Little Red Wagon Repairman
It's not only the mouth of Lindsey Graham that is agape.
I'm not a huge Hillary fan but I'd love to see her get elected just for the humor of seeing you conservatives on here absolutely lose your minds
That's certainly the rationale used by some for their support of the more unsavory of far right candidates. I'm open to supporting a Republican, especially if Hillary is nominated, but it's going to have be one charming moderate motherfucker of a republican.
Christ, what I wouldn't give to see her have an aneurism.
I'm not a huge Hillary fan but I'd love to see her get elected just for the humor of seeing you conservatives on here absolutely lose your minds
Very predictable coming from you. Let's hope there is no more Obamacare and you have to insure your ownself, then I will laugh to see how well you will be able to pay your own healthcare and your own social security. Chicago is a typical liberal voting town (one of the worst of the US), count how many people live on food coupons, welfare and how many really work and are not socially assisted. Also if you work and are not a student, you should have understood a while back that there is nothing worse than a nanny state which can be at the same time a police state.
Very predictable coming from you. Let's hope there is no more Obamacare and you have to insure your ownself, then I will laugh to see how well you will be able to pay your own healthcare and your own social security. Chicago is a typical liberal voting town (one of the worst of the US), count how many people live on food coupons, welfare and how many really work and are not socially assisted. Also if you work and are not a student, you should have understood a while back that there is nothing worse than a nanny state which can be at the same time a police state.
georges is the right wing version of Johan and none of the conservatives guys on this board ever tell him to mind his own fucked up country
georges you always seem to make these wide-sweeping generalizations of American cities you have never been to. You have used compton and other cities as examples of things and been tremendously wrong. you watch too much bullshit tv or movies or something. I was just in compton and south central 2 weeks ago. Are there bad areas? Fuck yes but some really nice areas also.
You bitch about the poor people on welfare and food stamps but what about the biggest receiver of welfare, corporations? with subsidies government guarantees and bailouts they get more than american citizens get. Or how about bitching about people who dont work and just inherit millions from their parents with zero life skills and NEVER contribute shit to society? The right bitches about people not working yet a lot of them hand their kids fortunes they never earned.
And please georges cite ONE big boy country in the world other than the US that does NOT have health care for their citizens? Just one.
I'm not a huge Hillary fan but I'd love to see her get elected just for the humor of seeing you conservatives on here absolutely lose your minds