So the Trump rhetoric last night was the Democrats and the "radical left" are going to cause riots, disruption, protests and other bad things at polling places. Let's see.
Well, today's the day. What a wild ride it has been.
Thank God it's over. But how about this for a final kicker to the Trump Administration:
Now I wouldn't put this past him. If Donald Trump loses, he declares martial law. Sets curfews, etc. because that's how he is. That Sean Connery / Michael Caine movie title suits him perfectly,
The Man Who Would Be King. He's not going to go away quietly or peacefully.
That's why he wanted a full Supreme Court of nine judges. There's going to be many issues on "so called" voting irregularities that he and his Administration are going to take up with the Court. Not like George Bush / Al Gore and Florida in 2000. There will be other places with many other states being challenged.