i ahve given plenty of warning.

Trust me, i dont want to close this thread. I will only close it if i have to.

Im curious, how is it that these so-called "undermining comments" seem to be upsetting only you???

I have not seen any other Mods make any reference to any "undermining comments" or threaten to close this or any other thread for similar reasons in recent times...

We know you are back, You have made your presence known.... In a big way!!!

This just my opinion, but your actions of late seem to be more of a "school yard bully" who's just gotten out of detention and less of a well respected Mod.

Maybe you dont think your Fellow Mods are up to the Task, eh?



Retired Moderator
I am very bothered by "undermining comments". I for one cannot stand them and I believe them to be very disrespectful.

I never understood the need to make personal attacks or calling someone out in a public forum to voice an opinion?

We all have PM's and yet some people run to the threads to vent, Why? Is it for attention? To feel some type of vindication? Maybe it's because we are so use to leading our lives in our own manner, that when some one tells us we can't do something our minds instantly turn to rage? or Maybe it's just the mob mentality? I just don't get it?

this is so far :2offtopic , lets get back to posting.

Colonel said:
I am very bothered by "undermining comments". I for one cannot stand them and I believe them to be very disrespectful.

I never understood the need to make personal attacks or calling someone out in a public forum to voice an opinion?

We all have PM's and yet some people run to the threads to vent, Why? Is it for attention? To feel some type of vindication? Maybe it's because we are so use to leading our lives in our own manner, that when some one tells us we can't do something our minds instantly turn to rage? or Maybe it's just the mob mentality? I just don't get it?

this is so far :2offtopic , lets get back to posting.


nice of you to come out and say so... why did you wait until now to let us know about this???:)
Colonel said:
We all have PM's and yet some people run to the threads to vent, Why? Is it for attention? To feel some type of vindication? Maybe it's because we are so use to leading our lives in our own manner, that when some one tells us we can't do something our minds instantly turn to rage? or Maybe it's just the mob mentality? I just don't get it?


I use the PM, sir Colonel, in fact very often lately, but sometimes even that is useless. Some people certantly know how to read, but have never learn how to listen


Closed Account
AsianxxxChick said:
NO."Happy Holidays", "Seasons Greetings" ... all that crap.

Christ may not have killed anybody, but His followers sure have. I don't feel the need to celebrate that. And I think Christ with His infinite compassion would rather see us united as one people under one flag with no religion to get in the way. Just a common love for the common things, and a belief in beauty and truth above all else. Not spending all are hard earned money, working jobs we don't like to buy crap we don't need, to put under a $50 dollar dead tree.

I love my wife and child, I respect my parents, I work an honest days work. That is my religion and I practice everyday.
Every religion has killed thousands if not millions of people, i don't care if they are jews, christians, muslims, they are all the same to me. IMO
Thanx thfcmad! you're very kind and comprehensive... considering that you are the same guy that banned Fox with such a lousy reason (and you will probaby ban me too)

Correct you are!! ANyway, please now keep this thread on topic, thanks:2offtopic


x4g63x said:
Christ may not have killed anybody, but His followers sure have. I don't feel the need to celebrate that. And I think Christ with His infinite compassion would rather see us united as one people under one flag with no religion to get in the way. Just a common love for the common things, and a belief in beauty and truth above all else. Not spending all are hard earned money, working jobs we don't like to buy crap we don't need, to put under a $50 dollar dead tree.

I love my wife and child, I respect my parents, I work an honest days work. That is my religion and I practice everyday.

And you're completely 100% entitled to do so in every way possible or imaginable. :D

You bring up a good point, too, x4.

What I DID say - or was trying to say - was that the left-wing, liberal do-gooder tree huggers want to completely do away with the celebration of Christmas as a holiday and turn it into a watered-down, milque-toast, garden-variety insignificant holiday. What some people don't understand - or even try to understand, actually - is that there a lot of various ethnic and minority groups who could care less about a holiday's name or origin's ... people who have NO problems with it.

As I said last night ...

Ain't nobody pointing a pistol with a chambered round at your head and forcing you to pray on bended knee to Christ. If you don't want to, then .... don't. Plain and simple. But don't take it away from me, either ... because you're then encroaching upon MY civil liberties and rights.

For every handful of "warriors" who have shed blood in the name of Christ, there are infinite more who are humbled in His presence and act ... just like you and me.

Hard-working. Loving. Caring. Decent. Honest. Respectful. Morals. Character. Integrity. Compassion.

Those aren't traits exclusive to ANY religion ... or at least, I hope not. I would hope that those are traits that we should ALL have in us, regardless of race, creed, color, ethicity, or religion.

What pisses me off - and why I want to further vent about it - is the liberal faction who wants to do away with anything remotely resembling Christianity ... why?

Because it offends people.

Tough shit.

I'm offended by terrorists who act in cowardly ways and kill innocents civilians.

I'm offended by people who proclaim in private with great piety and righteousness that they're Christians and then go out of their way to fit in with the maddening crowd and ridicule the very things they were espousing in private.

Do I stand up and villify these people? Not at all. I seldom speak out against those who go against what I believe in? Why? Very easy to answer. They have that right ... much as I have my own rights to observe and do what I believe while following the law and acting in a civil manner befitting a citizen of this country.

Why would I want to impose my will upon them? I certainly wouldn't them to impose their will upon me. So why not show mutual respect for one another's beliefs, customs, traditions, and observances?

Amazingly enough ... I know quite a few people of other religious sects and denominations who have absolutely no issues with the Christian celebration and observance of Christmas (Christ's Birth); Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Satanists, Anarchists, Agnostics ... you name it, I've most likely interacted with them in a group setting. And we've had this same discussion many times during ecumenical studies. And y'know what? They respect the Christian viewpoint. They respect it [the holiday]. They may not believe in it ... but they respect that it is a Christian's religious observance in the same vein as their own observances and rituals.

Doing away with (or renaming, et. al.) Christmas [the religious observance] and turning it into some milque-toast bullshit is pandering to the liberal-minded tree-huggers who want to go through life arm-in-arm, avoiding the realities and vagaries of real life. They take the role of that proverbial ostrich ... y'know, the one who buries his head in the sand to avoid what's coming next? They can't accept the fact that although there are distinct differences between us all - worldwide - we can all still get along given the chance to learn and grow together. Instead, they - the liberals - want to force their idealogical views and thoughts upon the ignorant masses just because ... ... ... they feel it's the right thing to do to keep from "offending" people.

We mustn't ever offend another soul, lest we appear as backwoods, ignorant, uneducated ogres with no redeeming social skills whatsoever.


Again ... just my opinions. Like 'em, love 'em, or leave 'em.
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AsianxxxChick... You have stated my feelings on the watering down of Christmas so well!

I can't STAND going to a store this time of year and being told 'Happy Holidays'. And trying to find Christmas cards...don't even get me started.