*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Can you believe I heard that Gettysburg Adress for the very first time?

I so dearly hope you guys one day - soon, I hope - get another republican or democratic candidate like him again.Not only your own country is in dire need.

It would've been even better if Lincoln was able to grow a mustache with that beard. (If he was able to, why didn't he? And how do we know that was really he who delivered that address and not some wax figure marionette? Right, Mr. P?)

Because facial hair is as important as anything.
I so dearly hope you guys one day - soon, I hope - get another republican or democratic candidate like him again.Not only your own country is in dire need.

and mind your own more-than-fucked-up country. And make sure your sister is covered up when she goes out.

Or you can vote Merkel again, that is, if she's even going to run.


we're talking about "Miss Piggy" and "Miss Housekeeping" when Hillary Clinton compromised our national security and the lives of those who are in service to us in the field.

America is fucking stupid.

That Trump insulted a former Miss Universe for her weight and allegedly <gasp> her ethnicity, is the salient point.

Putin and that Chinese dude and his comrades who lead China are laughing.


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Bronze Member
Why is our country in dire need? Barack has been our leader for the last 8 years.

Because the republicans announced from the gitgo they would "filibuster everything". What was Obama to do? Zero work done from across the aisle, the former GOP is a plain old MESS.

It is high time that both Senate and House go democrate and things get DONE. Good thing 88% of the seats are up for a vote in November, innit?
Because the republicans announced from the gitgo they would "filibuster everything". What was Obama to do? Zero work done from across the aisle, the former GOP is a plain old MESS.

It is high time that both Senate and House go democrate and things get DONE. Good thing 88% of the seats are up for a vote in November, innit?

Obama had a majority house and senate for his first two years in office. We got Obamacare. And I'm glad his name is attached to that pile of shit for posterity.

If "getting things DONE" is your point, then a President Trump with a Republican congress can do.
Because the republicans announced from the gitgo they would "filibuster everything". What was Obama to do? Zero work done from across the aisle, the former GOP is a plain old MESS.

It is high time that both Senate and House go democrate and things get DONE. Good thing 88% of the seats are up for a vote in November, innit?

and Harry Reid "blocked everything" as senate majority leader until he was was replaced in 2015 by that p.o.s. human turtle Mitch McConnell.


I rarely watch political debates, I don't need one liners or zingers to tell me who to vote for.

Same. Their positions are already well known for anyone who cares. Anyone who would change who they would vote for or whether they would based on these debates probably shouldn't vote.

Hillary Clinton goes after Trump on his treatment of women. I laugh and fire up Fallout 4.
Trump Advisors: We Tried to Prepare Him For Debate, But He Got Bored

Are you shitting me! What is he 5 years old? On one side we have a shady opportunist and on the other a narcissistic man child. We're done for. Get this election over with already
Not one "advisor" is named. Sources can certainly be unnamed but I doubt any Trump advisor would offer this.

I call bullshit.


Hiliary 2020
And Hiliarly clearly using hand signals to the moderator throughout the campaign.
One of many many videos on yootoob that are being scrubbed as fast as they can be put up.



Hiliary 2020
Back to the debate.

I watched it again. Amazing how many things you catch that you overlooked or didn't completely register from watching it the first time.

It was very biased against Trump no doubt. I expected that.
Holt interupted Trump over 40 times.
But when you have a debate run by a "news" network that has donated millions to one parties campaign what do you expect.

As a person who studies body language, facial gestures, and the like I noticed even the 1st time I watched it that it was apparent that HC already knew the questions that were to be asked and had memorized her answers.
No matter who you are you need a split second to process the questions asked and your response. HC doesn't need that.
Just watch her response to the very first question asked. Look at her face. She knew the question beforehand and gave a rehearsed answer , no doubt.
If she knew the questions beforehand, maybe even told PMSNBC what questions they could ask, then that is rigging by every definition of the word.
And how hard would that be to do?
You have a network that is very pro-clinton holding the debate. You'd be a fool not to expect bias at least.
But that all backfired because people aren't that stupid. They can see the bias and that only helped Trump.

So the debate-
Well Hiliary did pass everyones expectations by staying on her feet for 90 minutes. Not bad for a woman who supposedly has pneumonia.
But like the world saw she came off as artificial and insincere. A typical politician with many words and little substance.
This may fool the dumbest of the dumb but people see this and they don't trust her. She comes across as very unlikable.
Trump was Trump. Came across as real. As a man with a true concern for his country's future.
He was softer than expected because most people who don't like him have never really listened to him. They just parrot what the msm tells them. Trump bad, Trump Nazi, Trump take away my birth control, ect.
So he had to be gentle in a country with safe spaces and where anyone who challengers the mob rules mentality is deemed a hater.

