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    Death Row Sniper Has Final Appeal Refused

    I would like to add-- To those of you who think jail time is enough: I understand where your coming from...really. It sounds like good justice to let them sit in jail the rest of their life by them self. But the sad fact is that murderers in the US serve an average of something like 8-11...
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    Death Row Sniper Has Final Appeal Refused

    Man, the US is turning into a bunch of pussies. You guys call yourselves men? Men have battled for centuries over ideas, land, riches...and now people have a hard time seeing one man killed for the atrocious things he did. And you guys complaining aren't WOMEN (which is still sick), but MEN...
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    Usercash is history?!

    I can't believe this hasn't been extensively posted on. Since sometime in May I noticed that anytime I clicked on a thumbnail hosted by Usercash, it redirected me to some Seekmo bullshit. (Spyware) Doesn't ANYONE else experience this? I mean there are ALOT of usercash hosted porn images out...
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    Annoying problem - Clickin on thumbnails only to be redirected to other porn sites

    Re: Annoying problem - Clickin on thumbnails only to be redirected to other porn site I already have flashgot, but I'm not that capable with it, and I wasn't able to achieve anything yet.. Thanks for the replies guys..
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    Annoying problem - Clickin on thumbnails only to be redirected to other porn sites

    I'm sure that I am not the only one that this bugs... For example, check out this gallery If you notice, the link to all the pictures is
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    Ivy Black / Samantha Darabie

    Re: Ivy Black We need to find more of her!
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    Angel Button

    That one's new to me- thanks!
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    How to search for/find VERY high res. nude pics...?

    Well, the problem is most sites probably dont have the high quality pics I'm talking about.(Even in the members section) And typing different lines in google doesn't really help. Anything related to girls and pics usually brings a shitload of stupid porn sites I've never heard of before and...
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    How to search for/find VERY high res. nude pics...?

    Is there any kind of google code to finding HUGE images when you seach for something? Here is an example of the size I want ;) Thanks
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    Playboy Galleries

    SOMEBODY please figure out her name!!!! Breathtaking...
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    Iraq Uncensored

    This is fucking pathetic. You all (with the exception of a VERY few in this thread) are fucking morons. You critisize Bush for being stupid, yet let's think of something... -You watch the heavily liberal biased news, and MAYBE some of you do some online reading. That is the extent of your...
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    Trimming the pubic's

    Side-question. I am a seinfeld fanatic (I actually have all 180 episodes on DVD), yet I am not sure what part you guys are talking about with kramer...:o :mad: I know one part where jerry wants to shave his chest, and kramer tells him not to because it will grow back thicker and darker, but I...
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    2004 General Election : Show you care, and vote!

    I just ordered that, and expect it to arrive today. I'm really anxious to see it, looks to be pretty good :)
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    2004 General Election : Show you care, and vote!

    About the church thing. How can you guys bring up religion, at least this type of religion, when you obviously know nothing about it. How often you go to church DOES NOT effect how religious you are. Period. About the kerry/bush debate that just happened. Here is a VERY interesting...
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    What Bush has planned for after the election...

    Commends guys on keeping a very civil debate. Here's my .02 for what its worth. Here is a pretty interesting site, that has polled many iraqis, to find out the scoop over there. Of course these numbers are set in stone, but what is? I think these should be a good estimate. We are...
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    What Bush has planned for after the election...

    Agreed, great post Sanchez
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    Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

    Here is some links for CNN:
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    Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

    I'll agree that the media may be lazy and report on the same thing based on what they are told to do, but I can't believe you dont see the Bias. Lets walk through this: (again) I would venture to say TV is easily the most influential form of media and news in general, at this point in time...
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    Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

    Now, from what we (the public) knows, I dont think there are any FACTS to say there was a connection, or wasn't. Unfortunately, there are only a few people in the world that know for sure. And lets not forget your beloved Clinton, is the one who first started claiming the connection between...
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    Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

    You are a staunch democrat. 'Another' thing that proves my point on democrats vs. republicans. You dont like the war in Iraq? FINE. I serverely disagree with you, but FINE, it is your opinion. BUT to say that he hasn't made ANY good decisions just shows your intelligence Brino. I don't...
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    Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

    Brino: You are severely misinformed if you dont see any positives from the war in iraq. Yes we have lost soldiers. Unfortunately that happens in a war. But (as far as I know) we STILL have lost less than half the amount that were killed in 911. I am sure they ARE looking for osama. But...
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    Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

    :) You're right, I haven't seen it. Looks like a damn monkey though:)
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    Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

    Brino, don't talk to me. I *try* not to act like a high and mighty ass, and so far no one has told me I act like one. You probably would say I do, just out of spite. Your avatar is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I am not flaunting some stupid kerry/herman munster picture...
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    Alexa (Alexa Model / FTV)

