Texas Congressman asks Comey some very important questions regarding Hil
liary'ss obstruction of justice guilt.
There is no doubt that she is guilty of this based on undeniable and circumstantial evidence.
Being guiilty of this or simply using an unsecured email server to send and receive classified, secret, or top secret emails bars a person from holding any public office for life plus up to 10 years in jail.
If any of us had done this we'd be in jail for a long long time.
But not her. She is above the law, just like a dictator. Is that what people want? A a fascist dictatorship where the GOV holds the interests of the big corporations first and the People are just commodities?
Guess what? That's what we already have.
So Comey has explained in plain english on live TV how Clinton is guilty but yet he still says when asked that she isn't.
That's because the head of the FBI of the USA James Comey is owned by the Clintons. As is the Attorny General Lynch.
A simple internet search and about 10 minutes of your life is all anyone needs to understand this.
The man is bought and paid for and he's scared.Scared of being exposed of corruption andscared of the consequences if he comes clean. You can see that very clearly by watching him.
So the Congressman from Texas, John Ratcliffe, really exposes the whole cover-up in a 5 minute line of questioning to Director Comey.
Even if you just watch the final 2 minutes you will see just how guilty she is. It's called High Treason.
But yet people , mostly ignorant people still consider her a good choice for PREZ.