1:18:08 (Trailer)

i dont have a link... maybe someone can hit one up. but this trailer was shown during the transformers movie. as soon as i saw the first seconds and a meteor? hit the earth i yelled GODZILLA!!! jokingly, but having searched the net a bit, i have also found others who have the same feeling that yet another Godzilla remake is headed our way.
note: JJ Abrams, producer of Lost/Alias is also producing this movie.
No title is given in the trailer, just a meteor, some destruction and a date 1:18:08

your thoughts?
I work at a movie theater and everyone has been freaking out trying to figure out what it is. The spool the trailer came on didn't even have a name on it. They're trying to keep this very secret


what the fuck you lookin at?
maybe it's an end of the world type flick! I eat that shit up!


what the fuck you lookin at?
no! He likes monster movies, I like end of world movies, not the same thing sorry no date!
I hope it aint no godzilla flick.

Normally monster flicks come out in the spring/summer. This flick is also being made by the people behind LOST. It might tie into the LOST show. The monster might be the black cloud from the island. It would be interesting if this movie tied into the show.

Also with LOST producers behind it, it might not be what people think.

I hope it aint no godzilla flick.

Normally monster flicks come out in the spring/summer. This flick is also being made by the people behind LOST. It might tie into the LOST show. The monster might be the black cloud from the island. It would be interesting if this movie tied into the show.

Also with LOST producers behind it, it might not be what people think.


I'd be disappointed if it ended up being the black cloud hitting New York City. How unoriginal
It was a great trailer but I hope its not another shot at Godzilla. I'm hoping for something fresh.

i went digging around some forums... creepy stuff, weird people, and basically the concenssus is that it is about this scary monster as linked above.
the entire movie is apparently shot from a 1st person perspective but from 1-3 possible cameras (i.e 1-3 different peoples perspective)

i must say, i am envious of JJ Abrams he really knows how to market a show/movie correctly to draw the right type of reaction and appeal.
i dont have a link... maybe someone can hit one up. but this trailer was shown during the transformers movie. as soon as i saw the first seconds and a meteor? hit the earth i yelled GODZILLA!!! jokingly, but having searched the net a bit, i have also found others who have the same feeling that yet another Godzilla remake is headed our way.
note: JJ Abrams, producer of Lost/Alias is also producing this movie.
No title is given in the trailer, just a meteor, some destruction and a date 1:18:08

your thoughts?

That wasn't a meteor. It was the Statue of Liberty's head. Watch it again.

The producers/director have said that it is not Godzilla.
I also hope it isn't another Godzilla, in fact I want it to be something totally original (or as original as movies get nowadays) I don't want it to be another remake or movie adaptation im so sick of them.