The topics?
Hilliary email server- No
Lying to Congress- No
Deleting emails after ordered to hand over-No
Massive Pay to Play bribes as SoS- No
Clinton Foundation money laundering and fraud-No
Libya, Haiti, ISIS - No
DNC election fraud against Sanders- No
Hilairy's Health Issues- No
All the Clinton scandals and crimes over the past 30 years-No
ect ect.- No

But they did hit the big issues that confront the American people today like the Trump birther issue, Trump income tax forms, and Trump calling Rosie O'donnell Fat. Oh and Trump who was publically opposed to the Iraq War since before it was started saying on Howard Stern in 2002 that he was for War with Iraq, when he was a civilian. Like most of us at the time were.

They went after Trump on the birther issue.
He spent way too much time on the Answer.
He should have said. She started it, I finished it. Do you have a better question?

Then a large portion of the debate on Trumps tax return.
Again he should have been short and sweet.
I'll give you my tax return when you address The Billions the Clinton Foundation takes in and the millions she gets paid for speeches to big banks.
"Do you have a better question?"

Then they got on Trump for saying he was for Iraq War 15 years ago.
He should have said, " I was a civilian at the time, she was a US Senator who voted for and promoted the war so ask her not me".
"Do you have a better question?"
Hiliary was not asked to defend her stance on the Iraq war. Go figure.

And everytime Trump attempted to bring up an important issue Hiliary rubbed her face and the moderator interupted Trump and gave it back to her for one her rehearsed zingers.

She did have dirt on Trump.
Like how a man who Trump did business with 30 years ago claims Trump didn't pay him.
And how 30 years ago he didn't rent an apartment to some black people.

Gun control?
Well HC wants to erode the 2nd more. Trump is for stop and frisk.
Which is more effective in keeping illegal guns off the street?

Trump did bring up the emails. He was interupted, cut off, and it was handed to Hiliary.
" I know, It was a mistake, I won't do it again" said Hiliary
Holt said , "Well Alrighty Then!" then proceeded to drill Trump on his tax return some more.

Trump did manage to spend a lot of time on the economy.
He did bring up how HC has spent her life in politics and has acheived nothing.
She's had years to help fix things, insted they got worse. Why should anybody believe she would change now?
I think that point made a big impact.

Hiliary countered by called Trump Racist and Sexist.


And at the end the moderator implied Trump is Sexist for questioning Hiliary's stamina.
Trump answered and they didn't fool anybody. We all know she has problems she is keeping secret fron The People.

Then at the end something strange happened.
Only Trump was asked if he would support Hiliary if she won.
She was not asked the same question.
Trump said yes.......but that was a mistake.
He should of said "Absoloutely not. I disagree with basically everything this creature stands for. She is a danger to America as well as the world. She has been a walking disaster in everything she has been involved in. She will be the death of this Republic.
She is as dishonest and corrupt as they come and I will do everything to oppose her as is my right to see that she does the least amount of damage as possible to the countyry I love".........that would have been a closer.

Well Trump held back in this one. He let the moderator have too much control. He held back because Chelsea, who is just an accomplice to her parents crimes, was in the front row.
That shows class but the DNC would never have given his family any slack.
I think Hiliary used all her ammo in this one but Trump has so much more left in his arsenal that hopefully he uses without any apprehension in the next debates if they happen.
Trump's lawyers should take the Fifth just like the whole of Hillary's lying staff.

How is she not being prosecuted? The whole of our government is rotten from the top down.
This doomsday scenario about which Trump becomes president, according to the left, is comical beyond imagination.

Where has the country been going the last 20+ years? How far left has the country shifted? How far activist has the Supreme Court now become largely because of racially appointed affirmative action idiots and leftists? There is no doomsday for America if Trump is elected, but there certainly is if Hillary is elected.

It's funny how far gone one side can see the same issue as the other.
Trump's lawyers should take the Fifth just like the whole of Hillary's lying staff.

How is she not being prosecuted? The whole of our government is rotten from the top down.

Because the DOJ would have to seek indictment and this DOJ will never do that. Did you hear Pantsuit during the debate talking about how she would appoint a special prosector to investigate abuse if she becomes president? The gall of the Clintons knows no bounds. I am saddened that the FBI is nothing more than a political wing of the DOJ now. Before Obama, you could always count on them conducting themselves in the most professional manner and highest integrity.