1:18:08 (Trailer)


Closed Account
At first I thought this was gonna be a terrible film, but that trailer looks good.

I just hope they don't actually show the "monster" in the film, that would ruin the mystery of it.
Blown up version of the poster...

Take note of the claw marks on the back of the Statue of Liberty and also on the building in the distance.
There is another mark (head?) on the building behind, but higher up.
I'm just stupid but I did notice that the Statue was facing backwards towards New York harbor.

I do realize that this is a "film".
I'm not trying to point/paint out a "big deal" out of this.... :)

wow this looks great, i have not forgotten about this film for months, and am still anticipating its release

Cool.... I hadn't seen those. The last couple pictures show a girl all weird looking like she's either turning into a zombie or is infected with something since there are guys in biological suits.

I'm surprised there hasn't been a second trailer for this. Aside from word of mouth for this movie I hadn't heard anything about it until a couple months ago, and it's coming out a few weeks after Christmas... I wonder when the ads will really start rolling hard.
Anyone else notice in the first photo, that behind the door looks something like an eye next to the door handle :dunno: or is it just me being stupid and it is the other side of the door handle!!!

Just a door handle.
Mind you, they seem to be struggling to keep the door shut, but it's too dark to see whats on the other side.
guys, i just want to point out that spoilers/ending is available online if you search for it hard enough.
unfortunately i found it and could not stop reading, it appears to be legit and it makes me upset i read it, but now i know this movie is going to be OUTSTANDING!
guys, speaking from me and only me, do not attempt to find these spoilers, i am upset i did, but i can assure you this movie WILL live up to all the hype, but please dont try and find this stuff, as it will only lessen what will be an outstanding movie
I was brought up and let down all in one day about this movie.
I thought that these pictures were of the monster from the movie.

Pic 1
Pic 2

Turns out it was just a submission by an artist name Doug Williams for a contest. I even emailed the guy to let him know how much I loved his design.

I still can't wait for this movie but I don't think that monster could be topped. I'm now expecting a man-in-suit Godzilla thing that will be cool, but not nearly as cool as it could have been.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I want this movie to be really good, but I have a feeling that it's just going to suck really bad.
I'm beginning to think that this is just "Blair Witch 2.0"...and that the monster will never actually be shown. The writers will just let the human imagination take over and paint the picture of the monster...

...which will certainly p*ss me off.
I'm beginning to think that this is just "Blair Witch 2.0"...and that the monster will never actually be shown. The writers will just let the human imagination take over and paint the picture of the monster...

...which will certainly p*ss me off.
Look at the pics in post #52!
anyone interested in some basic plot info, any burning questions about the monster/plot/ending PM me, i will tell you what you want to know, i have to share it with someone... its too good to hold inside.

btw, i got the info from a person on a credible website who got in on a screeening 2 months ago, his write up was a few pages long, and close followers of the movioe believe him to be telling the truth. all holes are filled etc. believe what you will, i do