    Very nice! Thanks alot
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    Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

    How is he typing like a kid but you aren't? I agree with him. I am voting bush, therefor I DO NOT think kerry is a good choice. Yet I am not going to make stupid claims like some people do. It's ridiculous to get as worked up over this stuff as some of you do. And how is he a pansy...
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    Michael Moore

    From one page back.... HAHAH, right..... wanna give some examples? AGAIN, can you read brino? I know about the seperation of church and state. I am saying, that they will ALWAYS be intermingled. THEY ARE NOW, AND WILL CONTINUE TO BE. Example, you ask? Sure. You and I both vote...
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    Starman for President

    Starman: You have WAY too much time on your hands:D
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    Michael Moore

    Come on....Focus on what HAPPENED, not what he promised. Promising like that is like a guideline. SHIT happens. example: Your out of town. You call your girlfriend "Honey, I'll be home in two hours" The meeting you were in lasted longer than you expected, bad traffic, maybe some...
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    Michael Moore

    I guess some of the porn-fanatics on this board arent as smart as I thought they were:) Let me explain this, ONCE more......listen carefully. ^This part was referring to those who thought the economy was 'so bad' for small business' Now, ^THIS^ part is explaining how these, VERY popular...
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    Michael Moore

    Foxfilm: You talked alot about all the economic problems that bush hasn't addressed, or are his fault, or whatever. Im not going to comment much on those, because I am not educated very much on that subject. i certainly dont agree with everything you said, as I dont have hard facts for any...
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    Michael Moore

    Brino, your an ass. Does anybody here actually like you? And not to change the subject, but your avatars suck. As much as I like bush, your current avatar doesnt even bother me as badly as the one you had before, I still dont know if it was a man or a woman. ANNOYING is what it was.:) It's...
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    Michael Moore

    Yes, that is true. lol BUT, my dad's small business, is not pizza hut, as starman thought. I stated that my dad WORKED at places like pizza hut. Meaning if anything quits working, AC, coolers, ovens, whatever, they call my dad to have it fixed. Foxfilm: You have by far made the best post...
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    Michael Moore

    sorry, double post thing
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    Michael Moore

    Well, the point is no matter WHO is president, there is going to be alot of stuff the public doesn't know. I have realised that, and gotten over it. I am now moved on with my life..... THAT, is why I trust their decisions when war is concerned. Bush got yelled at for going to war. If kerry...
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    Michael Moore

    Brino: In case you havent noticed, there is VERY little conservative media. Fox on TV, and 2 shows on AM radio. whoop de fucking doo. I'm not an expert, but I can easily see how something that clinton did, could take a couple years to 'take effect'. You think these changes happen...
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    Hurricane Frances, latest satellite updates (PIX)

    Ah, thanks for clearing that up.:)
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    Hurricane Frances, latest satellite updates (PIX)

    Dumb question...those first couple pics arent real, are they? They look like glammed up weather channel pics. I dunno, something just doesn't looks 'real'. Maybe its just me. Still look cool. The last one of cuba definitely looks real though.
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    Michael Moore

    True as well, but rather than bitching at and placing blame on ONE person( the president), I'm going to trust the decisions my country makes. They are obviously more informed than I am, and know a better path to take then I do, so I'm going to let them to their job. Im not going to say I...
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    Michael Moore

    There is no way in hell I'm reading all this thread, so I'm just gonna quote a few.... Why does kerry only criticize Bush, and only talk about his purple hearts? :) Come on, if anyone's beaten a dead horse its Kerry. At least bush is continually talking about something THAT HAS SOME...
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    VERY hot, and familiar face.....but who is it??

    well, there was one more pic in that bio that you posted:) She doesn't seem very popular, so I wonder why I thought her face was familiar....:confused: thanks!
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    VERY hot, and familiar face.....but who is it??

    Great face, too..... obviously it says carmen, but I couldn't find anybody by the name of carmen that looked like that in the freeones list.:confused: Thanks!
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    Terri Summers July News Letter!!

    WHY?! I was serious when I said it looked great the way it is! DONT GO ANY THINNER!!!! :) lol
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    Terri Summers July News Letter!!

    Am I the only one who thinks terri has a PERFECT belly? Her whole body is damn fine, but I cannot stop looking at her stomach! Terri: I'm not saying your fat AT ALL, (cause your not) but you just have this cute little gut, and it is sooooo perfect. mmmmm like this pic...
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    Amy Russo

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    whoa, who are these 2 babes? ( from adult expo) here is the whole set if anyone wants to look through it. There are a few more pics of the two girls I posted in this...
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    Who is this blonde with april flowers? (from a freeones link)

    I dont know who she is, but she looks really familiar, like shes a well known pornstar. Either way Im unsure. Here is the link Thanks!