*2020 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
CBS News just gave Joe Biden the Presidency with 98% of the Pennsylania vote in.

2020 Election.JPG


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
I go outside to enjoy nature and come back to great news. It was inevitable.

When we wake up on January 22, 2021 he will be OUR president.


Bronze Member
I'm glad Biden and Harris won the presidency. I'll be more happy to see 45 kicked out of the White House and into a prison cell for good.
Well, it appears that Joe Biden has won and will be our next President. Regarding the outgoing Mr. Trump, I didn't vote for him in either election and found his Presidency to be a national embarrassment. That being said, if ever there was a man who danced to his own tune, for good or ill, it would be Donald Trump. All the pundits and advisors and political experts told him one thing, he did the opposite and was able to ride that into the highest office in the land. I can't completely suppress a begrudging respect for the man and how he defied the odds and made it into the White House. It was a quite a thing.

I can't completely suppress a begrudging respect for the man and how he defied the odds and made it into the White House. It was a quite a thing.
Or the fact that this election was this close. It wasn't a blowout like so many predicted, and the fact that it took until the weekend for anyone to call a winner, not to mention over 47% of the country voting for him is no small task.

When people say "You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it"... I guess he's proof?

But then again, IMO it's not only about the candidate, but the devotion to political ideals, and lots of people will vote for the party regardless of who is in charge.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
He had 4 years to prove the pundits wrong. He only proved we overestimated his ability to adapt to the role.

He will lose the popular vote by a wide margin. The electoral college will not be that close. He won by the slimmest of votes a few years back and lost by a similar count this year.

I find it mildly amusing and interesting he lost because of suburban voters. He gained with black and latino voters and appears to gave lost some of the suburban ones who put him there.
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Can you imagine being in Georgia for the next two months? After dealing with a Presidential race and two Senate races, you were looking forward to them being over. But, wait. There are two more months of two Senate races.

Yeah, but there is now a chance to win the senate for Biden. I suspect that will attract some attention!